2G é nosso melhor time, Galorys teve pico de performance, é um time bom mas a 2G foi mt mais constante ao longo do ano
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Registered: | May 8, 2021 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 5:35 PM |
Posts: | 3289 |
2G é nosso melhor time, Galorys teve pico de performance, é um time bom mas a 2G foi mt mais constante ao longo do ano
Riot should give slots to ascension teams to compete in Masters and Champions
sim, brinks tb é sacanagem. Foda é ver mibr e furia com uns jogadores q nao da pra entender
Se até eles estão prontos imagina o Cortezia kkkkkkk A real é q ja temos varios jogadores insanos q nao vão ter oportunidade pq só tem 3 times br
2g was super confident today. Lan nerves got RETA
LOL, if Galorys play their prime game TSM will have no chance. I will be honest, playing on Lan is different, if any team start slow they can be in a hard situation
IF we disconsider the penalties Ronaldo is tied with Pele (considering official goals) lul. Another thing is: CR7 played in a way less competitive league and smurf right there so it's easier to score in a league with only 2 good teams.
Maybe to saadhak play for a Latam team(kru or Lev) is better than all those orgs combined. He wanna win a trophy for his region.
reclamar do saad q deu tudo pra Loud é SACANAGEM, pq não reclama com a porcaria do jean?impressionante q nunca falam dessa gestão horrorosa
she beat this team too being the MVP, deigara is playing for the top 4 latam team rn and pule is a close friend to NRZ if I'm not wrong. https://www.vlr.gg/27683/9z-team-vs-kaos-latin-gamers-champions-tour-latam-stage-3-challengers-2-ubf
I believe spikezin is under 18 so he couldn't play.Furia made a big mistake on Khalil, they had to bring cortezia so they would have 2 top frag players(cortezia and mwzera).
Xand is totally understandable, he was really bad in all matches. In the other hand NZR is the IGL and played decent games, Idk why they would drop him.
negou fazer time bom de acordo com quem? A org foi contra a opinião dos coaches? pq pra mim a furia era terrivel tb, as 2 se negaram a fazer time bom entao? Tem que ter provas disso.
Furia nao conseguiu absolutamente nada na franquia até agora, olha o time dos cara, o melhor nivel foi ganhar de uma loud cansadissima em crise, de uma mibr fraca e uma 100T desmoronando, tomaram espanco de LEv e EG, time com potencial n toma espanco assim. Renovaram com khalil enquanto tem cortezia e brinks no mercado kkkk
What about Furia? They kept the same players. Khalil renew until 2026. Riot should reevaluate Furia and maybe bring another BR org.
If this happens they have the potential to win everything
Less- sentinel
cortezia- controller
nzr- initiator
havoc- flex
G2 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nobody in Brazil believe in this team, many casters predict G2 out of the playoffs.
Sacy was the MVP in the champions GF, so it's obvious that Leo is better right now.
FNC in 2023 surprise most of the teams on Lotus and nobody knew how to counter them until Loud teach us. It's harder to keep on top once everybody know how you play.
Aspas 1 FK ???
this is their normal game, when they play against teams that don't respect them this can happen. EMEA teams have a mental block against FNC.They are too predictable
they are looking way better than last year. TH almost lost to FPX and now VIT just lost.
no, he's not even performing on ranked, imagine in the league.
Furia needs firepower, cortezia or brinks would be better option than tuyz.
Xand is the weak link.
NZR is the main initiator, they just need a good flex player like spikezin
G2 had 2 vetos and won all fucking pistols and still losing??nahh, this is over.
he doesn't die cuz he is smart and play in good angles and make good decisions, just look the diff between fkpr and fdpr.
1- rich
big gap
true, he solo1 bomb and let 4 players in the other side of the map kkkkkkkkk he is opressive
aspas is a cheater. lol
I miss valorant before franchise system.