Flag: Canada
Registered: May 22, 2022
Last post: September 15, 2024 at 4:09 PM
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Riots paying us to go, its a pretty big bag though

posted about 2 years ago

How can you have the energy to hate a pro player you don't know personally lol

posted about 2 years ago

only deserve it if they earn in in lcq

posted about 2 years ago

I would assume they ban icebox but otherwise I think i agree

posted about 2 years ago

Alfajer x Tarik=Domination

posted about 2 years ago

True he obviously has good enough mechanics to play tier 1 but when you're bringing in 100k avg viewers every watch party why would you want to go back to pro

posted about 2 years ago

that's fair and I know I didn't elaborate on that but I think having a big brain igl that doesn't have good mechanics is better than a okay brain igl that has great mechanics. Literally every masters/champions winner has had a good igl that doesn't have good mechanics besides Shaz who played really well in masters 1

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

okay you're right but I feel I have a point here

posted about 2 years ago

Ange1 is quite literally a worse mechanical player than boaster and they won so idk what this take even means. There is a reason OpTic won masters Reykjavik because FNS mid game calls were next too perfect, always putting yay in the best position too succeed. A in game brain is so much more important than just an aimer

posted about 2 years ago

Notice how this post was about the new map and not about ShahZaM you guys get the biggest boners ever when someone even mentions his name lollll

posted about 2 years ago

g2 actually have some nice jersey's

posted about 2 years ago

No way XSET gets a spot over NRG TSM and FaZe

posted about 2 years ago

Zellsis is playing Neon on Fracture so you can add neon as well and I feel it’s unlikely Zellsis plays skye and sage otherwise seems probable

posted about 2 years ago

Only maps I see TenZ playing duelist are Haven, and Breeze realistically if he does play duelist

posted about 2 years ago
  1. 100T
  2. FaZe
  3. EG
  4. Shopify Rebellions
  5. C9
  6. NRG
  7. Guard
  8. Sentinels
posted about 2 years ago

you would rather Balla?

posted about 2 years ago

you didn't watch the XSET game did you

posted about 2 years ago

Played in the two best series of the tournament

posted about 2 years ago

Did anyone see Ayrin actually hit a shot?

posted about 2 years ago

depends on map pool wouldn't be surprised if either team won tbh

posted about 2 years ago

shaz would rather stream ig

posted about 2 years ago

They have him on raze like every map raze should be played on

posted about 2 years ago

they seem to be fine on stream

posted about 2 years ago

Being Elon Musk wouldn't zellsis verified

posted about 2 years ago

George Geddes on twitter

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

FaZe can't even bootcamp properly

posted about 2 years ago

and then he woke up

posted about 2 years ago

How did the guy not die in back site of B last round

posted about 2 years ago

a couple of big mistakes but if they clean that up don't be surprised if they qualify for playoffs

posted about 2 years ago

bro brought race into something that had nothing to do with race smh

posted about 2 years ago

oh okay cool

posted about 2 years ago

Fair enough didn't know bob was igling

posted about 2 years ago

Sounds about right can't just have a normal fucking game in NA ranked lmfaoooo

posted about 2 years ago

Bob has played well i don't think thats the issue

posted about 2 years ago

I want to hear a reason on why you think that because imo they haven't shown any sign of being able to beat a top team like optic. just a genuine question no hate

posted about 2 years ago

I would like to see that but too beat loud and optic that seems to far fetched

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I mean yay has the better crosshair placement which gives him a huge advantage, but Scream has the more flashy twitchy style to his aim. I would lean in yays favor just because I feel his style of aiming is more consistent but just my opinion

posted about 2 years ago

Is this even a take Alfajer clears every esports player ever

posted about 2 years ago

Because Alfajer is the best player of all time

posted about 2 years ago

that has to be the stupidest thing I have seen

posted about 2 years ago

They haven't played fracture in a long time it could literally go any way

posted about 2 years ago

you're right I think it would be way better for them to start in groups but I've seen bigger surprises happen

posted about 2 years ago

didn't we say this about ZETA, im not saying they are remotely close to ZETA but you never know

posted about 2 years ago

LOUD will qualify anyways

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

actually can't hate Fnatic

posted about 2 years ago
1 •• 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78