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Registered: July 15, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 3:11 AM
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vlr has decided no one is allowed to have off games

posted 2 months ago

charles neddington drops 30 per map

posted 2 months ago

i would agree but they lost to giant sex and koi

posted 2 months ago


now that they're in, how far do you think they'll go in champs? their ceiling is top 2 in the region (beat th twice, fut once) so they have massive dark horse potential

posted 2 months ago

you'd think losing to c9 would make some of us relax

posted 2 months ago

miniboo isn't that crazy but woot has a lot more impact on init

hopefully they both back in lowers but until then #VITWIN

posted 2 months ago

i mean... yeah

posted 2 months ago

prx geng
th fnc(?)
sen 100t g2 lev
fpx edg

posted 2 months ago

throwing so vit can get into champs the easy way. ball knowers

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

astronomically common team liquid L

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

surely not

posted 2 months ago

i'd be pissed too if i had no help

posted 2 months ago

feels like the x factor for heretics, sometimes he has games where he performs pretty badly but when he's hitting his shots and playing with confidence, i feel like it affects the rest of his team and they start playing a lot more fluid and confident

posted 2 months ago

i don't think i've yet to see him make a single mistake, such an insane player

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

probably just stop recycling old talent, but that’s impossible because literally every nrg team in every esport does this for some reason

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

1 round and we could've seen this matchup in champs

posted 2 months ago

i wonder why this core had so little success early in the year. rare atom looked to be one of the best teams in the region before the regular season and i thought that even with a new igl & org they'd still do well but they just couldn't figure it out until it was too late

posted 2 months ago

rumor is blg coach told yosemite inbetween maps to imagine he was playing fns so he locked in

posted 2 months ago

they need some mods bro 😭 some people saying crazy shit

posted 2 months ago

this guy is going through it

posted 2 months ago

i hope it’s not like this year’s situation where they wait until the last minute to get the players they want and they end up having like no time to prac before the season starts

posted 2 months ago

how 😭 that’s like an average of 2-3 posts an hour

also it deadass wouldn’t be surprising if g2 somehow managed to win champs over th/geng/prx/etc if they continue playing and improving the way they have been, especially icy

posted 2 months ago

wouldn’t be surprised

posted 2 months ago

100% sure is crazy, for it to be that sure boostio needs to actually start shooting back again

posted 2 months ago

sen needs to really lock in if they want any hopes of beating g2. any excuses about audio issues and sacy’s dog (rest in peace) is unfortunately massive cope, last time was icy diff + synergy diff so they gotta wake up if they don’t want to lose like that again

sen can beat them at their best but at this point it’s only at their best, even with the issues going on in their camp they looked lost around the map at several points and it’s clear their heads weren’t in the game.

however right now they need to focus on beating 100t because you’re talking as though sen is guaranteed to win when there’s a chance they fumble

posted 2 months ago

despite the teams they played they still looked good, they didn’t drop a map the whole split

posted 2 months ago

idk but hiro needs to be on a t1 team next season, whether it’s fnatic or not, bro is too good

posted 2 months ago

hope he and edg find their form internationally again

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

y'all are too funny LMAOOO

posted 2 months ago

1 round...

posted 2 months ago

probably, unless some nzr type shit happens

actually maybe they'll 6th man him in the future if they find a better options

posted 2 months ago

i mean it's not like he drops -30 every match, he does have some crazy series (the g2 one was atrocious) but usually he does well enough where that if he has 4 other people that shoot back, he can still find success

take nrg 2023 for example, sure they became bilibili victims at the end but even with him going negative every series they were still comfortably top 3 in the region because everyone else on the team had good aim

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

flair? i mean their playstyle definitely only works for them but they proved that it's possible

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

nah it definitely could've worked if they didn't try forcing demon1 into roles he isn't used to

like make him play sentinel or something and let victor go entry duelist bro, demon1 relies more on aim diffing anyway

posted 2 months ago

i mean if a team with 3 masters winners and 2 champs winners is a losing hand then i don't know what a winning one is LMAO

posted 2 months ago

nrg talent manager

posted 2 months ago

wouldn't it make more sense to pick up potter for her to be back with demon1

posted 2 months ago

yeah you're right, my thought process was fns returning back to init flex since he has experience on fade/breach/skye but that would conflict a lot with ethan's roles, and i don't know how well either of the two will adapt to learning recon agents like sova and gekko

posted 2 months ago

oxy/jawgemo/any cracked t2 duelist (mada, reduxx, etc)

have demon1 learn sentinel & play jett in double duelist comps

posted 2 months ago
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