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Registered: April 30, 2022
Last post: May 4, 2024 at 3:26 PM
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It is crazy but that one game does not define asuna as a better reyna as tenz. Thats like saying tenz’s 40 against lg in stage 2 means he is the best jett. I personally think tenz has a slightly better just because of his master 2 performace. But they are on a very similar level

posted about a year ago

I loved how sykko developed cryo. Hope he can do the same with tenzedzombir batchest

posted about a year ago

yeah, changes needed to be made. kinda ironic how sen fans were desperately wanting then to pick up better players for lcq but when they actually did they are all sad.

posted about a year ago

He was one the best igls in NA he had the skills and lead the team to beat optic in stage 2. I mean he is no fns but i would say he pretty good. He also has good chem with zekken and coach

posted about a year ago

Is all of asia????? You must be trolling

posted about a year ago

TenZ Is most likely staying. There is a possibility but it is not very likely

posted about a year ago

But this is franchising, you need to build the best team possible. Not try to see if the team is good under good management. Also Sykko said he wants build the best team now and not really play for long term and develop young and upcoming talwnt

posted about a year ago

Cryo is def upper tier and idk about zmjjkk

posted about a year ago

He hasn't really publically announced he is coming back to compete so idk

posted about a year ago

I understand why some fans are upset with the core leaving. But at that point your are their players fans. Not an org fan

posted about a year ago

Guys i think you guys are overreacting. YES sen shouldve let dapr and shahz known they were searching for other players. But if you think about it they dont want to “release” their players until a deal is signed or about to be signed. HOWEVER, they shouldve communicated better bts

posted about a year ago

It really is lmao

posted about a year ago

TenZ seemed way better and improved compared to stage 2.

posted about a year ago

Sad that the old core is good. Loved them but this is such a W in terms of chances of competing nationally.

Sad to see the core gone but happy that we got the see the the old team win the first intl lan

posted about a year ago

This was the sad reality. I love the old sen, their content and vibes was great. But this year was just a constant meh in terms of performance which the expectations put by 2021. Sad how it ended but happy that it still happened

posted about a year ago

After realizing the sen core is no longer together, i just realized this

posted about a year ago

Probable but not really likely

posted about a year ago

W streamer fr

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Zekken has “beef” with optic (was rejected when he tryed out for envy)
Loud vs optic rivalry
Zekken prob doesnt like ardiis that much

posted about a year ago

Yeah zombs played his last match with sen 5-6 months ago

posted about a year ago

I think a better assessment would be top 5 op-er in NA not globally

posted about a year ago

George said they were looking into other chambers but they all went to other teams. Most likely yay, ardiis, and cryo

posted about a year ago

Guys its been 5-6 months since sen hasnt had a dedicated smokes player. Pancada is here to save us. (Shroud hasnt really played val professionally and i still consider sick as a flex player)

posted about a year ago

Source: trust me bro

posted about a year ago

This roster is p good for clout and insane firepower on paper wtf

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

He is dating mik from soar

posted about a year ago

I think they announce roster or at least some new additions

posted about a year ago

Oh i see hopefully we get news soon and its not bait

posted about a year ago

When did he say this?

posted about a year ago

What happened to dephh

posted about a year ago

You realize that chamber is still meta. So tenz is probably continue to play chamber on most maps while zekken entries

posted about a year ago

Bro thought they could sneak in jonahp at smokes and thought they could get away with it

posted about a year ago
  1. They are grown adults
  2. That was two years ago
posted about a year ago

zekken, depph, tenz, marved/aproto, trent/dapr

For eg
Valyn, jawgemo, nismo, boostio, trent

posted about a year ago

Where did this information that pointed towards him leaving?

posted about a year ago

I still think he can compete on the t2 level decently well but unless eg dont valyn, I dont see him getting on a franchised team

posted about a year ago

Yeah I felt bad for him but once rob came out with a statement it all made sense. Its like saying you got fired and complaining that the staff didnt notify you that someone waa taking your old position.

posted about a year ago

Maybe EG, theyve been quiet but they could be trialing

posted about a year ago

Look at 100T see how well they did internationally without a main oper

posted about a year ago

But there is a chance he stays. Sen is currently in a rebuild. He could be a part of it but he could not. nothing is confirmed

posted about a year ago

Bro there is a chance he stays on sen. He is not released. Just his contract is ending

posted about a year ago

Lev xset haven cpn

posted about a year ago

Dude wtf that SkRossi addition makes them so much stronger compared to f0rsaken.

posted about a year ago

Disclaimer: this is not a hate thread
Is it just me or does 100T not picking anybody except cryo up kinda concerning? Dont get me wrong they look like a strong team. But i feeling like looking at the other “potential” teams, if feel like they wont be as successful. Derrek only stands out in his clutches imo. Stellar seems like a good caller but i feel like he can be a bit predictable. I just feel like they couldve tried to get fns, crashies or trent to fill in some of their holes but they didnt for the sake chemistry? Idk those are just my thoughts

posted about a year ago

Fns can fade and breach. Dapr can play fade

posted about a year ago

He lowkey looks like matpat

posted about a year ago

Ok sen fans. Give your predictions on the time and day when george or sen gives leaks about their coaches/players. Mine is Monday 2:25 pm EST.

Coaches: sykko, sliggy
TenZ, dephh, marved, zekken, dapr

posted about a year ago
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