GMB surely wont lose to mixwell?
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | March 18, 2021 |
Last post: | October 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM |
Posts: | 7724 |
GMB surely wont lose to mixwell?
id say
69% EMEA
Tbh I dont really care about the team itself
I cheer for mwzera. I change teams as soon as he leaves
you dont beat twice the same team, in the same day, in the same map, "by luck"
you beat them because you are just better
you know what is funnier?
they probably had the same impact in the game: zero
90% of aspas kills were from exitg frags + eco
he had same number of first kills as their cypher who was lurking 90% of the rounds
i got what you mean
guy is racist and gets punished by only 1 game
everyone was expecting atleast 3+ months, riot BR is unbelievable
vc sabe que o chase ficou com kd negativo em TODOS os jogos da GL em 2022, né? até inclusive contra VKS
aspas farmed exit frags + eco kills (you can see it by looking at the number of first bloods - he has as many as Less who played lurker 90% of the rounds. aspas didnt have any impact)
saadhak was the real mvp of the whole series
i dont think he is mechanically skilled to play any other agent besides sage/reyna tbh
and im not even kidding.
pretty sure u havent watched the game
aspas farmed like 20+ eco kills
im always reasonable.
i will always be the guy who says the absolute truth, no matter who it hurts. if someone plays bad ill say it in his face, i will not be the guy on twitter saying 'well played, u will get it next time'
i genuinely think mwzera is the most talented player in the world, stats are there to prove it.,..
i dont think so
they have a serious problem when facing more structured teams (they lost badly against Liberty)
It will be the same as VKS in 2020. They looked dominant in Brazil but got destroyed in Iceland
As I said 3 months ago :)
Team was already dead and their win on Master was obviously a fluke (and very undeserved btw)
Terrible player, entertaining streamer
Pior que gostei
E sinceramente? Eu iria um pouco além
-vixen +rglm
Embora vixen tenha matado mais no últimos jogos eu vejo ele cometendo muitos erros bobos que nunca se corrigem
Hj dando a cara embaixo do bomb naquele 3x2, direto morrendo com faca na mão, etc
Whole VK played terrible
Nothing he can do with sova
He can’t peek, can’t take duels because he have to fucking drone
FNS? Just no
Outplayed in all possible departments in that 0-3 against GMB. He will be the first one to get kicked when things goes wrong in that opTic lineup cuz he lacks firepower
GMB will win, their mental is just too strong
less e pancada tiveram mais fb que o aspas pra tu ver o nível kkkkkkkkk
tira as kills de eco dele ai
impacto zero no jogo
Que coisa ridícula
Neon na breeze
Sage na ascent
Parece 2020 isso
Tem que colocar mais flash’s na composição
Se derem mvp pro aspas tem que demitir a riot inteira
Saadhak infinitamente melhor
Aspas só matou eco
Do you realize aspas has like 4 games in his whole career?
He is playing sova which is one of the most passive agents in the game
For sure he won’t have same impact as before
I swear 90% of his kills until now are eco frags
Como o jhow consegue morrer pra um cara com 13hp num 3x2
quer ver os imbecis darem mvp pro aspas kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
o cara literalmente só matou no eco
saad e less bem mais importantes
Que coisa grotesca essa Neon
Pra que pegar isso se n tem nenhuma play combinada com o boneco
E aspas pra variar impacto bem baixo no jogo, só matou no eco, e com ult que qualquer um mata
no chance for fnatic on 2nd half
Just destroyed heat in a DM, its a bad sign
they need more warmup
wont change a thing
I said the same about SEN + rawkus here
and received over 200 downvotes lol
time proved I was right
Mvp of his last three BO3 series
Eu falo que no momento que vc mais espera dessa tbk, eles vão lá e decepcionam
É assim há 9 meses desde que a line foi criada
Imaginei que seria assim contra a Liberty mas a HL tava num clima interno tão ruim que nem isso conseguiram
Noyn is just a normal person who loves valorant
thats the only possible explanation..
yea and I have no idea he hasnt been kicked yet
ITS CRYSTAL CLEAR that he is gonna be kicked at one point, so why not do it now?
Same happened with him in GL in 2020
os fãzinhos da LOUD tão tremendo depois de terem visto o que mw fez hoje
Mwzera mvp absoluto da série.
Dgzin mais uma vez, fala muito e perde muito rs
Que delícia vai ser destruir a loud amanhã pqp
Aspas dando dash pra frente de tanto nervosismo contra a VKS, imagina quando bater de frente contra o ídolo (mwzera)
Sim e que amassou a loud
Vc não viu o jogo deles contra a HL?
Foram comidos vivos em 2 mapas
Fora que o aspas tá bem mal, erros muito grotescos, afobado pra caramba…
Que partida fantástica do mw….
Pqp que cara monstro
e com kd 1.4 e ACS 280
ele amassou com o boneco
(stats inclusive superior aos do heat com o agente :> )
ja tentou sim kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
heat tem 100% dos jogos de jett meu amigo
ja falei um pouco sobre isso aqui
aprenda com os melhores amigo!
tenha a hombridade, eu sou radiant e vcs platina, ouro, etc
abaixem a cabeça e escutem