Flag: | Guam |
Registered: | September 5, 2022 |
Last post: | March 12, 2025 at 11:13 AM |
Posts: | 1365 |
Main question :
When valve wake up ?
Valve taking care just for graphic
Is this 2015 ???? when cod AW or GTA 5 release people gonna say "wow this graphic looks insane"
Bro valve really living more like internet explorer
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Psicologa Virtual - Atendimento Psicológico
Yes Shiro yang igl.
Cuman emang dicari yang dampak nya paling kurang dari team itu yang pasti di keluarin
Kalo Shiro nya tetep bagus mainnya walupun dia igl kan aneh jadinya
Ya logic aja sih brok
Itu Shiro cuman main 2 agent viper sama Sova
Ya pasti bisa ada yang full time smoker nanti nya.
Lagian ini juga belum pasti fix, toh Sayo masih main di grayfox aneh aja kalo tiba2 farewell.
Emang orang2 disini ga mau riset dulu
Sekarang sebutkan 1 pemain dengan igl yang bagus dengan mengatur 4 orang muda ini
Kalo dari indo ya cuman sayoo atau shiroo ga tau kalo yg lain
Kemungkinan iya soalnya boom bener2 butuh igl sekarang
Tapi ada kemungkinan bisa gantiin role nya si Budi itu ntar (belakangan dubstep main omen terus juga)
Kemungkinan dubstep juga sih
Data it's not that important unless ur important person
All across asia I think
Japan, china, Korea
But in east Asia is not triggering because we don't know understand they language and they hate not just toward in demon1 account (example : https://twitter.com/WolverineVLRT/status/1767471198454378714?t=K20NlLW_4zh8eUNenkYAew&s=19 )
In indonesia it's just same as India when they hating (which we use same alphabet), good thing esport in west exist only in Twitter, if eSports active in Instagram I can bet ur account will be so easily gone because mass reporting for no reason
He still funny even him taking off stream and curse blg in yinsu stream
But they still good tho
I hope they just don't change choke a map in another final
No it's actually make forsaken better
The chemistry, vibe, confidence is different when forsaken with monyet and forsaken with jj
I mean if they put indo flag, they should put Sweden flag too because dsn in there
No, if I remember they been quite if not chinese team, even booing some team but I forgot which team(source ti9 opening ceremony)
This guy been delusional after lulquid lost yesterday
I hope this bro take the meds
R u support the org or just slandering him ?
If u support him
In may 2 - 5 there's Apex Legend Global Series split 1 (basically it's VCT master 1) held in LA (Galen center), DSG qualify in that tournament
Go support him with buy the merch
Toast not begging yay
He just don't have side of the pick team, if u watch normal perspective it's will be fun.
It's same situation like teacher not used to be friend at all and everyone think he just straight hate all of them, but if u watch in netral perspective it's just how he teach them all.
Or u as eu people watch pacific team vs china team and u just wanna watch them without picking any side of them
that's why number 2 is invalid statement
Only rope incident that can traumatized them
Fnatic was right to kicking two of these guys
Do u mean in the future ?
If I remember correctly that answer this Convo in before final master Madrid
I mean zellsis already got 4-0 from paper rex it's self
Yeah he accept it it was his fault in and teammate was fine
But map 1 they literally just trying new agent (uncomfortable agent pick)
U can see press conference in here
I mean Furia lose to global esport 💀💀💀
Idk but every region stream more faster rather the English stream (I tried watch in prx vs t1 B4)
Next year GE will be buy all controller main
I can smell it how another money got burn
5 indo is never work
We don't know why but it happen every game expect game called point blank
I can give u example if u want it
Depend what result tft and lol this year
(They have world cup in Riyadh but not sponsored, endorsed and not administer by riot)