Flag: Brazil
Registered: October 18, 2021
Last post: April 13, 2024 at 9:38 PM
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posted about a year ago

Mwzera (Flex)
mwzera (Smoke)
VK Mwzera (Initiator)
GL Mwzera (Duelist)
muzera (Sentinel)

posted about a year ago

For me there is no pressure, as far as I know the BR tops always train against KRU and know their game. In the end it depends 100% on whether the players' day is good or bad, like in the game against LOUD.

posted about a year ago

In the last Champions there were 2 spots for Brazil.
And we still took the last spot for the LCQ that gave us 3 slots. Vivo Keyd, FURIA and Vikings.
Riot took one of our slots and put it to LCQ, for LATAM to have more chances of taking more than 1 team to the Champions. Because until the moment of this exchange, only KRU had international relevance.

Riot's intention was never to give supremacy to a particular region, no matter how many victories it has. The intention is to have the best teams from each region, not just the highest quality teams from anywhere.

EMEA already has 3 spots, it doesn't make sense for the league's purpose to have one more.

BR and LATAM, even though they haven't won any internationals, played good games and have already won some of the best teams in EMEA and NA. So they deserve 2 spots each, a last chance before the franchises because of this history seems fair to me.

posted about a year ago

Hacked by trembolonaRage

posted about a year ago

acho q tu botou o link da thread reizao

posted about a year ago

I will try to explain as impartially as possible.

Rivalry between Brazil and other South American countries has existed for a long time due to football, cultural differences, etc.
It's a combination that would certainly go wrong most of the time, Brazilians who have the above temperament sometimes and we tend to defend our country a lot when foreigners talk about it, and the MANITOS who have a good history of acid provocation, often racist, just researching recent cases of Argentine fans imitating monkeys for the stands of Brazilian soccer teams, this year alone there were many. (I'm not saying that BR doesn't have it, I'm just contextualizing it).

Then we get to the games, the BR community has always been very engaged in Couter Strike, and there, we often share servers with Argentines and etc, unlike Valorant. And on these CS servers, MANY TIMES the Argentines were on one side cursing us as a monkey and on the other we were cursing them back as BOLUDOS.

Then we arrive at Valorant, Keznit makes references in some situations imitating monkey playing with Brazilians, some say it's out of context, then again associates DGZIN with CJ, obviously, for all this history, many Brazilians would find this behavior strange, how it happened. And since racism is a much discussed issue here in Brazil, anyone who really thinks keznit is racist wants his head, and they won't give up until he's screwed.

This site shouldn't be a parameter to discuss this kind of thing because there are a lot of baiter and children who want to show up, or just weirdos who live 24 hours a day in internet forums and just want to talk bad about BR at the first opportunity they have. So any attempt at dialogue that exists will be ruined by this type of person.

I hope that was clear, my point of view, obviously.

posted about a year ago

digo e repido, e agora paro por aqui

se a KRU ganhar de todo mundo de novo ainda bem, melhor do que chegar 3 times BR no champions e passarmos vergonha
se ganharmos da KRU pelo menos significa que estamos um pouco mais preparados, sem ser a LOUD


posted about a year ago

Porra irmão chato pra caralho hein
vai cagar regra de torcida na casa do caralho kkkk os caras mereceram a vitória, se tu quiser ficar se cagando de medo da KRU fica na tua ai não sendo fiscal de torcida alheia

posted about a year ago

se a gente não pode ganhar 1 jogo da KRU a culpa não do brasileiro burro não seu esquisito

posted about a year ago

fodase mano kk
quanto mais o NA se fuder melhor eu estou

posted about a year ago

leviathan conquered my heart
congratulations for spot on valorant champions manitos

posted about a year ago

esse foi o melhor round que eu vi na minha vida kkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

Depends on what you're talking about

posted about a year ago

Leviatan will qualify for the Champions, and will KRU come to Brazil to play the LCQ?

What good news :)

posted about a year ago

O segundo super time vai vir inevitavelmente, não para o Champions, mas sim pras franquias.

Tirando a LOUD, duvido que os times vão manter os rosters depois que se mudarem pros EUA, os outros 2 vão fazer grandes reformulações.

posted about a year ago

If yay play well = 2x1 Optic

If yay play badly = 2x0 LOUD

posted about a year ago

-bzka +coach mwzera

posted about a year ago


I lost my house betting on NiP, and now against LOUD
This month the loan shark will charge me

Good game by Manitos, KRU really is our kryptonite kkkkk, wp

posted about a year ago

KRU realmente é a nossa carrasca kkkkkk, vamo pra cima que ainda da

posted about a year ago

Muita pika muita bala?

posted about a year ago

9, but in 11 months I'll be 10

posted about a year ago

cara, uma fonte confiável me disse que o RHZ pediu pra sair, mas o cara pode estar me sacaneando

posted about a year ago

die for me DUDE

posted about a year ago

I come from the future to say that there won't be :D

posted about a year ago

Who do you think will be the team that is most hyped and will go out fast in this Masters?
Me: FPX if you really have this subs story

posted about a year ago

por algum acaso o senhor já teve relações com a monarkia?

posted about a year ago

South NA got me distracted, I confess

posted about a year ago

While LATAM is forcing a rivalry with LOUD without ever having played with them, I'm mad at Riot, putting the top 1 and 2 in the same group and even more KRU and LOUD that are from the same region.

Meanwhile in the other group has DRX, FPX (with two subs) and the all powerful xerxia and northwtf

posted about a year ago

esquece irmão, a era do medo voltou

loud é a nossa única esperança

posted about a year ago

Eu juro que não sei pq, mas to com um sentimento muito ruim pra esse Masters agora cara...
A LOUD com certeza é um dos melhores times do mundo, mas agora não é mais subestimado, e agora sim vão ter os melhores times do mundo COMPLETOS, e agora começando da fase de grupos, ta uma parada pesada, sei lá, espero estar errado

posted about a year ago

Thinking that Onur has all this antivax stuff, and that Riot is all safe in relation to face-to-face championships, will Onur be able to get on stage without the doses, or did he take it and I don't know? I'm confused about this

posted about a year ago

See if you don't agree with me.

KRU has a massive collection of LOUD VODs beating NiP to study, which is what they did. In addition to that they train all the time with LOUD, so they can better understand the moves and copy them.
Against the new Vivo Keyd, LOUD didn't face it once, so it wouldn't have all this reading.
I always thought that VK would be the best team to get the second spot BR, but they ended up taking that humiliating turn, whatever.

posted about a year ago

NiP clearly in shock, it seems they use a philosophy that NO MATTER how many times they miss something, they will keep insisting on the mistake, like Jonn and BEZN1 advancing and dying since the game against LOUD.

And stop crying saying that the guys are '''cheating'' in their gaming house, just accept defeat. Obviously playing from home more comfortably gives a certain advantage, but at the level of all this beating there is no such thing.
KRU reading is just CLEARLY the same as LOUD against NiP, kru literally just copied and pasted some things, and as NiP keeps making the same mistakes, this whole beating is being.

posted about a year ago

aqui já foi

posted about a year ago

O fato da Riot receber denúncias desde janeiro e não dar nenhuma declaração mostra bastante o nível deles.

posted about a year ago

Dragon City Facebook Version

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

If things worked as they say on this site, these would be the best in the world at the moment:

1- Tenz. He played well over 1 year ago when there was only crap in the game, but his fans swear by everything he's still at the top.

2- Cned. Same thing as Tenz, destroyed everyone last year, but it was nerfing ONLY ONE in-game skill (dash), which never appeared in an international event again.

3- Mwzera. Most of the times his name appears on this site it's from the meme that a single person created, Trembo.
Apart from that, the last official championship he won was First Strike in 2020, but there are still people who put him above Aspas and etc.

posted about a year ago

If we are analyzed well, the South America LCQ of the Champions will be the REAL last chance for these "long-term plans" of Brazilian teams, such as Furia and Vivo Keyd.
I believe that BR will have 3 spots for the franchises, so as Loud and Nip already have a guaranteed vague, this LCQ will be kind of a form of Riot define their choices well, so they said that only the teams will be revealed of the Champions, will wait for the latest attempts of teams like that.

posted about a year ago

It's very funny these comments are exactly the same as in the last LCQ, as if LATAM has a chance. Please go ahead, bet on KRU. At least that way I can recover part of my money I lost with Keyd...

posted about a year ago

South America Last Chance, with two spots on the Champions page. There's just nothing on the page yet because the format hasn't come out 100%
But it will probably be the same as last year, changing that instead of just the champion qualifying, the two finalists will go.

posted about a year ago

O que você achou da posição 59 Noyn?

posted about a year ago

We're all idiots from the moment we're discussing VALORANT

posted about a year ago
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