Flag: Papua New Guinea
Registered: July 22, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 9:19 AM
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as bad as they looked on their first tournament, i still believe boom can at least be top2 in indo

posted about a year ago

funny how you two are comparing 2 different games, one is an mmorpg and one is a single player rpg. its just not comparable
people are calling it the same game just because they have similar graphics style is just dumb. reminded me when people called genshin is a zelda copy because some similar features when the gameplay mechanics is completely different

posted about a year ago

does he still has the clout tho?

posted about a year ago

use firefox or browser with built in adblocker
though, i still got ads on twitch, i dont watch twitch that much so im not too bothered to find out how to actually remove ads from twitch so maybe someone else can help with that

posted about a year ago

Ja lft?

posted about a year ago

Yess thats the spirit, we just need to win this one first goodluck my brother

posted about a year ago

cant wait to see prx stomping mixwell back to irrelevancy

posted about a year ago

gg team secret thats been a pretty fun match to watch, turns out they are not so washed up, other Philippinos teams are just their kryptonite apparently

posted about a year ago

let them have their fun, they dont get a lot of wins to begin with so every little one will make them happy

posted about a year ago

actually yeah, didnt his teammate also said that he is a bad teamplayer? why are they keeping him

posted about a year ago

congrats on the one win

posted about a year ago

yep their best achievement this year! winning matches that has no consequences to their enemies in a bo1 series. time to brag about these wins for the next 6 months

posted about a year ago

the caster is indian?

posted about a year ago

congrats GE won a bo1 against a team who is already qualified to the playoffs so the outcome of the match didnt even matter to them! so proud of the boys!!!

posted about a year ago

its their first tournament only after a few month being formed lmaoo chill out

posted about a year ago

they're just following the script bro, top in groups should throw their last match

posted about a year ago

if they wanna kick berserx can they get not-indo duelist? he was the one not comfortable playing with english comms right?

posted about a year ago

i mean skill-wise, they are not too different, but they have to redo everything again from scratch so they will need time to reach old onic/old boom level

posted about a year ago

this happened because rrq divided indo's top tier players into two mediocre team bcs they wanna keep ph players for no reason

posted about a year ago

tbf its arguably the best roster they can field with the remaining lft players

posted about a year ago

Look at their h2h, bleed can win 1 map from prx if its the first map in the series

posted about a year ago

the whole tournament is designed to make everyone have a chance to beat anyone

posted about a year ago

i mean, who wouldve thought that heretics would throw that bad against ts. nt

posted about a year ago

you shaking lil bro?? why are you so insecure lmao we all know they aint gonna win 13-1

posted about a year ago

+12 actually, if they tie rrq wins h2h

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i meant in the pacific league lmao

posted about a year ago

man i really hope boom can win against bleed, but this is like their first tournament so i dont wanna put high expectation on them

posted about a year ago

mine also start double clicking after a few month, but the scroll wheel is fine. i have a g304 that has a scroll wheel issue though, but its because i left it unused for a long time because the battery rusted the springs inside it.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

wtf is the different?

posted about a year ago

cgrs is not gonna play unless one of the players from the original roster cant play

posted about a year ago

yeah i dont understand why they havent strart practicing yet, is it bcs the players are so far from each other?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

not bad

posted about a year ago

Retarded take, why would the mobile community watch valorant a game that they know nothing about

posted about a year ago

you can also just train them to get better lmao

posted about a year ago

anime fell off since 2013

posted about a year ago

americas: NRG if they keep som
emea: fnatic
apac: prx

posted about a year ago

Thats true 😔 he owns me and my whole family, except my cousin jamal

posted about a year ago

What about bill clinton

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i know they do that to civil workers at least (in my country)

posted about a year ago

its adultery, cmiiw but its lts like a common thing for orgs (not just esport org) to fire someone who committed adultery right?

posted about a year ago

what is murash gaming? i see people are saying that alot

posted about a year ago

not bad

posted about a year ago
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