Flag: International
Registered: September 16, 2022
Last post: July 24, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Posts: 2205
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they died when babysasuke got in their heads

posted about a year ago

flag + flair 🥱

posted about a year ago

come to Brazil :)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Intel diff

posted about a year ago

this man came to Brazil :)

posted about a year ago

I love injecting mystery liquid from China in my ass!

posted about a year ago

and balls too?

posted about a year ago

Riot gives many spots to EMEA when the region has only 1 truly competitive team, so I'd say they do

posted about a year ago

free matchups for other regions tbh (unless they get fnatic)

posted about a year ago

babysasuke clears

posted about a year ago

easy matchups for other regions

posted about a year ago

"arf arf arf"

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Change flag please

posted about a year ago

get him mods!

posted about a year ago

You're dense af, EU = european

uhhmmmmm... actually according to you 🤓

posted about a year ago

European with that flag? Not according to the EU

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you showing up and getting owned

posted about a year ago

our king o7

posted about a year ago

he's really special

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bro is stuck in the 1800s when the British "immigrated" to whatever land they could find

posted about a year ago

Hear me out, this is not normally...

I think that Riot and the Airlines companies are colluding to sell more tickets. By giving EMEA extra slots, the airlines get to sell more tickets to the EMEA teams/staff to fly them all the way across the world just to get stomped by NA (or China lmao), and have to buy more expensive early tickets home. If Riot gave more slots to NA, the teams would all make it to the second half of the event and be able to book an entire plane back to LA at a good rate.

This just isn't right, Riot should apologize for this despicable behavior!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

least obnoxious shitmea baiter

posted about a year ago

Advice from Liquid? Maybe they could tell them how to get eliminated by NA teams

posted about a year ago

under her breathe

posted about a year ago

Easily Upset

posted about a year ago

if I wanted to hear this guy blather on I'd make a Twitter account and follow him. Please stop posting links here

posted about a year ago

100% real

posted about a year ago

back to harassing minors on twitter i guess

posted about a year ago

skill diffed immediately after

posted about a year ago

look at the scoreboard lil bro...

posted about a year ago

using Potter's recipe

posted about a year ago

bundle deez nuts

posted about a year ago

It is the same price as tickets to a mid-level sports team in a large city.

posted about a year ago

Toilet Bowl

posted about a year ago

those prices are the same as the MLS team in my city

posted about a year ago

Was on a call with saadhak rn, he burst into tears. It was the first time I've heard him crying in our 12 year long friendship. He told me that just before the walkouts, potter and a Riot admin went over to aspas' PC and changed a few settings, aspas checked his PC and found nothing. After the game aspas was emotionally hurt so just before getting up he opened to see the reactions here, but, what he saw was disgusting. The site took 15 seconds to load. Aspas quickly called saadhak and saadhak yelled, "Run the fucking speed test!". Aspas hurridly opened ookla speedtest and found out he played on 10% packet loss and 60ms ping. Then immediately an admin came and wiped their PC's data and smirked and whispered to Saadhak, "Leaf clears." and left. I'm completely heartbroken.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they have all left

posted about a year ago

heretics couldn't even beat DSG lil bro

posted about a year ago

RealDeal loves admiring men with good physiques

posted about a year ago

Lets get back to what this site is about... hyping up our NA boys to stomp shitmea

gluck gluck gluck

posted about a year ago

like fortnite but with better edating

posted about a year ago
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