Flag: Brazil
Registered: October 18, 2021
Last post: December 15, 2024 at 6:06 PM
Posts: 734
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Yes yes , they only won because they cheted
Let's pretend that the guys didn't restart the map 7 - 0 and even so keyd drew 9-9, the guys do everything to distort

posted about 2 years ago

Nah, it's just these weirdos on this site. Mibr is one of the biggest organizations in BR, it won the first CS world championship for us in 2006. There's no point in hating it.

posted about 2 years ago

dude's life is a roller coaster dude lol

Slap chris rock in the face live and make that scandal

soon after he wins his first oscar and gets emotional

fuck bro hahahahaha

posted about 2 years ago

good bait

spoke truths


posted about 2 years ago

I speak like this with an eventual chaos that can start. Now that the big orgs in Brazil have started to come in, and that there are really extremely toxic people, nothing compared to anything you've seen so far coming from BR, you can start doing shit on this site, I don't agree with that, but I think it's inevitable as it is. I know BR, if we ever win anything international like CS, and there's this atmosphere of humiliation in Brazil, these people will NEVER leave you alone, and then it will start to get REALLY boring. I only think that to avoid that the purpose of the website is lost... Brazil is a very large region in size, when it leaves the Valorant bubble just like the case of Zombs, the thing is really sad, because that's where the threats and etc., which are not many and most of them are children talking shit, but they really do exist.

posted about 2 years ago

A sincere question, without wanting to cause any kind of confusion... Why always when any BR user praises any of our teams that are doing well, half the site comes out of the sewer to try to humiliate or try to devalue anything?
Like, saying that we're not the best region and that our teams are still weak, that's okay, even making bronzil memes and etc, that's okay.
But most of the time it's just humiliation, it's not even just with BR, it's the same for any smaller region...
Is it not possible to make jokes, critics and etc without having to appeal to this kind of weirdness? I'm not even referring to baiters or fake flaggers, there are people with time on the site who insist on this.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

LOUD 3 x 1 NiP

Maybe 1 or 2 maps are difficult

posted about 2 years ago

oh, didn't know, mb

posted about 2 years ago

Aspas is not good with Raze? Guys don't even try anymore not to be weird on this site

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, xset fans really have more important things to worry about, huh? KEKW

posted about 2 years ago

Man, you couldn't sound more sarcastic spamming emotes while declaring your ''love'' for Brazil
You won't see any Brazilian cursing you if you make normal compliments

posted about 2 years ago

A year ago in the first Iceland he liked some ''trash talks'' and to this day they hate him for that

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago



posted about 2 years ago

Sometimes he plays like hell and is one of the best entry in Brazil

And sometimes the scope shakes so much that it even makes me sad

posted about 2 years ago

There was a game that Wyatt from PlatChat saw the end of a LOUD game still on the group stage, I don't know how he did it or if he just opened and fuck kekw, if one of these influential people asks Riot to accept...

posted about 2 years ago

Dude, RIOT BR sometimes doesn't even let Brazilians have a Watch Party... This has been discussed for a while and nothing is done

posted about 2 years ago

This ult of the brim in the res was 1000qi

posted about 2 years ago

LOUD arrived trying to bring this and detonated EVERYONE...

posted about 2 years ago

IT IS FACT that Mwzera is one of the best players in Brazil
But the mere fact that TREMBOLONARAGE supports him makes it very funny to make fun of his ''opinions''

posted about 2 years ago



posted about 2 years ago

cagou ali bastante, mas segurou bonito o spray kkkkk

posted about 2 years ago

Não é possivel que ele não COGITOU que atirando naquela parede iam abrir nele

posted about 2 years ago

tarik do céu?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

In CS this is pure mechanics, when the player reaches the maximum height of the jump, the shot goes straighter.

posted about 2 years ago

killed jumping, tactical fps

posted about 2 years ago

Concordo pra caralho mano.

Particularmente, eu acho que se a VK chegar no mesmo nível tático da LOUD, não tem nem conversa, e nem tem essa de flair check, é pura sinceridade kkkk
Não vejo nenhum jogador da VK que talvez não se de bem com uma reformulação tática, acho que todos eles conseguiriam se adaptar muito bem pra qualquer situação, assim como o mw reformulou tudo e tá melhorando muito.
Os caras tem a faca e o queijo na mão pra rapelar tudo.

posted about 2 years ago

Papo sério sobre o cara, muita gente dando muita opinião sobre o ''nível'' dele e afins, mas queria realmente saber de vocês uma opinião sincera...
Desde a época dos ''desempregados'' a equipe da VK já era conhecida como o time dos kickados e etc, mas convenhamos que o único kickado por desempenho era o Jhow, daquela antiga Gamelanders. Quando ele veio com essa VK, na minha HUMILDE opinião, o nível dele subiu PRA CARALHO, não só de resultados, porque o time ajuda também, mas em geral mesmo.
O time da VK já falou diversas vezes da ''união'' deles, de amizade e etc, que o clima lá sempre é bom, e o Jhow sempre pareceu ser um desses pilares pra manter essa vibe, resenha de mais, motivação e tals.
Vocês acham que tirando o Jhow dessa VK, e botando outro Sentinela de maior nível no lugar, não traria um ônus também, em toda essa questão de confiança?
Porque realmente, ele dificilmente se destaca em algumas partidas, como o Less por exemplo, que nesse pouco tempo de LOUD já se provou demais, mas particularmente parece ser um dos pilares do time...

posted about 2 years ago

Não fez 5k carpado de costas cego : bem sumido

sai daqui esquisito kkkkkkkkk

posted about 2 years ago

The moment I thought about the possibility of LOUD joining Valorant I knew that this ''does the L'' thing was going to be a lot of fun out here KEKW

posted about 2 years ago

VLR will not fix here? It's not BO3 it's BO5, it's been like this for days

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

PROIBIDO FLASH no time da VK, simplemente

posted about 2 years ago

increasing the middle by making walls or smokes impossible for defense would be a good balance.

posted about 2 years ago

Okay, so unfortunately it's just a needy kid. Good luck there "telling facts" to Brazilians for the rest of the day lol

posted about 2 years ago

Laughing with K... Either you are a BR baiting (hopefully) or a needy extramamenge child seeking attention, because your last 30 replies are trying to pick a fight with BR

posted about 2 years ago

Thread asking BR to stop hating, just below the guy fighting with BR and calling them bronzilians, this site is just weird

posted about 2 years ago

to falando de camp lokão kkk

posted about 2 years ago

ok ok, we understand that you are pissed, want a hug?

posted about 2 years ago

Tomorrow for the first time we will have SACY, ASPAS, HEAT and MWZERA on the same server. Great day for VCT BR and a turning point for the best team in the region, it's worth watching

Amanhã pela primeira vez teremos SACY, ASPAS, HEAT e MWZERA no mesmo server. Grande dia para o VCT BR e o divisor de águas para o melhor time da região, vale a pena assistir

posted about 2 years ago
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