I could see an argument for x10 being better but Team Secret nah. All they did was beat cr and vikings who where both were one of the weakest teams. Taking 1 map off of gambit doesn’t mean shit especially if you go 13-0 and 13-6 the next maps
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Registered: | November 11, 2021 |
Last post: | March 11, 2025 at 2:55 PM |
Posts: | 4393 |
I could see an argument for x10 being better but Team Secret nah. All they did was beat cr and vikings who where both were one of the weakest teams. Taking 1 map off of gambit doesn’t mean shit especially if you go 13-0 and 13-6 the next maps
no way you said team secret is better than x10 XD im done
what is overrated is you saying team secret > vs. there is a legitimate argument for x10 being better but secret? nah
KRU 2-1 gambit doesnt look too good unless they were saving strats lul
ig stax was right!
It was a really good call to ban fracture and play haven especially since Fnatic kept doing the same shit by flanking and stuff.
w post btw cant wait for next year
true the only maps fnatic won are icebox and fracture lul
stop capping avast put keznit in the list
bruh you went from hating brazil to fake flagging lul
lol dont act like you dont get butthurt either for example KoreanOverlord
More like Latam = Korea both 1 team regions with few average teams
I thought you were gonna talk about the vanity viper "exploit"
They are overrated to an extent but they are still really good coming from a low player base region
C9b 2-0 Xeta meta
Yeah Korea just needs more players the player base is excruciatingly small but a lot more should come next year.
still doesnt change the fact that the point system is skewed
God against eu/na. a complete noob against minor regions. could be a team thing tho
FS VK ENVY SEN were just bruh moments VS too but was kinda expected imo
its so obscene that Fnatic had instant champ qual from 1 tourney 6 months ago while fpx in constant play offs couldnt attend lcq
lol chill its only the first year and its already rumored that a lot of orgs will join next year. I think the Korean scene did its best considering its circumstances
Single elim + forced lan prevents so much potential in Korea its crazy
its going to change next year with more orgs joining I dont think vs will hold on to lakia and keep hording players
sen vs kru was worth it alone
I mean we can all agree that group c was the easiest by miles jajajajajajjajajajaja
that 1 win was against cr too
Tbh X10 could do really good if envy aren’t aware or able to adapt to their aggressiveness. We saw this against keyd yesterday and it was a fuck fest
Getting downfragged cuz I’m speaking facts smh
We already have xeta meta :) but yes good luck to sea
8/18 and 9/20 in his most important games XDDDDDDDDDD