as expected from a paperrex fan
Flag: | Canada |
Registered: | July 23, 2021 |
Last post: | December 10, 2024 at 1:30 PM |
Posts: | 1559 |
as expected from a paperrex fan
PRX wins it all
nt. at least not 13-2. if it was players are getting dropped for sure
you actually fucking got it
my greatest ratio...
wait i dont get it. is it based off match points or rounds
oh okay, no wonder idk. never heard of this before
True. people said this with zekken too and now look at where he is
tbh that was a long time ago, I just thought leaf was underrated bcs mfs here said he was
back when he was in chaos I assumed no one knew who he was
you could tell. within na there's so many duelists. even pre-vanity poiz was more known than leaf.
I love Cryo but leaf is just insane. criminally underrated
edit: damn just a few days ago people were saying leaf was underrated huh...
100T and XSET are the best NA teams, but unfortunately C9 and V1 make it to masters
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Pyramid of fuck me
Good luck to them! I actually wish we don't see another 13-0 again from them
i suggest playing viper and learning her wall
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this one was pretty hard ngl
its too hard to watch, i left after the first game
tbh i dont see a random t3 team beating cloud9, so ur logic is false
maybe in t2-t1.5 you're right
c9, envy, sen, 100t
xset and v1 have the most potential
edit: 2 weeks ago I had a different opinion