Flag: Indonesia
Registered: June 17, 2022
Last post: May 10, 2023 at 10:06 PM
Posts: 562
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No way they ban trembo,
Admin don't have the power to take down the king of vlr

posted about a year ago

As much as I don't want to explain you this.
I think not everyone aware of politic shit.

Unless you're under 5 years old, you should know that ukraine & russia is in war right now.
The effect is worsening so much, with how much RUS currency flying high and EU+UK economy free fall. (More on this search yourself bcs it contain politics)

posted about a year ago

Talk to yourself?

posted about a year ago

Dude thinking this is world cup,
32 years but brain still not developed.

posted about a year ago

And that response of him is considered racist by other party.
You should realize that this is between 2 race that in conflict with each other. Meanwhile call chicken is considered a banter. But what keznit did is not

posted about a year ago

There was multiple sources that you can search yourself
But the biggest one is the accident in discord server that made riot made an announcement about that racist behavior

posted about a year ago

No excuse to threaten someone, both parties wrong.
I just wanna point to you which has more serious impact in bigger picture.

posted about a year ago

Different perspective can mislead you too.

When you say N word to black person they will think,

  1. Is it their homie who call them that? It yes that's okay.
  2. Is it by white people? If yes then Imma fuck that racist.

It same like that, you can't just call some "N"-word by some ethnic for a meme while there's a tension between 2 race.
And in this case, keznit is wrong to say that to BR.

posted about a year ago

Racism > death threats by keyboard warrior

There was literally 0 case of someone killed by death threats in eSports scene.
And there was a million case of someone abused mentally/physically by racism.

posted about a year ago

If these thing said by humble recognized BR pro player it might be still be considered,
But unfortunately it's you trembo who said it here,

posted about a year ago

Prolly our turn next become their target, vlr is best free text streaming service

posted about a year ago

Irony, calling someone stupid while you can't even read a simple English.

posted about a year ago

It's a fact
He said derke first lan and I just fix his wrong facts

posted about a year ago

Fitst lan match?
Derke first lan tourney ended up being stomped by SEN diffed by TenZ so hard.
What are you smoking?

posted about a year ago

Bruh, be gentle a little.
You're not supposed to destroy him like that.

posted about a year ago

cool. have a nice day too.

posted about a year ago
at iceland they were not nearly as bad as na fans even when g2 was still there

No, they get less toxic after Liquid sent home. Before that worse.
Even some still say with excuse that it's not the best team and eu still superrior blahblahblah

posted about a year ago

I've use this site since beginning.
At start NA is worse. With the time pass, it begin to change to EU kids.
They will only stop when they lose a master. Just that.
In Iceland as long as they still have representative they're the most toxic. Only to shut up when all team gone.
And now in challenger 2 they're more toxic than ever. Till master now.

Are you dumb to not realize that? Just curious

posted about a year ago

That means every team is bad.
Because everyone have different opinion in their minds. Some will say team A is bad, other say B, C, or D.
And that will lead to shit talk, then it will just repeat over and over.

posted about a year ago

12 format sucks too.
It's just rito want to save the 16 format for champions.
If they make master 16 format too, nothing feels special about champions

posted about a year ago

Swiss format with bo1 is suck, and it will never applied to valorant cause valo match isn't good with bo1.

posted about a year ago

World is already full of fake,
Fake phone, fake status, fake gender, fake smile, fake love, fake government, fake money, etc.
I don't care if you being nice even if it's fake. You don't know what happened to someone life irl. So be nice, less shit unless you're shit person.

posted about a year ago

NA - Sentinels
EU - M3C
SA - VK, NiP
EA - CR (Hopium)

posted about a year ago

Then go make this thread again when both party has a team that play lmao
Bet they'll do what you want

posted about a year ago

yes they can't,

posted about a year ago

No, but my statement still same.
Because not everyone can play good 24/7. If a player has a bad day it will be better if there's a sub for him.
And as a team adaptive play is one of requirement to be called good.

Now my question, why fpx get seider if he "t2" and doesn't play same agent?
If they can't secure a good sub, and the player can't adapt. Then that TEAM IS NOT GOOD.

posted about a year ago

go cry,
all your opinion is just an excuse if you can't accept facts

posted about a year ago

If a team isn't good with 1 sub. It means that team isn't good.

posted about a year ago

"w3 pL4y w1TH 1 5UB" γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

posted about a year ago

Shao and 4stickmen

posted about a year ago

They won't gone as long as there's still a team in vct lmao.

posted about a year ago

Tbh better than this Main channel caster. So biased towards FPX

posted about a year ago

Go to
vlr isn't good for your mental health kid. This is just how things works here.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

With how much they invest they better be Winning the LCQ

posted about a year ago

Russ is fantastic, he just need to work on communication, aim, map awareness, crosshair placement, eco management, pistol aim, awp flicks, grenade spots, pop flashes, positioning, bomb plant positions, retake ability, spray, skills use, control and getting kills

posted about a year ago

It was so entertaining for low level match

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

At the earliest vlr history, NA is worse.
But as history goes, times proves that EU brain evolve backwards faster.

posted about a year ago

Welcome to vlr. Where EU kids is braindead.

posted about a year ago

So they have an excuse when they go home early

posted about a year ago

Dude is older than Hiko,
He can't even play good anymore.

posted about a year ago

XIA surf teach FPX how to entry acent with jett

posted about a year ago

eSports yeah maybe since valorant is from RITO.
But apex has higher playerbase in JP than valo.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you don't disrespect trembo like that

posted about a year ago

Who is Sacy??
For the blind, is the bald.
For the hungry, is the bald.
For the sick, is the bald.
For the loner, is the bald.
For the sad, is the bald.
For the reader, is bald.
For the prisoner, is the bald.
For the poor, is the bald.
For the debtor, is the bald.

posted about a year ago

The more you try to understand vlr people. The more braincell you lost.

posted about a year ago

Don't you see how shiny it was. It was the light in the dark. The true path of salvation.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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