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Registered: May 8, 2021
Last post: March 6, 2025 at 5:35 PM
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Yes but I don't trust in any team at this time. M80 and Union were really shaky in their game. For me 00nation and The Guard had more firepower for what they showed until now.

posted about a year ago

It's better if both play together in the same side cuz you will have 1 team in upper finals

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yes, really insane

posted about a year ago

No, The union is so much better than these teams.

posted about a year ago

they are pracc against way weaker teams, NA teams have opportunity to pracc against franchise teams so this is way more surprising performance from 00

posted about a year ago

00 firepower is insane wtf.

posted about a year ago

No way, it's so much more hype than americas league. That shit was boring as fuck

posted about a year ago

you weren't explicit that it was just twitter

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nao aguentam a realidade, Furia jogando esse valorant cansado e mais simples q setima serie nao vao achar nada

posted about a year ago

doing service to the world= coup d'etat in Bolivia because of the lithium

posted about a year ago

First game chill. I didn't like this format but will help a lot teams without experience. This group stage means nothing

posted about a year ago

NA can buy the best players, give them the best salary and structure, pracc against franchise teams, but they CANNOT buy force of will.

posted about a year ago

EZ predict for the first map but the second I was a little bias. Even tho 2-0

posted about a year ago

We don't support them, we cheer for the other players. Btw you will never see somebody praising them like latam fans does with kezinit or NA fans does with sinatra

posted about a year ago

Not only that, they said Union was pretty mid team before the tournament. I think because they pracc in USA against franchise teams they think they are untouchables

posted about a year ago

mundo real, olha a map pool da furia, so de nao saberem jogar mapa complexo ja da pra ver o tipo de time q sao, so jogam mapas basicos q trade e mira favorece

posted about a year ago

eles sao bons, mas n eh supertime

posted about a year ago

supertime na onde? khalil ficou positivo 3 jogos, qck 1, mazin mt inconstante tb e mw ta abaixo do normal dele. N vejo eles como um supertime igual a FNC, PRX e Loud

posted about a year ago

é, tem isso tb, mas é q a m80 tava amassando varios times nos treinos e no tier 2 deles la,e a union ganhoud e 2-0. Acho q a Union objetivamente é melhor q a furia

posted about a year ago

mw falou q a m80 tava espancando eles la. A furia nao é isso td q vc acha nao, só jogam mapas simples, nenhum mapa complexo ta na pool deles alem de ter so mw e dg de jogador realmente forte, o resto sao medios.

posted about a year ago

ta de sacanagem, the union já é mt mais forte q a furia ,imagina treinando la, acho q daria jogo contra todos times. EG é um time mediano e se tornaram os melhores

posted about a year ago

I thought they already had their server. It doesn't matter, they will have better playerbase and talents, just matter of time.

posted about a year ago

do they have huge playerbase? The other thing you have to consider are the opportunities.Br always had 2 or 3 slots to masters and champions while India had only lcq to play.

posted about a year ago

But it's true, look how many people live in China(statistically speaking more playerbase> more new talents). The same happens with Europe, they combined the best form every contry to build superteams. The hard job is put the best players in the same team.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Stop blaming them. The Union always had good macro and fundamentals. For the people who never watch BR vct this was expected performance by The union but M80 felt the pressure.

posted about a year ago

a 00 vai ter q jogar o q nunca jogou pra chegar na final

posted about a year ago

You were right

posted about a year ago

They pracc Ascent against Loud, Bind against NRG, fracc against EG. It will be so embarrassing if they lose to The Union who doesn't even find pracc cuz the teams disband after vct

posted about a year ago

clearly you dind't watch Team Liquid with EGO sayf

posted about a year ago

4 sure, they would qualify for the Americas playoffs EZ if they play there

posted about a year ago

hahahahha baited

posted about a year ago

the union is in different level, they destroy loud in scrimms in Brazil. I don't even know if prime Loud is better than The Union

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yes and I respect. I cheer for the union to win and drop this 2 in americas league after that.

posted about a year ago

no, it's different, people love keznit in latam even with his dirty past. Brazillians only support the union (rafa and askia specially), they don't praise ntk or pancc

posted about a year ago

2-0 brazil

posted about a year ago

meddo in portuguese means FEAR, so the result it's obvious

posted about a year ago

please txozin, stop bullying sentinels. No more knife kills man pls.

posted about a year ago

1- less
3- kangkang
4- aspas
6- nobody
7- something

posted about a year ago

EDG 3-0 Sentinels

posted about a year ago

so tirar o tuyz e colocar o cortezia e acabou

posted about a year ago

Saadhak and Heat doesn't work in the same team. Saad like to do gameplan, setups nerd things while heat play on the flow and feeling. Thats why mibr kick him.

posted about a year ago

Aspas <<< Aspas
Sacy >> Cauanzin
Saadhak> Saadhak
Pancada>> Tuyz
Less<<< Less

posted about a year ago

roles? wtf is this kkkk

posted about a year ago

wtf, EG players didn't win the important duels, they could've won split

posted about a year ago

yes but it's hard to see them in the league cuz of the franchise rules. Maybe next year. Furia always bet in long period and Loud will keep cauanzin. Only MIBR can try new talents

posted about a year ago

rip :/

posted about a year ago
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