Flag: | India |
Registered: | July 10, 2021 |
Last post: | July 17, 2024 at 4:05 AM |
Posts: | 900 |
Ez 2-0 for Paper Rex
Malding so much because SEN got a slot for LCQ lol,chill the 🦆 down, they goin' 0-2 again :)
Feels like SA as a region is losing motivation.VLT seems to be always on a never ending break GE still drooling over the wet dream of them "coming back stronger".Also just look at how SCS was conducted, matches getting delayed ,streamers battle in between. I mean how can a VCT qualifier be so unprofessional? The surprising fact is that people prefer to watch these diamond noobs playing on lan instead of a pro match.Also, Indians should stop watching some of the toxic streamers out there, they do nothing good for the betterment of the community rather they just spit abuse and make the environment more toxic.
Maybe OG,they got the potential and the bucks
Stop body shaming Nexi, not cool at all. Learn to appreciate how good of a player he is.
Shut the fuck up Asshole, don't body shame anyone
Oh! So this is why he's always looking below while playing,dayum unique monitor positioning indeed
GE Drops KappA and HellrangeR
Picke'm ruined
Unprofessional valorant player for SENTINE"L"S
there are 2 branches in biology,which are Zoology (Biological study on Animals) and Botany ( biological study on plants). Human Biology can be categorized under Zoology. Jesus if you don't know at least this much, then I'm sorry my brother you're not fit for School.
13-11 Giants
Good luck to the most humble pros ever, #GOSECRET
Tomorrow will be the death of VLR.gg too since no one will be left to be baited for my fellow South East Asians
Eco ace but sheeeesh
Vamos Giants!!!!
A year ago, you should've seen the chat during Indo vs Ph matches, Jesus the toxicity was insane but once TS qualified for Berlin and couldn't go All Indos and Pinoys were upset together. See, it all happens just Let it go. After all, it's just people on the internet.
You think all of this is serious? Let the masters start once and everyone from APAC will cheer for Paper Rex regardless of the ethnicity lol. We have a hidden unity in us. All of this toxicity during playoffs makes it fun lol. Do you even know how boring it is to watch matches without the banter?
look at Kohli's tracker gg profile,he's been grinding initiator lately
what about streamers like Binks? PC streamers are no less worse.
Toxicity is everywhere, don't blame a game ,it's about the mentality
Paper Rex is way way way better than ORDER,keep coping
The only Korean Asshole I've seen in this website so far
Relax,if they get pistol and keep up the momentum they can win probably
Edit: Sadly NO
Why did Ripperuu close that door? dude....
+great mental,the whole team was so calm and composed throughout the game