Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | December 1, 2021 |
Last post: | April 13, 2022 at 6:52 PM |
Posts: | 714 |
xenophobia towards brazil is ok imo
i don’t think he is racist fr
bro is just really dumb LMAO
he was cringe yeah so what bro
they’re gonna try to kill his career bcz of a dumb joke
it’s just sort of pathetic to try so much to slander a competent professional over a silly comment when they’re crushed by immortal mixes in qualifies
trembo W
drx = mediocre aimers that rely on setups and skills
they’re gonna get rolled by nip style
by far the worst regions in the tournament.
idk why they were so overhyped
NIP 2 x 0 DRX tomorrow
sou brasileiro filho kkkkk continua no cope
EU are the biggest copers
they cope even more than NA
keep coping bro
ur region is shit
when the cam showed fluyr i did a bit of lip reading and he literally said
'that boaster guy is pretty weak.. let's try to push through him'
i hope fnatic wins next two matches so derke can be crushed by LOUD in playoffs
bro ur silver 1. you can soloq up to plat
i wish his covid was like in me and he was okay
whats the punchline
and the bad things about EU stems from the fact it's franchised
wdym works well? lmfao
game without franchise used to be so much better
pqp os anos desse cara de 1.6 deram uma carreira inteira pra ele
mlk nunca fez nada em porra nenhuma depois e ainda eh contratado pra tudo
this is plainly wrong
admittedly, valorant has a lower skill floor. but its skill ceiling is as high as csgo
side note but people who think csgo is a hard mechanical game have not played anything other than that lmao
ow is a dead game but not their comp scene
"idk.. they're pretty bad. i think we can beat them handily"
3v3 and he's screaming in voip lmfao dude's gonna get banned soon
LATAM overrated
kru had a fluke run
rest of latam is a joke (watch leviatan playing 😂😂)