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Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: July 1, 2024 at 7:15 AM
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You da 🐐

posted 11 months ago

Thank you 'Yessirskill'

posted 11 months ago

TL lack a good strategy coach, Emil is a good coach but you need a coach like enghh for the strategy part even sliggy has a very good grip on strategy

posted 11 months ago

I meant it has a game plan behind it if you played this comp normally it would be shit especially when you have comps like viper,omen which are meta right now

posted 11 months ago

Y you keep pointing my username man

posted 11 months ago

We will have to see loud are kinda hit or miss at the moment

posted 11 months ago

I would put zeta at 10 atleast they are looking good from what I have seen as they fixed their role problem
You putting zeta way to lo plus blg has no experience in the big stage so fpx over blg but other than that goated List better than the other ones

posted 11 months ago

Man went from playing jett and chamber to viper KJ

posted 11 months ago

I think that was mainly carried by their firepower and also their strats but they didn't have enough time together as a team and with the new coaching staff that's why they had close gmaes imo

posted 11 months ago

I'm doing one for Navi maybe around next week where I go over all of Navi maps and analyse them (lcq) and tokyo

posted 11 months ago

I'll try it's a lot of work plus I don't wanna use my voice so I have to find one of those ai voices and add them

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Many people are saying keznit,keznit ,keznit bro I have looked at some of their strats and game plans check out my other post I just made about their haven they have amazing game plans and comps which help those game plans

posted 11 months ago

Thanks for reading plus I think they could have put NagZ on viper if they wanted because NagZ pretty comfortable on viper bu they make him play KJ I think because of the reason I said in the post

posted 11 months ago

I edited it,Should be better now

posted 11 months ago

Try to read it i spent a lot of time posting this

posted 11 months ago

It wont take 2 minutes :(

posted 11 months ago

KRU Comp- Chamber,Raze,KJ,Astra,Skye.
They run a similar comp to their split in which they play NagZ on viper instead of KJ which is for an interesting reason(which i will mention later in the post).
KRU have an interesting comp on haven with no Jett,omen,viper which recently has become meta on this map. Instead of the that they run a comp with Astra,Chamber and Raze who has always been good on this map.
KRU on haven have an amazing game plan where they hit sites very quickly, they contest C site and B site(Garage included) every round! The Comp is built around this, If you closely you realize
that kru run the chamber and kj because when they quickly execute A/B/C they lose control of another part/ area of the map. This is why teams default on Haven but KRU dont need to default because they have the chamber trap on one site and Kj utility holding the other. So if any team tries to go aggressive on one part of the map Kru will execute on the other side of the map.
Breaking Down Round-1 Kru vs C9
Kru start the round with 4 in mid-window and Chamber solo lurking 'A'.They use the chamber trap for holding a long while chamber holds sewers and possible lurking behind them, Meanwhiile the 4 kru players Quickly Execute 'B' with melser smoking both C-Link and A-Link And Klaus Flashing site and planting default position they plant spike and go back Grass( Callout for down mid-winidow) playing post-plant. Unlucky for KRU C9 were gambling 'B' and had a fast retake ready KRU were ready for this and had to use utility early,Chamber didnt have the lurk timing and had to come back window they lost the round but KRU have shocked me this LCQ with these game-plans
Here is an Valo plant step of their Game Plan

posted 11 months ago

On it

posted 11 months ago

and did moatz just reply on my post lfg

posted 11 months ago

im not actually na but thanks im making a series first ill do the na winner of lcq then pacific then emea then ill do one for china

posted 11 months ago

ill do one for fnatic too im making a series!

posted 11 months ago

thank you

posted 11 months ago

thank you

posted 11 months ago

thank you i appreciate it i will be posting more of this but first im trying to fuigure out imagur

posted 11 months ago

According to me i made a post earlier about kru atom has a very interesting strategy thats works very well because of the on the fly calling of it works
Atom is a very renoved coach and has proven that 100% he strat on pearl which is new btw is very hard to counter plus with lcq having little to 0 days off
it works in their favour

posted 11 months ago

thank you

posted 11 months ago

I thought keznit was the reason they were wining so i went and watched vods and bro when i saw this i went to valo plant and checked this shit out and its crazy and thank you

posted 11 months ago

If you see them play they have a amazing strategy on split . They basically play a 1,3,1 where nags is solo a, Keznit,daveeys and klause play mid and melser solo b then they do the attacking lurk viper wall and because of that teams have to be aware of lurk with that daveeys uses chamber trip main and nagz goes back mid and now they have info if teams take a control(If teams do take a control they full excute b from 4 haven and melser main) If teams dont they full put pressure b and a then they will excute a/b whichever nagz/melser takes control of mainly they end a but this is amazing strategy
I support sen but this is amazing work from atom and respect to melser amazing on the fly calling this strat literally is based on on the fly calling
Latam fans you have a team on your hands Sorry for the writing it spells out Kru map control

posted 11 months ago

how long did it take you to type this

posted 11 months ago

he says that the org gtz which he is manager for didnt pay them yet for the i think 2022-2023 season

posted 11 months ago

Bro he pinged gtz the org in question is gtz what are you on about

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

idk i just thought it would be cool hence i did it

posted 11 months ago

I recently made a post that i reached 300 and now i reached 400
i will be making a post like this every hundread till i reach 1000

posted 11 months ago

whens the next stream

posted 11 months ago

omg The Minimise responded to my post im honored

posted 11 months ago

why did 95x esport becoms bonkers

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Can anyone send me the link lol

posted 11 months ago

Don't post ever again

posted 11 months ago

Whats Vlrcc?

posted 11 months ago

How ,why and how do you know

posted 11 months ago

Who you supporting in champs

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

bro i just posted it you beat me to it

posted 11 months ago

rossi is pajamas its over

posted 11 months ago

same here dead from the inside

posted 11 months ago

Is it first game or second cause yesterday I swear c9 vs Sen was second but they played it as forst

posted 11 months ago
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