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Registered: | March 13, 2021 |
Last post: | May 26, 2023 at 3:18 PM |
Posts: | 640 |
T1 over Envy, are you on them drugs
Then what is the point of this thread.
G2 is overhyped, I think they are a fine team but Fnatic, Acend, FPX, Guild, Gambit, etc are all better. Also Envy is getting hyped up and Im super excited for them to debut with Marved. ABX have been lookin fine and TSM in their interview didn't look that confident in themselves, but hopefully they are back.
I mean Marved got poached by Envy so FaZe didn't really have a choice. I think babyj is good especially because cypher is coming back into the meta. But I don't know about his igling skills.
Didn't he get signed to XSET or am I missing something
Im pretty sure Getsys said in an earlier thread that he was Indian
Guys stop typing in this thread, we all know its gonna be Marved.
NullAnon can't be truo because he is 11-3 on the side of 100T bruh.
You can horse tap with a phantom now.
If you watched the TSM podcast they said envy should win the next tourney, but the last time the scrim hype was around envy TSM sit them down, so let's just see.
Its actually ass now because of the fact that you don't have full armor most of the time on agents like Sova, Sage, Jett, etc.
Yeah I submitted that suggestion before Masters and they did it. I think it's just for the main events not the open quals.
What happened to HQTSHQT AKA PussyJett
NV vs T1 is boring asf, but the other takes are kinda reasonable.
That is if they make it that far kek
Read the title.
I think its personally fine. The only people who run it are sova/cypher mains since they can rack up wall bang kills. Otherwise it doesn't really compare to a phantom or a vandal that can one tap especially now because you will prbly be buying light armor with the odin so its even harder to fight against a rifle.
Hot take
They put Marved on Sentinel and FNS on Controller. FNS can already play viper, just needs to learn astra/omen (whichever one is meta).
mummAy is a top 5 awper
Marved is prbly a top 5 controller. (Vanity, Nitro, Marved, Zombs, jcStani?)
Tbh, I didn't see much impact in my games because I counterstrafe, so I think most players won't be affected. If you can only run and gun at the top you prbly don't deserve to be there.
Bruh Ik that. I just saying that Marved on Astra would be a waste of firepower.
This man only speaks fax
Envy have been destroying teams as of late in scrims, but they have always been a team thats problem was never their skill but choking. As for TSM, who tf knows.
Sheeeeeesh. I know a lot of ppl want Marved on controller but I think they should put FNS on Astra and Marved on sentinel so that Marved can have more impact on rifling and FNS can focus on calling.
Astra is not horrible at all. Her econ is basically the same. You have to get 150 for 4 stars instead of 200 for 3 stars.
Yeah but if your gonna nerf everything make it so you have to buy jett's dash for like 150 or something. I don't care that they increase the ulil price but duelists are left unchecked which sucks for support players.
The new update seems kinda trash to me but before you downfrag and trash talk me here me out.
KAY/O seems like a direct nerf to the post plant meta.
Judge gets fucking nerfed
ALL Abilities cost more which in reality just makes duelists more powerful since their signature is really all that matters for Reyna and Jett. Some changes I do agree with like shock darts and slow orbs but the everything else is a little bit unnecessary. On bonus's people wont' have a lot of utility like raze boom bot and such.
The ult points: Why did all the good ults go up to 8 ult points but the most broken ult in the game is still 6. It goes back to my point of now duelists are op because pheonix ult is even more ridiculous because you don't have util to delay the ult pushing site.
Bruh they just need to run the single duelist iceland comps. They put wippie on the killjoy and jammyz on the viper.
dicey (he has learned new agents like sova and sage so yeah)
jammyz (but I think v1 will take him back after zelsis)
Wait what does his E do. Is it like a kj ult cuz that is crazy op
I unfoIIowing c9 tenz no shot he goes sentinels....sentinels come on tenz u betray c9 how ccould u do dis. If i was tenzz, i would sabotage the sentinle from the inside like imposter from amongus
Go Marshal only in Unrateds. This will help your flicking a lot.
I only have a 60 hz monitor.
I think FaZe is missing Marved because Envy is scrimming with Marved