Flag: Vatican City State
Registered: May 28, 2023
Last post: October 14, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Posts: 156
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surely. almost feels unfair but maybe roster might chance in a year after they win both masters and champs due to ego wars and satiety. if not we need more super teams

posted about a year ago

crashies gives me that reliable vibe. also if s0m put his cross on an angle you just know he will click head

posted about a year ago

demon1 suygetsu

posted about a year ago

he was really good against ase and drx

posted about a year ago

i watched every single navi game this year and imo ange1 is the biggest problem. they should kick him and get a smart igl he don't even need good aim. all navi need is to stop overthinking and a proper igl (and maybe a coach, i can't say anythıng about doombros because idk ange1 seems more effective on team

posted about a year ago

even drx looked like they accept defeat but fut choke so hard and play the worst map of year on haven.. turkısh teams always like that bro

posted about a year ago

only navi. but they have kick igl and maybe even coach

posted about a year ago

closest game eg played in this event so far (boostio life game too) they would beat drx but haven was classic turkish choke

posted about a year ago

put fns on navi and they will win champs. forget fns even bonecold works bro ange1 aim is fine for a igl but his so bad at calling can't even read anti eco rounds navi always going to into full sites and if they win it is probably mechanical diff by players. 0 igl impact

posted about a year ago

i think cned should move to na his playstyle is better fit for na

posted about a year ago

i thought he cursed or some shit lol what u smoking

posted about a year ago

logic says 2-0 eg but i would bet on 2-1 tl

posted about a year ago


they don't need igl damn i would create this team just for fun if i was elon musk

posted about a year ago

cringe gen z rap listeners. i only listen jazz blues classical and things like that.

posted about a year ago

they should do gamechanger masters mumbai lul

posted about a year ago

stfu just go watch wtcn's last stream cned also was there he said eg is cracked

posted about a year ago

i like him but he is not humble bro lol (i mean he deserves to be egoistic

posted about a year ago

he wrote while eg -loud on ascent. (wtcn watchparty btw

posted about a year ago

wrote on a turkish twitch chat and also said they are gonna expose them

posted about a year ago

just be here when fnatic shit on nrg 26-7

posted about a year ago

qutionerx clears

posted about a year ago

Little kids played and had fun. Now the stage is fnatic's. they won't drop a single map in the tournament and shutting many mouths

posted about a year ago

suy clear

posted about a year ago

botge1 out bonecold in

posted about a year ago

his sova ults different

posted about a year ago

bro i mean team work is important but guy can shoot even the fly in the room lol he is not a ranked player he is already better than any version of tenz

posted about a year ago

who cares man they don't have enough money to go to US

posted about a year ago

they were carrying emea for a long time and now they sent their agent demon1 to na damn CIS rules the valorant. i will soon publish my academic article with you guys on the russian superiority in val

posted about a year ago

zyppan could still play raze for example a lot of teams plays raze and jett together on split navi can do that but ange1 and doombros ego so high that they had to do something marginal every time. ange1 coach and overthinking are the problems. it is stupid to blame zyppan cned suy or shao they all cracked

posted about a year ago

They are actually so cracked mechanically that even without an igl they played head to head every team. Kick that fraud ANGE1 0 read 0 impact disgusting comps and wasting player's poteantials

posted about a year ago

he is already better than prime tenz and yay (assuming no chamber abuse)

posted about a year ago

finally someone said it. troll comps aside he can't read the game navi vs nrg was the definiton of igl diff. Even the rounds navi won were won by the individual skill of the players, 0 igl impact. they should just kick him asap this team is actually so cracked that they can play head to head agaınst teams like fnatic nrg with a dogsh1t igl. navi has so much potential best operator player (cned) best aimer (suy) best clutch player( shao) and this guy just wasting it.

posted about a year ago

bot ange1 needs to be dead or kicked thats the only way to fix navi

posted about a year ago

I can never blame the other players of navi. They're playing with the world's worst igl. and in agents, roles they're not comfortable with. they're still not bad though. respect to cned and suy today also sorry for shao that disgusting igl wasting his potential

posted about a year ago

I'm actually curious about the fut-eg match more than who will win the tournament

posted about a year ago

he is inconsistent but when he is on fire suygetsu is the best aimer itw

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

fnc nrg clears

posted about a year ago

what did he write?

posted about a year ago

i would love to see c9 and giants rather than boring china teams ngl

posted about a year ago

haven: 13-7 fut
split: 14-12 eg
ascent: 13-6 fut

posted about a year ago

doesn't school time end in japan?

posted about a year ago

Navi looked like crap a lot of times during the regular season but I still think they're hiding something under the table. Don't forget the optic core starting curse too. Also fut is guaranteed second place behind drx

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

FNC 100 times better than all the teams stop lying yourself casuals

posted about a year ago
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