Flag: | International |
Registered: | May 6, 2021 |
Last post: | July 1, 2024 at 11:50 PM |
Posts: | 5591 |
Its your love for Saadhak that makes every player flair look like him
So by that means FNS and Saadhak aren't doing anything to win this year which means they're trash IGL this year? dogshit logic lmao
I want to know the answer to a few questions
Thank you
Marved = about to lose to 100Trash in LCQ
MaKo = waiting for champs to begin
By the time FNS finds zmjjkk, his team will be dead and he will whiff
Look for the best sensors available in the market, then look for mice with that specific sensor
Buy the best and cheapest one
Relegation of a team that originally franchised won't happen unless they do something really big that can be called as a mess up. Ascension winners will only be added for 2 years and then they'll start again in hopes to make it back again
I see 2 bots talking above me, their combined IQ is -100 (YES, NEGATIVE)
yeah thinking marved is doing any better is what is being delusional, bro got his chance on SEN and shat his pants bad
Marved was good in 2022, sadly this year s0m clears him (CGRS clears s0m lmao)
MaKo clears all tho
alliance broadband talking
Getting so close after such a long batter through regions and playoffs and losing in the final
Valorant Champions, EMEA
blud waffling about iron ranked games
Yall ain't ready for the harbor and neon masterclass that the goat is going to give in ranked matches. Wouldn't even be surprised if he is racist and how harbor and neon is viewed like he did with fl1pz amd india 🥱🥶 just wait.
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Schizocare, make sure to take your schizo pills
I've seen Babybay play, he doesn't even use a monitor. He visualizes the map in a detailed rendering, completely in his mind. He has a biological wallhack; his godlike perception highlights all enemies within light-years. His eyes are closed as his mouse gracefully swerves across the table, making immaculate twitches as he flicks from head to head. The bullets that escape his gun barrel are surgical; each making a deadly strike in between his opponent's eyes.
csgo adult game.... look to raelstick grapfix to make old player happy like adult show.. csgo real world with blud and violanc unlike valorant chad with colorfool corridorr and vfx gun.. csgo like rael war. csgo playor run from valorant fear of cartoon world and colors.
valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike chad with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism
why would anyone wake up to watch tier 2 NA match?
WTF is this crap bruh
Even spider was crossing the line and now inanimate objects are points of reincarnation?
Love Dominations love for rossi, a true fan
IMO the fix is to kick all the paycheck stealing boomers and give chance to just budding and new players. You can save more since you don't have to pay them much and also have people who can actually compete and not to mention, import coaches who can guide these new players and you will see the scene with fresh faces and also talent that's actually one that can compete.
Agent name - Washed
Agent abilities
C - streaming - do 24 hour streams
Q - change mouse or sens without going to the menu or store
E - tweet and get 8 billion likes
X - fluke - get a free fluke round win by calling others stream sniper
crying in his rat hole even more now that FNC won back to back majors
You have got to be kidding me, SEN ofc had an era
on twitter, not in the game
my focus is on telling how they only lost 7 maps and no series internationally (something I didn't mention) and it doesn't matter if they lost against TL in finals because internationally they are still undefeated
I said internationally they didn't lose any series
Still a great number despite shit time of match for EMEA and NA
yeah like SEN after champions 2021, idk when they'll play next international
Exactly, sure some executes and rounds don't go well but FNC as of now closes maps way consistently than any other team and IGL is very important for that kinda achievement
-soulcas + sheydos = Ez wins for TL
Why not best IGL yet? Ever since this team Boaster has lost 7 (1 against EG, 1 against BBL, 3 against TL and 2 against LOUD) maps total since the start of this year and no series at all. That is IGL consistency as well.
I literally smashed my 4K TV in front of 30 guests at my cocktail party because of EG’s performance tonight. My wife took out crying kids and said they’ll be spending all night in a motel. This team has ruined my life and party. Goodbye NA bros, I can’t do this any longer.
While FNC was preparing to win Masters Tokyo, they let TL take the 1st seat, a tactical setback for a major win
LOUD 0 - 2 by a Chinese team and the game didn't even release in China KEKW
babyassgay about to disband like faze soon
fuck i whiffed
just like EG
CGRS will never be a permanent guy on active roster because something is leagues better and f0rsaken can flex to any role making it way better for PRX. also something plays breach on fracture which means neon f0rsaken gets good support