seeing these kind of things makes me really sad RRQ doesn't make indo superteam
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Registered: | June 8, 2022 |
Last post: | March 4, 2025 at 6:43 AM |
Posts: | 1798 |
seeing these kind of things makes me really sad RRQ doesn't make indo superteam
EG somehow making C9 looks like god
c9 will win everything, the league, masters, champs, no cyap
1 : DRX 100% sure
2 : GENG/T1 if these SEA and JP teams still being a clown
3 : battle of clowns. ZETA, PRX, TS, TALON
ofc we would trashtalk that. mf tries to sneak in their old mid SEA tier 2 roster as a franchise team. that's fcking insults for orgs that doesn't get picked up
bc on those matches, what stands out are the flaws and blunders of losing team instead of winning team outplayed a perfect play
getting reykjavik and '21 flashbacks. his copenhagen sharpness just gone, nowhere to be seen..
FR. i'd rather see no indo team than seeing shit team that represent indo
do you think the match shows that TS leveled up to peak PRX level or PRX just devolving into weak team that TS could handle
if PRX could upgrade their team, it'd be by changing f0rsaken and mindfreak
the indo duo always on the bottom based on vlr rating for 2 maps? duude
it's '23 & people still surprised PRX using wack comp
yea, he most of time always trying hero play without support
precisely. should keep the beast for other beast
he could be prx secret weapon, why'd they reveal it so early
wdym, asuna is flex like zekken
i'm just saying old teams without roster changes are all having a hard time
-yang ngurus RRQ
old team is struggling, even DRX, because there's so many reference to anti strat them. If they can't overcome that, there should be any changes
they are still dreaming about their cinderella run. they need to wake up and adapt
Moist win bc their reason for revenge is great on this one
kuah gk ada yg ngalahin ayam bawang. goreng, cabe ijo.
btw gue nyobain indomie di luar jawa beda cuy sama di jawa, ayam bawangnya gk enak klo di luar jawa
90% of GC entertainment is the drama anyway. like this one
he watched too much blue lock
Silver detected
too bad the biggest val streamer there (stylishnoob4) doesn't stream the matches.
Americas have tarik. EMEA have ibai. Pacific have?
navi fuck around too much, now they find out koi can whoop their ass
at least he got a team, yay on the other hand..
GenG is not at champs 22 and Talon did worse than PRX there
sure. lock in really make false impression for teams.
he lacks passion for the game, it's an inside joke on his stream that he hates valorant and only sees it as a job. now that he already tasted a grand final stage, something that's out of his expectation, he already lost the drive to compete. that's my hunch
then who? Talon? TS? just bc PRX got knocked out first match on lock in doesn't mean they are shit now. They lost against C9 with unlucky map picks.
dude japan just played against 2 of the league's favorites. It's expected that they lost
no, it's bc their new jersey is so shit
also, i dont see much of the controlled aggression. there's more unnecessary risky and stupid aggressions it's worrying
dude use ridiculously high sense and then get really inconsistent on his aim. really expected
Too close for comfort. PRX still not looking good. I'm not convinced they could be a Masters grand finalist contender if they play like this one