upvote me to show your hate for optic ruining everyone's pickems
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Registered: | February 1, 2022 |
Last post: | February 1, 2025 at 1:54 AM |
Posts: | 1099 |
upvote me to show your hate for optic ruining everyone's pickems
NA so bad they are losing gunfights to a turret loool
guard might stay longer it depends if they shit the bed at their first lan
surf is just as good I'd say better but eh
Near Airport XIA 2-0 unlucky really
sScary on 2.3kd and Surf is feeling it. sorry but gg go next try your luck against another region
loud are like top 3 for all of them lol
Geng has a chance but t1 is just a waste of money they will never get back
I think GenG will do well much better than before, but this roster is not really a contender maybe top 10 NA but I would be buying or investing in maybe a better supporting cast or young talent that you can kinda mold into your system.
why are we crying? in 3 months 100T are going to be top 5 NA and by the time champions comes around 100T will be best in the world
a lot of good upcoming duelists
brb crying this online guy just told me my country has won no tournaments for video games idk if i can go on any longer
i thought this was quite funny but too many Brazilians i guess
ratio who? ratio you
will is pretty good had decent success with BBG and Gen.G
Stellar is a tactical genius. He is best known for his signature tactic "weeb 1 go kill". He is also known for a tactic called "Weeb 1 died, Weeb 2 & 3 go kill" what a absolute legend. Top 3 igl for sure
yeah he plays all the agents they need, kj, viper and chamber, can awp and IGL how sexy
Stellar is a tactical genius. He is best known for his signature tactic "weeb 1 go kill". He is also known for a tactic called "Weeb 1 died, Weeb 2 & 3 go kill" what a absolute legend. Top 3 igl for sure
can frag, awp better than asuna and has the right chemistry, sometimes that is all that's needed
bang vouched for will and stellar so they all have some sort of chemistry and having the triple weeb combo of asuna bang and will will be unstoppable in VCT. Literally all 5 of these players 100T are signing have the power to solo carry a team for a series so imagine what happens when you put them on the same team with good coaching...
how LOUD is this ratio?
Bang & Will
Will playing with Derrek & Asuna
https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/8f72d5af-1f38-4f27-9ce0-907c1f577e76?handle=BBG%20Will%23000 <- Asuna
https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/38359701-0fa0-40d1-9106-6b86307608ef?handle=BBG%20Will%23000 <- Derrek
Bang playing with Stellar
This is good they are getting chemistry and playing together, also winning like most of their games which is a positive sign :)
controversial as in potentially being hunted by the wardell and ethan fans
i have only had like 1 take but still me no bias most people agreed with me when i controversially said will, stellar and derrek > jcstani, hiko and ethan
yeah i mean they all kinda top frag for their respective teams so if they get along they should do well they have the best coaching and management and imo 100T is the best esports brand / org out there
asuna, bang and will have chem so if they get along and become friends, good chem they will do well
probably not awping tho which is one of the main things you want a jett to be good at in t1 val
I think he is pretty good maybe not best in NA but options are limited they don't breed mini saya's everyday
ur right it would be easier versing worse teams but they are above all the other players in these tournaments like Wardell, Screwface, Reduxx.
I mean I find it crazy how they are 7th and 8th in ALL of NA for ACS like still that is kinda crazy + 73% KAST is pretty good I'm sure it will get better with 100T and teamwork, that's what separates good teams for bad teams, playing together and relying on your team like Guard, V1, C9
Ethan is talented and stuff but like with the roles he played there is no room
Asuna better on flex
Bang better on smokes
Derrek better on sova
Stellar better IGL and plays chamber to a high level
If wardell gets signed then obviously he is a better chamber
I know i have godly take if there are people hating like this lol
yeah I agree but there are still big skil gaps between t1 and t2 I mean look at what perc30fishfillet(zekken or some other t1 player like skuba?) just did against some of the best t2 teams like Nearest Airport he dropped 40 kills and made it look too easy
I prefer statistical Steven but okay
Stellar is a tactical genius. He is best known for his signature tactic "weeb 1 go kill". He is also known for a tactic called "Weeb 1 died, Weeb 2 & 3 go kill" what a absolute legend. Top 3 igl for sure
Ethan will probably get picked up soon he is a talented player but the agent pool clashed with 100T way too much he was just useless
Will 7th ACS
Stellar 8th
I scrolled down for a good couple of minutes and found asuna then bang but no ethan or hiko
I am not saying they are bad but these pickups make sense no more role conflict and better IGL
it is a lot of hopium but I truly believe this is the roster, young players who can shoot paired with an experienced coaching staff.
If they work as hard as the guard did and then double it they can easily be top 5 NA
not practicing with him might be a bit of a giveaway
good chemistry and time is what it comes down to, I see this as a new Guard-like roster if not more talented
Derrek and Stellar are close to signing per GeorgeCGeddes but Will is unknown and Wardell could still be an option even though unlikely (was seen deathmatching with bang i think)
Wardell just plays jett and when wardell is on chamber you have asuna play rifle duelist just like babybay and dicey, Asuna on raze jett reyna and a few role shuffles for the map and you are set
I have seen a lot of people asking why they threw their roster simply because they booted ethan?
Stellar plays both Hiko's roles (viper and kj) and he also plays ethans role (chamber) much better than any of them did.
Stellar IGL's more experienced than ethan.
Will is 7th overall in ACS for NA in the past 60 days
Stellar is 8th...
Will plays Jett and Raze but is more comfortable awping than asuna, so they stick asuna on flex which i think is a good move, just like scream.
Bang will play smokes and in this meta i think the aggressiveness will workout really well.
Derrek is close to signing and he plays sova / 2nd initiator
stellar will play sentinel, 2nd smokes or chamber awp.
Will main duelist
Sean, ddk and mikes have literally built a team of 5 high fragging players who have all top fragged for teams on numerous occasions and people are saying they are a t2 team lol.
If any other team has a chance at becoming the best in NA it is this roster, excellent management and coaching, young players who are hungry to win, a fan focused org.
Where have you heard this before
ethan has onl;y been an IGL for a little while, stellar has more experience and players more needed roles. don't need a flex or sova player so only thing ethan can play is chamber but imo stellar is on par if not better at him + he plays viper and kj which are meta on a lot of maps
i think it will be crazy, stellar usually top fragged a lot of the time for soar, will top fragged for genG and BBG, derrek was top fragging for Rise and we all know how good asuna and bang are, i like the way this team is going and understand why they need such overkill on talent. if you want to beat the best like guard and optic and c9 who have like 4/5 insane players you need to be able to match that
stellar is a better IGL than ethan, and plays kj, viper and chamber very well, ethans roles overlapped with everyone too much so thats just unlucky but stellar is really good trust insane pickup from sean and ddk
will main duellist
asuna flex (kayo, sage, 2nd duelist and maybe skye)
derrek sova / 2nd initiator
stellar sentinel / 2nd smokes / chamber
bang smokes
if you look at his stats past 30 or 60 days he has really good kj, chamber and viper kd. he can frag, IGL and anchor + he is a ranked demon
supamen and poised are being signed by faze, and bang is going to be playing smokes so they stuck with him
NIP (maybe Zeta)
consistency is leaf but when they both pop off tenz is better
hope u guys are trolling, he just said on stream he would post it and a few days later would announce he re signed with SEN or signed with stable