Flag: Russia
Registered: November 25, 2021
Last post: June 29, 2024 at 7:15 PM
Posts: 6266
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Why would china want him?

posted about a year ago

wow great job!

posted about a year ago

you are lightningfart

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

what hapnd

posted about a year ago

shiba's been bot fragging all his recent matches

posted about a year ago

Yes Texture out Wronski in!

posted about a year ago

its back and forth crazy, but texture really popping

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Too late, something gone mad

posted about a year ago

GOOD JINX, something went beserk

posted about a year ago

He is playing is agent which is W, play jett or KJ, not sova

posted about a year ago

T3xture is popping on KJ

All former chambers should switch to KJ, KJ is best

posted about a year ago

Indeed gigaybrain

posted about a year ago

fun for APAC level

posted about a year ago

oh you are new! wait till tomorrow till I change my team flair again

posted about a year ago

I will beat Conor Mcgaygor

posted about a year ago

who is botfragging?

posted about a year ago

ayrin cannot 1v1
monyet trying to aim at 5 people at 1 time
Have to outsmart PRX

The sudden peeks are working for now

posted about a year ago

10 nationalities if they played, crazy

posted about a year ago

don't laugh mdfkrr

posted about a year ago

believe in him to get many 2k, 3k and some 4k and aces

I am sure the rest can do the 4v2 clutches

posted about a year ago

It’s Leviosa, Not Leviosaaa!

PS: What activists are we talking about?

posted about a year ago

they are looking very bad in this map

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah ok! I remember that

posted about a year ago

This match went from Top Tier back to Trash Tier

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

is DSG like a rehab center or retirement home? lol

posted about a year ago

I am holding my hair

posted about a year ago

no problem, i learned portuguese in school

posted about a year ago

looks like mutiny is still xenophobic just like fury and sentries and ignited and alive tagged in 2021 this is a joke

posted about a year ago

thats fkd up

posted about a year ago

I am happy listening to Leticia Motta talk all day

posted about a year ago

It's been so long, they can just start a new match/map now...i am sure both teams will agree

posted about a year ago

so this loud vs sen won't be replayed?

posted about a year ago

was that against xset? which match i forgot

posted about a year ago

LOL name are u serious

posted about a year ago

broken but very addictive :(

posted about a year ago

all cool all cool! its chat, chat is difficult, i had 2 breakups due to too much chatting on text and misunderstanding! its ok

posted about a year ago

This is how your national sportpeople influence you :'(

posted about a year ago

TUYZ acting, he wasn't AFK

posted about a year ago

can't have a great and memorable series without some drama right!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ACting to be disconnected
HE TOOK "He is AFK to another level"

posted about a year ago

They definitely have some the best and some of the best talents

posted about a year ago

I <3 Sussy

posted about a year ago

Everyone stepping up this is dope

posted about a year ago
1 •• 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 •• 121