Flag: Virgin Islands, U.S.
Registered: March 17, 2022
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 10:24 AM
Posts: 913
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i love korea.

posted about a year ago
  • try to be brazilian and talk without offending
    difficult: impossible
posted about a year ago

i'm argentinian. From Mendoza. I just wanted to make brazilians look like fools

posted about a year ago

Honestly, LOUD is completely overrated.
The old roster couldn't beat the old roster of KRU (previously best SA team, probably best in the world)
And they got lucky with the teams they faced on champions, only got to play against weak teams (except optic, but at the time optic also had an internal fight so they were weaker).
And now they're getting lucky at VCT Americas. Soon the lucky will pass. Maybe even lose to EG today.

As a South American, i can say this for sure. I have been watching LOUD for years and i know they're overrated.
Riot played dirty with Argentina not letting our teams have rosters of argentinian players otherwise we would already be top1.

posted about a year ago

kinda comes after having to play with you guys on brazilian servers for every game (csgo, valorant, fortnite) and all you can call us is "monkey"

posted about a year ago

LOUD = Palmerias
SENTINELS = Flamengo
FURIA = Atlético Mineiro

posted about a year ago

i'm reporting this post for discrimination.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

A: Korea, Pacific
B: NA, Japan
C: China and Oceania

posted about a year ago

Guy really said "Premier League" 💀

LOUD literally beats any team in the league. More like Bundesliga or Ligue 1, everyone fighting to be top 2

posted about a year ago

for sure a bo3 between mid NA players vs CHILE players will be the "HIGHEST QUALITY" bo3 of the season 💀
i admire the self-esteem

posted about a year ago

casate conmigo hermosa?

posted about a year ago

Yes, there is!
The most common tho, are the theory of 6 and 7.

And i'm pretty aware on the reason of the cultural differences, as i'm brazilian.
All the 'Latin America' is colonized by Spain, except Brazil which is colonized by Portugal.

Even though both Spain and Portugal are latin countries, they are very different from each other. The same with Brazil and the rest of Latin America.

Like i said, a different language, different ethnicity (Brazil is the most mixed country in the world, we have more lebanese in Brazil than in Lebanon itself, 30 millions descendents of Italians, country with most Japanese outside Japan, 5 million descendents of Germans (2% of the population speaks german), country with most syrians outside syria, etc.)

posted about a year ago

te digo o mesmo, burrão de não perceber que é bait

posted about a year ago

It depends on your education.
You can search this up, some people consider 1 continent America divided in 3 subcontinents, and others consider it 2 continents.

Latin American is a division based on cultural related things.
It goes from Mexico all the way down to the whole central + south america.
Some especialists also think that Brazil shouldn't be considered 'latin america' because of the many cultural difference we have from the other countries. (language, ethnicity, etc)

Theory of 7 continents: South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Oceania
Theory of 6 continents: America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Oceania

posted about a year ago

Both posts were a bait, im fakeflagging, i'm from Brazil
I'm surprised no one mentioned the "argentinian" with a Kazakhstan flag

posted about a year ago

Oh, ok. Now i understand, thank you for explaining instead of cursing.
I thought "South America" was Texas, and these countries were placed in a continent named Asia.
But now i searched and realized i'm wrong
thank you

posted about a year ago

Do you know what USA stands for?
United States of AMERICA

posted about a year ago

I don't get why these guys from Asia are so agressive, especially brazilians and argentinians.

I made a post asking why it's called "VCT Americas", which for me makes no sense since we have these guys from BR and ARG. I was literally defending them and showing how much Riot favors America.

And they started offending me and my country? I don't get it.
And the worse part is they are using bots to downvote my replies i think.


Why not VCT ABC (America, Brazil, Chile)?

posted about a year ago

Like Texas for South America and New York for North America?
I still don't get what is it related to the other countries.

posted about a year ago

There's no team from Argentina, it's 3 from BR, 5 from America, 2 from Chile.
There's barely any player from Argentina.

I said Canada based of players, there are some players from Canada like FNS, Marved, Tenz...
And i like Canada

posted about a year ago

why are you so agressive? that's not cool. what have i done to you to offend me?
it's cool tho, i have no enemies.

i still don't get it. America is a country and the league has people from other countries, why is it called VCT AMERICAS...
I'm literally thinking in a good way for your guys, i don't get why our country gets so much privileged

posted about a year ago

wtf america is a country.

posted about a year ago

Why is it called 'VCT AMERICAS' if we have teams from Brazil, Chile and Canada?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Shouldn't EG just sub in ScrewFace and see if it works? They are getting owned by others with the current roster, a different igl might help

posted about a year ago

They thought it would be "VCT Americas" with 5 SA and 5 NA teams but considering recent perfomance is clear that SA is way ahead of NA.
I wonder if the NA teams in the franchise will realize that and maybe hire players from SA on the next split?
Also the 2 worst teams KRU vs EG play tomorrow and that might be the worse to watch than rankeds.

posted about a year ago

you guys always make sure of putting each player's earnings on their profile, why not make an earnings ranking?

posted about 2 years ago

Anyone knows if ANGE1 will play?

posted about 2 years ago
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