Yep, this can happen. For me Loud is the team who has the best chances against FNC. The others always get destroyed by their slow playstyle.
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Registered: | May 8, 2021 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 5:35 PM |
Posts: | 3289 |
Yep, this can happen. For me Loud is the team who has the best chances against FNC. The others always get destroyed by their slow playstyle.
kkkk quero ver a leviatan soltar facil o melhor deles. mibr teria q botar uma grana mt alta
mas o silentz é esse cara ai(igual arriscaram no demon1) uai, primeira oportunidade no tier 1 q vai ter. Exemplo é o cauan q jogava um valorant de cadeia com a nip e agora virou um dos melhores iniciadores. Ter um lider e comissao boa faz diferença demais.
o que mais interessa agora é a comissao tecnica, eu acho q deviam contratar uns 3 analista e 2 coaches pra mlkada evoluir
silentzz se for duelista eu boto fé, o mais skillado q tem junto com o sato
só ganhamos o champions por um milagre do sacy ganhar a ascent sozinho com mais de 30 kills e com 2 clutch. Se n fosse o mapa da vida tomariamos 2-0 e duvido q fariamos o reverse sweep...
achei q tava falando da navi, jogaram bem junto mas n foi clutch.
tuyz(8/51), cauan(3/32) um dos piores em clutches. De mira sao mt bons mas precisam evoluir mt em clutch
2x4 na bind foi aspas e saad...
sacy e pancada eram clutchzeros demais, tuyz não é e cauan tb nao
FNC has 3 first pick choices. Lotus(got destroyed by Loud), Bind(1-13 DRX) or Split(Loud 13-2 PRX).
Unless they pick bind and forget what happened to DRX this FNC pick doesn't matter to Loud. On the other hand Loud didn't play well Ascent vs FNC so I think maybe Loud can change their pick but their second best map(haven) is also good map for FNC.
anyway,I think Loud still pick AScent, FNC will try Bind(3 controller is insane against their style) or Split and the last map will be Lotus.
I thought everybody knew this. It's obvious.
EG and PRX don't have a chance against FNC in a B05. Loud is the only team who can take down FNC,but Loud will lose to EG or PRX in lower final cuz they don't have good map pool for a bo5.
less,cauanzin, demon1(controller),forsaken and something
FNC will be way stronger in this rematch, they are the favorites for sure
they want to do lurker plan B every single round, wtf. Really bad attack. GG, they choked already
FNC doomed after Loud masterclass. FNC condidence is over. Loud just showed to the teams how to beat this one dimentional(always slow) team
one dimentional team. After Loud masterclass the other teams learned how to play against this slow team.
manito vai pra coach da Loud e tras outro jogador
LOUD too, against EMEA it's almost a free win but against APAC Loud strugle everytime.
1- less
yep, Loud should win Lotus but that 1x4 punished too hard.
jail valorant, it's impossible to counter PRX wtf
mira deles é melhor, tinhamos q ganhar os rounds favoraveis
PRX fundamentals are really bad
yep, and less is natural talent like messi(and also is latin american player). Alfa is a robot tho.
terrible show for both teams, FNC comeback is real.
Loud is having a really bad performance today, it's ridiculous
I don't think Loud will pick Lotus, they have 0 info about prx comp and style.
nahh, FNC has to pick another map and let lotus as the third map. This match will be good for FNC
I want to see tier 2 teams in this tournament
Loud won both pistols and the bonus round, FNC was better in full buy rounds. That's the problem. Ascent shouldn't be that close.
I don't know about this, Loud almost lost ascent to FNC.
Loud always had to play Optic in playoffs or group stage. Many matches we didn't see because of that. FPX core vs Loud only happened this champions too.
the arrogance is back. I think will be a 2-1 but not close maps. 50/50 this match imo