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Registered: July 15, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 6:44 PM
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posted 3 weeks ago



mwzera - 86% win rate (thats the insaniest thing ive seen in a while)
cNed - stats not availiable
TenZ - 73% win rate

mwzera - 66.3% winrate (MVP of 95% of the matches) proof here
cNed - 53.5% winrate (MVP of 13% of the matches)
TenZ - 60.4% winrate (MVP of 15% of the matches)

can you take your time to appreciate how insane mwzera is? without a doubt the most talented player to ever touch the game

I'll try to explain briefly why I think he is the best player in the world
Despite his insane aim and movement
The best way to know if a player is a good duelist is RAZE. There is a BIG difference between a good duelist and a jett abuser
If he is a good duelist, he needs to be good with raze.

heat? not good with raze
aspas? not good with raze
xand? not good with raze
tenz? not good with raze
cned? not good with raze
scream? not good with raze
d3ffo? not good with raze
derke? not good with raze

Thats why I think he is undoubtely the best player in the world. If RIOT by any means decides to nerf jett and shift the meta we prolly not gonna even hear names like cned and tenz again :>
He is not killing 40+ per map because when he joined VK he was forced to play a different role because heat is already a main jett... and lets be honest, every single duelist nowadays gets 20+ kills per map because team and setups are basically built around you (even steel managed to get 20 kills with it

posted 3 weeks ago

derke? not good with raze

posted 3 weeks ago

dw he’s going to NRG

posted 3 weeks ago

bro offseason literally just started ☠️☠️

posted 3 weeks ago

derke? not good with raze

posted 3 weeks ago

pretty sure utility is not meant to trigger the wall, only exception is yoru clone

posted 3 weeks ago

at least have some loyalty, you went from g2 to lev and are now glazing a team that doesn’t even exist anymore

you make na fans look bad

posted 3 weeks ago

both the wall and the flash are insane bro

apart from the wall being literally 200 credits, you can place it in completely open areas that would be simply too dumb to jump peek but can still slow down a full site hit, not to mention that it pushes people to either side of the wall and not on top of it as a sage wall would

the flash can be dodged, yeah, but if it hits someone it makes a sound cue so it can also gather info. if you take it back the moment you flash, it has like a 15 second cooldown. you can also pop the flash without having to look at it or performing any animation so you can instantly swing

all in all, vyse certainly does not look mid

posted 3 weeks ago

spent all that money on the ethan/demon1 buyout (so much so that chet had to pitch in) just to be ass and have to let go of everyone, my goat s0m needs to find another org

posted 3 weeks ago

“top 3” names six

posted 3 weeks ago

bro they’ve done this shit like 4 times it’s ridiculous

posted 3 weeks ago

crazy how nrg at one point had the 3 best streamers but still couldn’t make content for shit

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

pre yellow hair there could’ve been an argument but now…. ehhhhhh

posted 3 weeks ago

better looking maybe

posted 3 weeks ago

lmao someone posted somewhere that they cut him because fns was much better at feeding than any chef could ever be

posted 3 weeks ago

he had an edg flair bro lol

posted 3 weeks ago

what the fuck bro… i can’t even say my team is cooked because these fuckers don’t got a chef now

posted 3 weeks ago

weakness: water

posted 3 weeks ago

thing about nrg is that they’re hardly making any roster changes and it’s just another instance of recycling talent they have

in eg’s case, they have players like jawgemo and supamen, and they’re more than likely going to be investing more in t2, in which there is a LOT of upcoming na talent

with the right pieces it could be the americas version of heretics

posted 3 weeks ago

agree for everyone except americas, in which i’d have eg

posted 3 weeks ago

nah sen makes decent content for an org

as much as it pains me to say this, nrg’s content is… uhhh really bad LMAOOOOO

posted 3 weeks ago

The funny part is that he's a middle of the pack Americas duelist, but LEV is so overrated that you are not allowed to say anything bad about any of the players on the team (even c0m who is arguably the worst player to ever touch the game).

If you swap Aspas out for any Tier 2 duelist, this team does not get worse, it probably looks better. This is the problem with playing in a region that has never had any real star players. It's the same reason you see insane glazing for support players like Sacy, Leaf, and Ethan. They just dont have the caliber of players that the other regions do. We'll never see a Derke, Sayf, Something, KK, Jingg from Americas, they just don't have it in them.

Is Aspay the problem with this team? Of course not, they have no coaching staff and their IGL is a Brazil silver.
But to compare him to actual generational talent like Derke is not only delusional, but disrespectful to players like Derke that really are a step above the competition.

posted 3 weeks ago

thank you my friend, you too

posted 3 weeks ago

hey guys i’m starting to think sensucks may not like sentinels

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

aspas haters won’t like this thread

posted 3 weeks ago

this was actually legendary

posted 3 weeks ago

good post sensucks

posted 3 weeks ago

unfortunately this sounds like a skill issue, my friend. good luck and godspeed

posted 3 weeks ago

just because someone doesn’t reply to trolls online and offline doesn’t make them weak, it just means they’re sure of themselves enough to not take anything anyone says to heart and keep doing their own thing

posted 3 weeks ago

foxy9 had a pretty bad year

posted 3 weeks ago

yes, he beat the dynasty astralis roster in esl one 2019 for the win

ironically vanity was also at this event and he got grouped LMAOOO

posted 3 weeks ago

i would have to say g2

posted 3 weeks ago

unironically yeah, they were the GOAT north american org in so many different games before they fell off

posted 3 weeks ago

i mean personally? i’d rather be successful than have aura

posted 3 weeks ago

they did have a better season

two lans made + two regional wins

posted 3 weeks ago

how 😭 that’s literally what happened

my two cents is that this baiter argument is dumb, if you have teammates willing to bait for you because they believe you’re capable of getting their trade (especially on attack in which a 4v4 favors them) then why not use that

aspas and derke are both top-tier players that 8/10 times can guarantee a trade while also taking space, and obviously it works well for both teams

posted 3 weeks ago

fnatic has had better overall results this season

lev outplaced them at one event and had less regional wins than them

posted 3 weeks ago

2024 nrg

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

nAts is NOT underrated
famsii played like two games and he looked good in both so i wouldn’t say he’s underrated
everyone else i can see

posted 3 weeks ago

how good was kamo this year, was he just fully anchored by his team

posted 3 weeks ago

keep going, this is actually pretty entertaining

posted 3 weeks ago

no WAY you’re still mad over something i said over a day ago LMAOOOOOO

posted 3 weeks ago

man are these really the only threads i’m gonna see on this site for the next 6 months

posted 3 weeks ago

i don’t know why people are so upset over edg winning, why does everything have to be a mickey mouse or a fluke? why does everyone want two or three teams to be dominant the whole year?

posted 3 weeks ago

emea for no trophies / cn for lack of placements outside of edg

posted 3 weeks ago
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