Flag: United States
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 4:51 AM
Posts: 204
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Ass 3

posted about a year ago

Just a quick question, how many total games does each team play? Do teams have BYE weeks?

posted about a year ago

"Mosh Pit (C)

Mosh Pit’s damage to objects has been performing inconsistently with relative abilities such as KAY/O’s FRAG/ment (C) and Breach’s Aftershock (C).

Damage to objects has reduced 2.5x >>> 1x
Wingman (Q)

Wingman will now always die if he is last alive."

THATS IT????? Nah dude, wingman is probably the best ability currently in the game. A 300 credit ability can plant/defuse the spike making it a 6v5 in full retakes. NERF THAT LITTLE DUDE.

posted about a year ago

Please get soulcas off a franchised team

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

How many chances is Mixwell gonna get before he’s outcasted? He hasn’t been good since he entered this game, I don’t know why he is seen as a T1 player.

posted about a year ago

Twitter exists

posted about a year ago

For some reason, instead of being excited and talking about the CS2 update, a lot of CS players can only talk about how Val is dead now. I promise you, we do not care at ALL about the update and never have. Both games can thrive together. Val lives RENT FREE in CS E-Sports fans.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

How is SR allowed to go under a different banner to play in Knights? How is that legal? LMAO

posted about a year ago

The purest-yay thing was him saying he won’t report on things that he hears as rumors, I don’t think it was shitting on purest tbh

posted about a year ago

Completely fine to dislike him I respect that

posted about a year ago

Nah it’s just never made sense to me. There is no reason that people should freak out as much as they do because a person is getting information and reporting it before a team announces it. Who the actual fuck cares. It affects nothing.

posted about a year ago

Don’t care

posted about a year ago

ESports makes no money. That’s not a secret. All of the investors are hoping that somewhere down the line they can turn a profit because of how fast the market is growing. However, investors are starting to pull out because despite the growth, orgs are still consistently losing money. If E-Sports wants to be popular, they need to follow the model of professional sports leagues. Valorant has done a great job of that with franchising and a promotion system. But that is just one piece of the puzzle. Insiders like Adrian Wojnarowski for the NBA, Adam Schefter for the NFL, and Jeff Passan for the MLB have millions of followers because they bring excitement with every tweet. Why the f*** do you all care about a “hype video” of a player? I would MUCH rather get these leaks and feel more up to date than waiting around for these teams to announce their signings. Rumors and speculation are some of the most fun that I’ve had as a sports fan. Bringing that to E-Sports brings even more excitement to the sport because fans will be following these reporters in the offseason to get up to date information about their favorite team before the team announces it. I’m sorry, I really do not understand what George and other insiders are doing wrong.

posted about a year ago

The Sentinels slayer is BACK

posted about a year ago

Big big bump. This is a must needed addition, gives so much more information regarding a player and it’s not hard at all to implement seeing how there haven’t been a lot of tournaments yet.

posted about a year ago

Looks cool imo. Idk why were getting initiator before sentinel tho

posted about a year ago

Its absolutely infuriating watching this guy jump on accident every map. Like I get it if it happens once in a while, but the amount that he does it is awful.

posted about a year ago

That would go crazy. Leaf back on duelist and vanity on sentinel.

posted about a year ago

yeah hes very unhinged rn

posted about a year ago

Cope, just won Red Bull, match isnt over

posted about a year ago

They won their map pick big whoop, 100t 2-1

posted about a year ago

Oh my god stfu

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ok I was wrong about G2 but I will always stand by the opinion that Shahzam is not a T1 player or IGL

posted about a year ago

Not a good player and the fact he got a second contract and was TRUSTED TO IGL A PROFESSIONAL TRAM after his performance in 2022 is WILD to me

posted about a year ago

I don’t!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Look at this creative defensive response to FaZe’s aggression! This is working very well!

posted about a year ago

True I didn’t check my bad

posted about a year ago

I guess your new to the valorant pro scene

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I still don’t understand why they did

posted about a year ago

Not even close is a stretch

posted about a year ago

Have we forgotten how bang looked in LCQ and Red Bulls? Stop crowning pancada after not even a map lmao

posted about a year ago

They literally just lost

posted about a year ago

Ones in VCL and ones in Franchising they won’t play each other until 2024 at the very least, and that’s IF their new roster doesn’t flop which is far from a guarantee with who they signed

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Shahz is the biggest drama starting man child in the scene. He had awful results and performance for Sen and expects for a rostered spot to be handed to him because he won a Masters in the early stages of Valorant. Abysmal this guy was picked up again after posting below 1.0 ratings consistently for a losing Sen team which he was IGLing

posted about a year ago

Faze hasn’t even announced a roster yet

posted about a year ago

When you’re in a crying on social media and stream about petty conflict challenge and you’re opponent is Shahzam

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Thank god they replaced him with an awper. Absurd that 100t thought that Will was a long term solution at the most impactful role in the game. So happy to have Cryo.

posted about a year ago

Ohhhh so that’s why all good

posted about a year ago

Can’t remember the last time they picked 100t to win a map or series including today LMAO they’re looking dominant on icebox like we all thought yet Mimi hates 100t for legit no reason

posted about a year ago

"derek saved you guys"

I sure am happy that a player we pay a salary is playing well for us!
Braindead comment

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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