they play with high risk tempo. u cant pick one whos better xia or prx in terms of gameplay. even xia that no.1 apac team based on the gameplay and merticulousness has lost to prx in apac grandfinal btw.
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Registered: | September 10, 2021 |
Last post: | October 25, 2022 at 9:17 PM |
Posts: | 237 |
they play with high risk tempo. u cant pick one whos better xia or prx in terms of gameplay. even xia that no.1 apac team based on the gameplay and merticulousness has lost to prx in apac grandfinal btw.
asian power
yup the anti push really setting up for f0rsaken. they know each other tho.
u right about that but imo this whole tournament goes to drx, straight up.
prx succeed to bring drx to their tempo
how to counter drx 101
this guy is a joke
i swear drx looking so scary if zeta win this. reykjavik might be a dominating series for them.
bro ngl this year is easy to tell which team has put a lot of hardwork base on their results
what a game gg. gl lower bracket xerxia. #XERXIASUSU
u look like a kid when u type "lmfao hahaha"
chill we go map 3
im proud being sea/apac hardstuck diamond rn
i saw someone called sea teams like a braindead agression and stupid pub game, sike look at xerxia's read and map controlling like a grandmaster chess freakin hikaru brada
indos knows this isnt stuff that they shouldve mad about. first its kinda truth and secondly opinion doesnt matter cus its just hating, regular indo hater. indos are toxic but not delusional. if we shit then we shit. but top 4 apac, ya its more than enough lah.
kohaibi vs enerii
yup surely overrated
dashing irl wkwk. nabbsky gonna be mad if she knew ure posted the clip in to vlr.
100% agree
ure not even watch the whole apac
rooting for xerxia. gl thai brothers.
we indos are rooting for xerxia now. hope they have a good game and get the slot.
xerxia too strong, nt boom comeback stronger stage 2.
letsgo prx, sea represent!
im indo and im agree.
it was a good run for psj. nt psj.
gl too brothers. lets hoping a good match up for both team.
they proved it in map 1. btw lets see map 3 tho.
gg for both. xerxia deserved it all.
no one overrating boom. we always knew xerxia is the best apac team. we indos just giving hopium boom with arguably best roster in indo team can keep up with xerxia.
as i said, be better as a community if this kind of thing happened.
ure so delusional lol
xerxia deserved the spot in this match. nt to onic, it was rough for onic tho. xerxia had a good read, just a better team.
one thing u should know is, at that time both team (ae and big baam) agree to begging the time extend with riot. together. in side of big baam too, they agreed, they helping. and ae got boom's bootcamp for facing the match. i just wanna this kind of community in val.
nah this guy too much
actually u can put the equal between hktw and ind tho
but why they reposted it??? nvm i'd rather be think positively
bruh even with a support from indos in this case. nvm they just malding at some point. glhf for onic and xerxia tho.
ya bro hopefully glhf for xerxia and onic tho
surely xerxia win this. gl next stage onic.
not like this. sad for thailand.
yup gl next stage onic
in the end who the most consistent is gonna win
one day famouz, the other day flynch
the fake in haven with under 25 sec left. a to c. i repeat a to c.
we all knew since back then. thai aim the best aim.
nah just be real bro. even onic is lower than boom as a team atm. ur ranks are meh.
not even hating indians. saw dm and vibhor, their fundamental skills, aim wise, and gameplay are top tier. but can u guys dont be so delusional. skrossi thing, GE thing. a lot other players from india deserved better from what i see.
vct lan in gbk, jakarta lmao