a lil top 0.5%
Flag: | International |
Registered: | July 14, 2021 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 2:32 PM |
Posts: | 10845 |
i thought he was just voicing his concerns
ithink he will be there unless its been confirmed otherwise?
has to be one of the easiest ones ever
I prob have the same pickem as half the people who made one
lul 100t and tsm are not bad, optic are aight even with their wins
but SEN negs all 3
this i can confirm, people have a misconception that only NA likes SEn but when I enter tenz and SEN comments, there are a good amount from Latin and Asia,
lul they got a map off case when vitality couldn't even get a map off dogstar
Duelist: Zekken/prime tenz
Flex: Sick
Controller: Marved
Initiator: eeiu
Sentinel: yay hehhehehe
if eeiu is an igl, this is the best team u can make NA
typical EU iq-less braindead street dog
according to expectations
lmao thats a joke
XSET could've beaten LEV with ease but they fucing threw to a guy who was mid any other game who had the game of his life, if they could've beaten LEV they could've beaten fnatic who barely beat them
that makes 0 sense, ur just saying words to say them now
he is saying thank you to lixa esports for the tryout
u know u can just google translate it right
ur literraly braindead, if he is in the top rankings with that little wins, he obviously has a higher win rate than everyone there
even if he played more games you can extrapolate and say that the win rate would carry over
yeah he would win every game cause he's different like that
lul then tenz shouldnt be that high he is higher than people with more games won
still impressive lmao, the others had to win way more to offset more of their losses
dude has 71 games played lul
thats not how you paraphrase buddy also flare
i disagree, SEN has the best individual talent
Guard were and every other team were exponentially better than them in using util/strats
the key word being were, hopefully SEN accept that their old stras don't work anymore
gimme that scrimbux daddy
tell us if SEN got an actual chance to take it
i have liquid making it to finals in a lower bracket run but they lose there unless their 5th is a god from the heavens
true they're so bad GE will prob swoop in and sweep the entire bracket
I will go back to geng once I get bored of UOL
Nah he is one of the most mechanically gifted in all of fps
Literally Sayaplayer = Zellsis
Net < Tenz
JonahP <<<<<<<🐀
Valyn ? Shroud
Trent > Dapr
more like this
lmao those regions dont care about valo buddy
still irrelevant? dont know what to tell you
if u saw SR stomp everyone at masters would anyone care, no
if it had been fnatic people would care
unfortunately I don't even care enough to bait and shit on fpx cause that's just how boring and irrelevevant the team is LUL
if u dont have the iq to compute more people=more talent than idk what to say
i have them winning it all but they gotta go to lowers
i dont want to be part of shitmea, ill cum wherever I want u shitmea fan
idk about the rest of EMEA but russians breath, eat, and sleep fps
csgo has to be like top 5 activities for children in that country
u can take it from me cause I support the Best Team in the world that its never good to be delusional
nah reyna/chamber crutch usually top frags but tilts fast
never played kj lul or jett, I'm a reyna addict before chamber came out