Carpe still did well though, xccurate has been in VCL
Idk how they will play out tho
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Registered: | May 6, 2021 |
Last post: | July 1, 2024 at 11:50 PM |
Posts: | 5591 |
Carpe still did well though, xccurate has been in VCL
Idk how they will play out tho
Okobotro had a hand in this move for sure
BONKASHI it seems he saw and is ready for your offer
This was expected no? Although it would be good if he stayed and continued bc he can flex on 3 roles well
(last 2 idk)
Also skrossi might just move to bench than leaving the org
enghh exists, i have no idea but I'm pretty sure he will stay in EMEA because player/scouting knowledge plus he mentioned work-life balance which means he would rather not move anywhere away from EU for now
mini is a hot commodity in coaching rn so I doubt GE will win that fight, I don't think PRX will get mini
NA don't need more than 1 slot, their orgs are fraud and can't even manage money
When did you become a VLR regular?
Its not about EG and its not about winning, its about rosters
Imagine having
Clown9 - dropped the entire roster and even the coach for a budget roster
100 Trash - don't know what they're doing
Not Really Good - actually trying but keep failing
Sentrash - only know how to be clouted but not how to win after their 1 masters win
in your league with nothing but disappointments
ds_sandas detected
every single word rejected
this is weird
he does not qualify in the trusted sources yet
So there's no trials or leaks of this and he just signs? Sounds like cap ngl
Since when is Tanmay a very reliable south asian reporter?
Yashwatthama "yay" Yadav finally making a comeback I'm excited
2023 George = fraud and scared of a vlr user who posts screenshots
I think its
s0m [KOREA]
monyet [INDO]
t3xture [KOREA]
blazek1ng [INDO]
Yeah fair but i don't think they'll give IGL to non english
I doubt, giving IGL role to a non english speaker can be a bad move, benkai makes sense since GE has firepower
Ah yes, might as well sell the spot or terminate the partnership at this point. Starting a project that should take time and giving up after a year looks like the best move, isn't that right GE?
Fun fact - Homo sapiens have 100% win rate in this game as compared to neandertharls and homo erectus
Monyet's decision would be when the contract expires, he will be an restricted agent with a heavy buyout rn plus GE CEO already told monyet would continue to be in GE
Konnichiwa, watashi wa Yazuri "yay" Ayaya. Watashi wa ZETA Division no player desu.
Arigato gozaimasu.
Rich yes but think about the amount of headache that would be added to GE for losing a cracked smokes player, ofc they don't wanna let him go and to add his contract is till 2025 so expect a ridiculous buyout that I'm sure is to ensure no team gets him
GE contract has him till 2025 plus the buyout would be too much
is better than Larved
Why would you need Larved when w0m is there
Its not like every "reporter" in esports is credible, everyone's a hit or miss. The only difference is james is showing you screenshots of custom matches which acts as proof for trials/scrims
They're busy trying to be jealous of james_ff that they forgot their actual job kkkkkk
Imagine calling james forum dweller when this ds_santos literally writes and lives here more than james
Imagine being jealous of someone who is trying to provide to the community for free and just because he's getting recogized by the community, this ds_sandas and TMmyassisburning feel jealous
IMAGINE BEING JEALOUS OF JAMES AND THE COMMUNITY, please have a look in the mirror and reconsider your life instead of putting people down who are trying to do something for the community