dude EU has no fanbase in valorant :D we don't care about no skill gap game like valoshit :P
Flag: | Slovakia |
Registered: | June 27, 2020 |
Last post: | August 18, 2024 at 12:48 PM |
Posts: | 221 |
dude EU has no fanbase in valorant :D we don't care about no skill gap game like valoshit :P
wow ppl like me shoud cry? :D fucking grow up bozo :P
what you expecting? this game has no skill gap :D but fortnite kids will always saying this is better than csgo :D
I love these battles between 3rd worlders :D
When I saw your flag :D then I realize that there is no point to argue with you :P
why I would be mad? I just came here from hltv to make fun of you bots, who's thinking that this game is pro ready :D
dogshit game no skill gap :D here pro in csgo silver max :D
Finally you got it skinny fat :D
Ok skinny fat little shitbag :D be hero like this also on public :D
that "stupid fuck" could break your neck so be carefull buttfucker :D
sure, thats why almost noone is eating ur shit food in EU :D fat murican :P
who you call EU frogs? you fat mcdonald/KFC murican?
so runandgun is losing pro players? :D
like in CSGO? :D
who cares? that guy is fucking low skiled bot :D and obviously also very stupid :P
it's question of time when valorant will die in murcia :D
ok, now go back to the jungle and chop some bananas :P
BB TSM :D I still remeber wardell talk shit on sentinels :D like they are not on their lvl :D
ahahhaha, kindergarden downvoted you to the hell :D
s0mple to noob friendly game? :D keep dreaming kids :D Why woud he do that when he is the best in CS?
idiot where did you get that? :D my life is still better than 90% of muricans :D
when you little braindead kiddo will realize you can't win this war? :D btw it's not even major, wait when will be major for 2mil prize money :D
retard, you should thanks shroud for carrying valorant views :D
I think this game won't survive for so long : D hype is already gone, the skill gap is sooo fucking low, everyone who just plays can be pro, for example, 12 years old radiant? sorry, what? u tell kid, map control and he had no idea what you talking about :D immortal = DMG in csgo, radiant = LE/LEM
yea kid, let everyone know that you are a kid :D
ok so now everyone gonna knows how stupid you are Aris :D
see how stupid you are? low skilled and different especially for you and ur low IQ :D no wonder you were bad in csgo :D
Fortnite was your first game ever for sure :D
that's your valorant fellas dude not cs :D
I think they want to see how this low skilled game beat csgo, because csgo was too hard for them :D you can see how everyone in this game are best :D gold/platinum can kill radiant :D because this game is like playing roulette
because I play that game? but it's a completely different game, you can't compare valorant to csgo
No "we" but you valorant bots trying to compare csgo with kidrant/lowskillrant :D
Do you mean those washed bots? :D nice logic :D "you have a bright future kid" :D
kiddos care :D he is obviously under 15 :D