Flag: United States
Registered: June 19, 2021
Last post: January 11, 2024 at 1:53 AM
Posts: 436
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there's good ones that retail around like $1000 and get resold for significantly cheaper, i got a good quality used one for like $300

posted about a year ago

this might be the most horrendous breeze comp i have ever seen

posted about a year ago

quick correction:
"The North Americans picked Breeze to be map four, leaving Icebox as the decider."

Breeze and Icebox should be switched

posted about a year ago

common enigma W

posted about a year ago

60 to 144 hz/fps is a massive difference and will be immediately noticeable

beyond that you get diminishing returns, but 60 -> 144 is a big difference maker

posted about a year ago

TH 13-7 RRQ

posted about a year ago

I like most of the Assassin's Creed OST's but specifically the AC3 main theme

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i wouldn't be surprised if he's right, the guy purposely used his util to troll his team and throw the game and then said "Shahzam nt" at the end, pretty obviously throwing right? and it's pretty well known that betting sites like that do exist, at least in other games and likely in val too

i don't even like shahz at all but come on, the dude has a point here

posted about a year ago

common Eutalyx W

posted about a year ago

rewarding people for winning with an afk and/or punishing people less for losing with an afk would create 2 major issues

  1. people could use this to boost RR if they have a friend on an alt, if the game seems like you've already won the friend DCs to gain you more RR, if the game seems like you've already lost the friend DCs to make you lose less RR
  2. this encourages toxicity to randoms in an effort to try and get them to leave in an unwinnable game so that the rest of the team loses less RR, or even to leave in an unlosable game so that everyone gains more RR
posted about a year ago

what happened with Reita? he was previously announced earlier this month as a new player for ZETA Division, but he's now been announced as part of Detonation's roster and I haven't seen anything about him being released from ZETA, were there contract issues or something?

posted about a year ago

yay - yellow prime and chamber headhunter

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #80 5/8

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posted about a year ago

wasn't fully focused but 0.308, imm2 peak

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

can't wait for everyone to fall for this bait

posted about a year ago

at least they signed someone

posted about a year ago

and if you're someone who's more driven towards content creation what's the problem with that? just saying that he's the ONLY person on NRG who hasn't made an LFT post or announced free agency, there's likely a reason for that and I don't think it's because they're keeping him on the starting roster, although who knows

posted about a year ago

s0m is a perfect 6th player

  1. flexibility (plays duelist, controller, flex initiator)
  2. friendships with players on starting roster (constantly duos with FNS, seems to also be close with Victor)
  3. high energy and drive to create content for NRG
  4. seems like someone who would be satisfied with being on the bench since it would allow him to focus more on content creation
  5. ability to step up and play well if needed, he's still a very good player even if not worthy of starting
posted about a year ago

rare Netero L

posted about a year ago

it was listed on vlr as a bo3 earlier today no need to call someone a slur for making a mistake buddy

posted about a year ago

is there an english stream?

posted about a year ago

Now that C9 has likely solidified their roster, here's some ideas for what we can expect from them on each map. With there being some overlap between Zellsis and leaf, as well as the question of whether or not yay will start playing Jett more if the meta starts to shift a little back towards Jett + Killjoy/Cypher, this is completely speculatory and could be completely wrong.

I've heard that leaf is actually an extremely flexible player and might be somewhat transitioning to controller/sentinel on some maps, so that will reflect here,

yay - Chamber
Zellsis - KAY/O
leaf - Neon / Raze
Xeppaa - Fade
vanity - Astra / Omen

Alternative comp:
yay - Jett
Zellsis - KAY/O
leaf - Killjoy
Xeppaa - Fade / Sova
vanity - Omen

yay - Chamber
Zellsis - Raze
leaf - Viper
Xeppaa - Fade / Skye
vanity - Brimstone / Astra

hear me out here, I couldn't really think of how to make a standard comp work so I decided to bring out the OpTic comp
yay - Chamber
Zellsis - Phoenix
leaf - Killjoy
Xeppaa - Fade
vanity - Omen

yay - Chamber
Zellsis - KAY/O
leaf - Sage / Raze
Xeppaa - Fade
vanity - Viper

Alternative comp:
yay - Chamber
Zellsis - Sage
leaf - Killjoy
Xeppaa - Sova
vanity - Viper

yay - Chamber
Zellsis - KAY/O
leaf - Neon / Jett
Xeppaa - Sova
vanity - Viper

Alternative comp:
yay - Jett
Zellsis - KAY/O
leaf - Cypher / Chamber
Xeppaa - Sova
vanity - Viper

yay - Chamber
Zellsis - KAY/O / Raze
leaf - Neon
Xeppaa - Breach
vanity - Brimstone

yay - Chamber
Zellsis - KAY/O
leaf - Viper
Xeppaa - Fade
vanity - Astra

posted about a year ago

great job saying something that has literally nothing to do with what i said!

posted about a year ago

can people stop forgetting that crashies and Victor said they're LFT as a duo... obviously things can change but it's highly unlikely that no team will be willing to sign them together

posted about a year ago

teams will likely look for one of these things depending on their need

a) someone who specializes in agents that might not be specifically filled by the main roster players on certain maps (maybe a controller player if you don't have a player who's very comfortable playing a second controller, a jett/chamber player if you want to run jett + chamber on a certain map and you don't have two people on your main roster to fill that role, etc.)

b) a very flexible player (like JonahP, dapr, s0m) who can play multiple roles to sub in for multiple players if needed

c) someone who has IGL experience or just a very smart player in general who can function somewhat as an analyst while also being able to comfortably fill in if needed (dephh, stellar, valyn, etc.)

d) just the best player available regardless of role

posted about a year ago

oh mb then, your post got upvoted within 5 seconds so I assumed it had to be you

posted about a year ago

didn't think to include those here, 6th man for each team would likely be someone from my notable exclusions list

posted about a year ago

you instantly upvoted your own post

interesting take though i like it

posted about a year ago

no trash talking/toxicity allowed just post your roster predictions here

bad takes are welcome including mine:

SEN crashies
SEN Victor
SEN zander (IGL)

100T Cryo
100T Asuna
100T Derrek
100T bang
100T stellar (IGL)

C9 yay
C9 leaf
C9 Xeppaa
C9 trent
C9 vanity (IGL)

NRG dicey
NRG Marved
NRG eeiu
NRG Zellsis

EG supamen
EG zekken
EG JonahP
EG dephh (IGL)

notable exclusions:
Will, Sayaplayer, bdog, tex, valyn, aproto, POISED, BABYBAY, s0m, mada, neT, dapr, mitch, moose, Boostio

posted about a year ago

crashies and Victor are LFT together as a duo

obviously if their only option is to split up then they probably will, but most likely at least one of the 4 possible teams for them (not 100T since they already have Derrek + Asuna) will be willing to sign them both

I doubt they go to C9 since Xeppaa has been playing the same role as crashies and leaf has been playing the same role as Victor

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

that would work too then, Rb is the only person here that plays Chamber but i'm sure some of the others would be able to play Chamber as well since it's a role that can be relatively easily flexed onto

posted about a year ago

Entry Duelist/Flex:

example comps:
Alfajer Raze
Asuna Skye
Rb Astra
zekken Sova
kiNgg Viper

Alfajer KJ
Asuna Raze
Rb Astra
zekken Sova
kiNgg KAY/O

Alfajer Neon
Asuna KAY/O
Rb Chamber
zekken Sova
kiNgg Viper

if fade is needed, zekken could probably play fade since he already plays sova, if a chamber is needed and Rb is already on smokes, Asuna could play chamber, etc.

posted about a year ago

mako isn't a flex he plays exclusively controller

posted about a year ago

it's hard to compare teams between regions when the vast majority of them never play any teams from other regions

for example FaZe and M3C were considered top 5 teams in NA/EMEA respectively this year, but neither of them have played any matches against other regions, so how can you objectively compare them?

posted about a year ago

trying to get at least 1 player per major region (NA, SA, EMEA, Asia) and max 1 player per team

yay - chamber/jett
zekken - duelist/kayo
Shao - initiator/flex
pancada - controller
stax - initiator/IGL

posted about a year ago

even then they played a double controller setup with an omen to cover the extreme weaknesses of running a viper; if they do run a viper, there is no chance they would run viper as a solo controller

it was also a very prepped anti-strat, since DRX is known to go for lots of C long+garage splits, and suygetsu's viper setups were used a lot of the time to shut down that specific play

optic also already has a very unique haven comp that they have had lots of success with, and it's something that LOUD has never played against either, not to mention i don't think optic should be too terrified of LOUD's haven considering LOUD literally banned it against them in their group stage matchup

this is a horrible take ngl

posted about a year ago

why do you think optic will play viper on haven

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #46 4/8

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posted about a year ago

this guy has an almost flawless pickem so far at champions

the only match he picked incorrectly was PRX over LEV in group A winner's (he picked TL over LEV in the decider so he still got points for TL winning)

posted about a year ago

i'll try this with a max of one player per team
Chamber - yay
Duelist - zekken
Initiator - trent
Controller/IGL - vanity
Flex - Asuna

posted about a year ago
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