Flag: International
Registered: April 24, 2021
Last post: April 5, 2024 at 2:13 PM
Posts: 89
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No draken, either. Just WHAT is going on?

posted about 3 years ago

Omg you just gave me a possibly epic idea for a Valorant agent: a LAWYER. Maybe he would look a bit like the Nintendo lawyer Phoenix Wright and one of his powers would be to yell OBJECTION that would stun nearby players or destroy their superpowers (like imagine a Sage facing the lawyer. Sage does a wall but the lawyer yells OBJECTION and the wall crumbles…). His other power would be yelling I REST MY CASE, not sure yet what that would do. I give this idea to the world. For FREE (If riot wants to make this character, I will not ask for anything in return). You are welcome!

posted about 3 years ago

Stats don't lie! Epic.

posted about 3 years ago

Sadge but true. sadgeface.

posted about 3 years ago

maybe go to Brazil also?

posted about 3 years ago

It was very confusing! I am glad this is over.

posted about 3 years ago

Hmm I like this. Thumbs way up.

posted about 3 years ago

nukkye back to Heretics? G2 nukkye always sounded weird to me... Ardiis at FunPlus Phoenix? I would never have thought of that, don't really see him gel with Ange1 but I would love to be proven wrong.

posted about 3 years ago

I had to google it but then I luld.

posted about 3 years ago

No stream, sadge...

posted about 3 years ago

Wow, what happened ?

posted about 3 years ago

U guys know if there are any rules regarding team composition? Like, maximum 2 pros or some such restrictions? Or could you theoretically make a team UK with Ardiis, Boaster, Ec1s, Soulcas, Frei, Steel?

posted about 3 years ago

Coz we sad. feelsbadman...

posted about 3 years ago

100T mentals is something else, absolutely insane. Feeling bad for Acend, fellow Europeans and all, but how can you not respect those boomers... Truly epic.

posted about 3 years ago

Good for you, Sentinels. Just look at what a coach did to G2. Once the team started to distrust their gung-ho play style and tried using complex (often too complex) strategeries it all went downhill fast. Liquid is another team where I often felt that the influence of coaching was a mixed bag, with their long standing over-reliance on flashes and their sometimes weird 5head comps.

posted about 3 years ago

It was a solid joke. I for one very much appreciated it. Keep it up. 👍

posted about 3 years ago

I mainly watch Liquid to get mad and then sad. Case in point.

posted about 3 years ago

“SMB couldn’t do it” they said

posted about 3 years ago

After the first map: Liquid play like a team possessed, like a team that has to prove something. Which is just as well.

posted about 3 years ago

Is there someone who would disagree with this very sensible assessment? Even most Liquid fans would be d’accord I s’ppose…

posted about 3 years ago

Vitality, dunno, I don't see him vibing with braamz. But Alliance, I like it, maybe he could bring some intensity to their game, those guys seem almost TOO nice & chill sometimes.

posted about 3 years ago

Where will ardiis go? Wadday'all think?

posted about 3 years ago

It seem so obvious. I hope they are not over-complicating things again in Berlin.

posted about 3 years ago

hope is a dangerous thing for TL fans like us to have...

posted about 3 years ago

I don’t know if you really wanted to write “they made it even more worst” or if it was just a mistake. Either way, you summed it up PERFECTLY, exactly how I feel.

posted about 3 years ago

Are there still people left that DON'T think that Liquid comps / strats are a problem? To me it looked redonkulous. Just imagine, having players such as Scream and Jamppi and let ur team play sans duelist. It's like shooting urself in the foot with one hand tied behind ur back. It is criminal. So sage.

posted about 3 years ago

I was indeed not surprised. Just a bit sadge (not very).

posted about 3 years ago

Brim is back. Haven’t you heard ? He went away for a while but now he is all the rage again…

posted about 3 years ago

Too bad to not have him around no more. I liked his name, very yellable when he clutched. KABOOOOSE ! Also reminded me of Top Gun. Which is always nice. Good luck Kaboose. U always b in our ❤.

posted about 3 years ago

Let's see if ACE will be the first EU team to take a round from SEN more like it I fear...

posted about 3 years ago

A great coach can still be a bad fit for a team or a specific situation, we see proof of that in other sports all the time. I hope u r right, though. I am trying to keep my hopes up but it is hard work…

posted about 3 years ago

I think we may have seen the beginning of the end of this Liquid team. Something is off… Not convinced about strats and comps, so maybe it isi also a problem with the coaching.

posted about 3 years ago

Seems like draken was a good signing…

posted about 3 years ago

I dont know man, I just rewatched Liquid vs Heretics and I dont think Liquid lost coz Scream was too aggressive (i am not sure I understand wat u mean by "forced his team to give him everything", u talking about economy or strat?). He was the main entry at the time and it was his role to be reckless. Look how stoopidly reckless jamppi looks sometimes, it's just the nature of being the main entry for a team. That Scream got so many kills while being an entry player (the most dangerous, most exposed role) is just a testament to his skillz. jamppi has much more difficulties to get consistent results in the same role. I dont really know what the problem is tbh, Link and soulcas are fine I guess, maybe Kryptix is not that effective? I also soured a bit on sliggy, did not always like the agent choices this tournament (i feel he was (is?) sleeping on Astra) and some of the strats seemed strangely convoluted. But maybe I just think the latter coz I am still under the impression of the pureness and simplicity of Sentinels gameplay...

posted about 3 years ago

Look at the stats, 3 uk bots pretty solid, not useless at all.. Imo it was Sliggy sleeping on Astra and having a weird penchant for Brimstone that cost them the match.

posted about 3 years ago

Remains one of the great Valorant tragedies of the pandemic that we never saw TSM vs G2 in their invincible prime. It would have been epic.

posted about 3 years ago

I think Wardell interprets Jett very much different than the European Jetts, much more defensive, more like a lurking style. I don't think it would be a good fit at all. Imo this is also the reason TSM struggles, coz they have no one that is really an "entry" type of player.

posted about 3 years ago

coz now we already in the Viper meta. u gotta be the step ahead, not the step behind... truth.

posted about 3 years ago

Astra meta is so last week, this week we are in the Viper meta. But ur analysis is spot on. When I saw the comp I feel like I knew what was about to go down.

posted about 3 years ago
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