Flag: China
Registered: November 17, 2020
Last post: June 6, 2024 at 7:41 AM
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thats crazy man price changes quick with these things but i guess theres no other choice

posted about a year ago

wow is this legit

posted about a year ago

anyone know? any reliable leaks? need to book flights and hotels early.. riot is always slow with these information man...

posted about a year ago

are they?

posted about a year ago

man their stuff is always so nice

posted about a year ago

with DRX its always their mental that is the biggest obstacle. lose the 1st map in a BO3 and they prolly lose the series 1-2 90% of the time

posted about a year ago

where can i get info on vcl sa? cant find it on the site

posted about a year ago

sounds like a team riot wld not want near their esport.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

cheating issue is on a crazy rise in this game and a replay system is needed now more then ever but i doubt we will ever get one!! not at least another year !!

posted about a year ago

actually s tier skin, very tempted to get the vandal

posted about a year ago

Pollo from Brazil 1v5 clutch with 6 bullets all headshots 1 tap... geez.. is there anything that can top this?

posted about a year ago

premier needs to come asap. every pro is just waiting for it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ill stop trash talking forever

posted about a year ago

crispy crispy shots

posted about a year ago

you're onto something

posted about a year ago

curse was broken and its only up from here! :)

posted about a year ago

no matter what happens and all the trash talking amongst countries in APAC, at the end of the day we all come together to support PRX and DRX when they represent us on the big stage :)

posted about a year ago

Enigma lost to RRQ and Team secret, GE lost to PRX. what ping diff abusers are you talking about? or you just choose to forget those matches?

posted about a year ago

bro your team still did not qualify lmao

posted about a year ago

close enough

posted about a year ago

i have school work to do and im wondering if the matches will start on time or will it be like yesterday

posted about a year ago

Benkai himself knows some of the things he do is kinda cringe but at the same time he just wants to have fun.

posted about a year ago

ow fans really thought it'll last lmao! no sponsored streams / drops = no one cares

posted about a year ago

its kinda funny to see league names with Dallas, Houston, San Francisco to be all Korean players lol

posted about a year ago

i was watching the OWL and i thought it was NA vs ASIA but when i look at the rosters its like 90% Koreans? is there a reason for this?
the strongest team Dallas Fuel is 100% korean lol

posted about a year ago

hahahaha Elon is such sad multi billionaire CEO of 10 different companies and can easily buy and delete vlr hahahaha

posted about a year ago

game is kinda dead ngl many ppl in my school have kinda stopped playing recently and either play OW or nothing

posted about a year ago

i'm just jealous seeing so much content from overwatch. literally a whole bunch of free content and skins every hoilday. i don't remember anything from val

posted about a year ago

their halloween twitch drops give a couple of free skins that actually look nice. and right after they will have the overwatch leageue twitch drops which gives a whole bunch of skins too

posted about a year ago

I look at overwatch and i see so much content for halloween, free skins, limited time modes etc,
i don't remember VAL doing anything special for events like these except selling us skins that are kinda related to some events.
why riot?

overwatch is going to win alot of players over at this rate

posted about a year ago

the game is fun but the community has been really toxic towards val players

posted about a year ago

looking at twitch, OW is slowly going back to being dead LMAOO gg! OW frogs had their 3 minutes of fame see yall in OW 3 maybe xD

posted about a year ago

look at the quality of threads in the off season. LMAO yall are going crazy

posted about a year ago

lol next time indo dont complain when other regions/org don't want your players since they refuse to learn english

posted about a year ago

ow is a shit low skilled game for bad gamers like you.

posted about a year ago

lily and her friends has been playing val since forever bro

posted about a year ago

im a tier 2 sub

posted about a year ago

i literally watched Amouranth get almost 20kills last week playing OW. don't ever tell me its a harder game aim wise. game as no recoil

posted about a year ago

the old UI was so barebones it look like an alpha stage game bro.

posted about a year ago

csgo actually has history to back it up. OW was dead for a long ass time till blizzard decided to make it relevant again by releasing the same game and call it OW2 lol

posted about a year ago

i like the new UI. the game actually looks like its out of BETA now lol... havent met a Harbor in game yet.

posted about a year ago

one thing ill give ow is that the game has a world class replay system. RIOT please do something

posted about a year ago

how is a game with huge hitboxes and almost no recoil harder to aim????? i was owning with soldier so easily just point and shoot. hes ult is literally aimbot

posted about a year ago

everyday i scroll twitter and without fail i see a OW player making fun of val players having bad aim and positioning in their game. literally a new thread everyday on twitter on how easy val is compared to OW. these guys are no where to be seen just a few months back. now that OW2 is out these people are appearing out of no where. give the game a couple more months and it'll be dead like OW1 was

posted about a year ago

meanwhile csgo with under 20k views lmao

posted about a year ago

is he gay

posted about a year ago
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