Flag: United States
Registered: July 15, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 9:30 PM
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posted 3 weeks ago

my argument is you're still mad he beat your team and are now trying to come up with weird theories to cope

second thread about miniboo in like 10 minutes btw

posted 3 weeks ago

probably because it'll still be offseason LOL

posted 3 weeks ago

some people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions i think

posted 3 weeks ago

bro wanted to say melons so bad LMAOOOOO

posted 3 weeks ago

wdym do it for riens the guy is playing right now

posted 3 weeks ago

who is crying bro LMAOOO

posted 3 weeks ago

i'm here for the final
back to nrg after today

posted 3 weeks ago

bro check his pc what the fuck is that

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

this is NOT a home crowd bro

posted 3 weeks ago

let him have fun bruh

posted 3 weeks ago

insane gamble to get 4 rookies but it paid off so well, WOW

posted 3 weeks ago

the th geng friendship is so wholesome i love them

posted 3 weeks ago

3 melons rounds already bruh it's the first fucking half

posted 3 weeks ago

boo is in flowstate, the defense calling is fucking immaculate

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

fuck a jinx it's a 3-0

posted 3 weeks ago

bro who cares about region wars it's fucking grand finals LOCK IN

posted 3 weeks ago

because it’s literally the only good champs song

posted 3 weeks ago

y0y mentioned??

posted 3 weeks ago

g2 is not letting go of trent

posted 3 weeks ago

good it sucks

posted 3 weeks ago

i swear the word fluke needs to be removed from people’s vocabulary

posted 3 weeks ago

nevermind i saw it now

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

imagine being an emea org, seeing a team like heretics have this much success with rookie players but knowing you’re still going to recycle the same players year after year and get no results in the end

emea can literally be so fucking good but they willingly choose to sabotage themselves, like you HAVE the proof that t2 investment works right in front of you

posted 3 weeks ago

it is just you

posted 3 weeks ago

people who keep saying -miniboo +patitek are heavily stuck in the past. we aren’t in shanghai anymore and miniboo is still a very good player

posted 3 weeks ago

yeah it’s all fun and games until you get hit with the plague

posted 3 weeks ago

surely cs2 isn’t that bad that a cs frog like yourself choose valorant over it 😭

posted 3 weeks ago

3-1 heretics

posted 3 weeks ago

th and edg for sure make no changes

sen might run it back i dunno, i think they will because they’ve shown they can hang despite not having crazy firepower

i dunno who lev can get that is both a free agent and a direct upgrade of any of their players

posted 3 weeks ago

meant to add “in americas” i am tired

posted 3 weeks ago

surely heretics don’t let both pacific AND china win their first every international chip, right

posted 3 weeks ago

i love vlr, this is the only site i’ve seen where you can be the third best team in the world and still be called mid

c0m was, in most series, lev’s best player, and tex was often right behind him

posted 3 weeks ago

he is the most consistent duelist outside of aspas so i dunno where this came from

posted 3 weeks ago

how can they be mid when they reached top 3 with a poor aspas performance

posted 3 weeks ago

sacy is 2-0 against crashies this year so i dunno

and crashies has been really mid this year too

posted 3 weeks ago
  1. i’ve almost drowned three times in my life, all were around the ages of 7 to 10

  2. the way i hold my pencil/pen is different from most, i use all five fingers, the thumb on one side and the other four fingers on the other

  3. i went to france once and i visited versailles, and while i was there i chucked a rock down the slope and it accidentally hit some lady’s face

posted 3 weeks ago

this is an astronomically low bar to clear ☠️☠️

posted 3 weeks ago

hell yeah he was boxing kids in fortnite and now he’s doing the same in valorant

posted 3 weeks ago

benjy is my goat, benjy in my throat

posted 3 weeks ago

sentinels wasn’t even supposed to make it to playoffs, yall should consider this a good run

posted 3 weeks ago

i have never touched valorant i just like watching the esport

posted 3 weeks ago

no script just immense delusion

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

TH 3-1

benjyfishy goes +20 and drops 2 aces, both with sheriff

posted 3 weeks ago

leo secondary duelist is possibly the biggest overcook i’ve ever seen

posted 3 weeks ago
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