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As a Sentinels fan brotha I agree but every team has its own style for sentinels Jett on bind made sense for Navi neon works

posted 10 months ago

Brother do you even know what he is going thru his dad has cancer blood cancer.
And wtf do you mean he is shit he has been very good and consistent for liquid this year and your not considering that except nats the roles are pretty fked and that's why liquid lost

posted 10 months ago

It's better but not as good as a true sentinel yet but by next year definitely will be

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Their defense didn't have much but their attack is very simple but very hard to counter Strat as they just have neon walling they entry ange1smokes and they overwhelm the site player as the person on site dosent know how many are on site because of neon wall it's really amazing but double duelist If in right they didn't push and take control of space right?

posted 10 months ago

I have seen so many people say that he went negative on neon like stats arent the only thing that matters he did his job by walling and giving them safe entry to site thats the only reason I think they chose neon over jett

posted 10 months ago

I think his KJ is good but it's not as good as a true sentinel player yet but I'm sure by next year he will be amazing on KJ

posted 10 months ago

But I feel like Nivera is also top player no?

posted 10 months ago

Thank you Sensei Yessirkiii for once again helping me in dire situations

posted 10 months ago

Kid GE didn't even make champs go sleep

posted 10 months ago

Weren't you saying NAVI was doomed and you would shit on Navi lmao 😂

posted 10 months ago

I'm not the biggest fan of the comp but I think this is the only way it works or you can put jett on cned but that wouldn't work as they picked neon to mainly take that safe entry on site with the wall.
And I don't think cned Kj is bad but I don't think it's needed

posted 10 months ago

What is this nonsense if Aspas has the drive to compete he should be kept tuys and caunzin are not it fk it even ntk plays better

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Nah DRX look mid honestly if they faced liquid or Navi they would have been destroyed loud are just bad rn they need panacada and sacy they were the rocks of the team and every loud fan knows this just they keep coping

posted 10 months ago

Blud is talking to himself

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Chronicle literally has a team around him to be honest chronicle is a major reason fnatic are winning he can play anything which makes him the best flex play no doubt if nats was in fnatic with chronicle it would be nice but then you wouldn't have alfajer who is also very good

posted 10 months ago

Thank you sensei you promised me you wouldn't let me go in the wrong direction and you didn't

posted 10 months ago

Nah man people say they have shit lotus but that's just people who check stats if you see their comp on lotus they have so much utility to take a main control breach stun neon stun sova dart and breach aftershock but in their games they weren't taking a main control their were defaulting b and C

posted 10 months ago

I told you guys they were just making few mistakes and their comps were good just that they weren't sticking to what the comp did best.
Edit:- I also just noticed how they were going back to their old fracture comp the comp which defeated optic in Copenhagen which has Shao on fade which is just too good
But instead of ardiss chamber they have cned killjoy and I should say I am impressed with his KJ

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Well fnatic weren't nerfed in Copenhagen were they still lost just proves that they woudn thave done shit in Reykjavik anyways

posted 10 months ago

Common sense

posted 10 months ago

Cause he got banned many times
I thinkt hats why when you don't follow rules you lose your stars

posted 10 months ago

But payment issues is a thing but idc I just wanna watch good valorant

posted 10 months ago

Wait now?my timings were like 2 hours ago

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Common Riot W
I swear they going all out for champions the vandal skin is nice the knife in mid but the song is good not better than die for you tho and esports hub is going to connect casual players with esports lovers so if they fix the few problems with franchising. Valorant is in good hands

posted 10 months ago

I meant in the recent years but im not sure of the past

posted 10 months ago
I have never seen him make a proper tutorial style video usually its just clips from stream
but it could just be nothing and im braindead

posted 10 months ago

hi(not nrg fan but amazing strats so chet fan)

posted 10 months ago

cya tomorrow

posted 10 months ago

Bros talking to himself
Simp4s0m I know you are. Supporting nrg but listen to Yessirkiii and come to the right path you will not regret it.
Tamato211222 student of Sensei Yessirkiii

posted 10 months ago

It's a copy pasta from the other post about

posted 10 months ago

I think they will do fine I think they have same problem as Navi which is great comps and amazing startegy but they don't stick to game plan
Example- On lotus they have amazing comp for taking a main control but they keep defaulting same mistake for Navi on lotus too

posted 10 months ago

Thank you Sensei! I hope to become as smart as you and continue to teach other people the way of life and hope to be-live your legacy

posted 10 months ago

He's joking anyway listen to Yessirkiii
Very smart user I have listened to him once changed my life-Tamato211222 student of Sensei Yessirkiii

posted 10 months ago

Astro galaxy I listened to Yessirkiii once i listened I never regretted it
He is my Sensei

posted 10 months ago

Navi still has good idea bro you judge them because they are losing and you dont have an understanding of utility do you
their lotus has good ideas they just didnt stick to the gameplan
On Lotus they have so much utility to take a main control but mostly the whole map they defaulted and didnt take fast a main control if they took a main control they would have easily won that game and generally that would be on of their best maps
Look at my other post where i go in detail

posted 10 months ago

The Hobbit, Percy Jackson, bleach(manga), The selection( all the 3 books) and Harry Potter

posted 10 months ago

Country: United States
Registered: July 26, 2023
Last post: July 31, 2023 at 1:00 AM
Posts: 226

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Done. I will try to conduct more of these scientific studies

posted 11 months ago

Obelisk next one T1 vs bleed please

posted 11 months ago

We Navi fans should unite

posted 11 months ago

Nah then we wouldn't be able to see the beautiful Navi jersey with suygetsu written on the back.

posted 11 months ago

For fame. And accordong internet logic it's funny.

posted 11 months ago

Yes we hate gucci

posted 11 months ago
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