never stop complaining
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | November 15, 2023 |
Last post: | March 3, 2024 at 12:52 AM |
Posts: | 1502 |
Now we giving EMEA easy group? lol dude
kinda hard
but LOUD/Optic
bro just log off before you get in the ugly business here
yes I am not far from Bangladesh
did bro just said asspiss? that's how you treat your best player? lol dude
yeah but after the update mid split is more doable now
for t sides mostly it is - fake a, go b. or fake b go a.
ct sides most of the times has to gamble stack for long rotation time.
dude comps are not the problem here. strats are. mid split is rarely used. mid mostly used for late lurk or off pickups.
I put my money on you being Cypher main XD
How there is so many varieties? push a or push b. mid strats are always kinda flip of the coin so teams run it 1/2 times out of 24 rounds. Every pro player have been vocal on icebox problems.
too many lurk possibilities - that was breeze problem imo. but they couldn't find a way around and removed "A hall" from equation. It was terrible. It is more playable than before, but it could have been better.
noooo. icebox is the worst map in the history of gaming. you forgot after just 6 months of not playing that?
ascent need to go next. this map has been untouched since the release and what a terrible map it has become in pro play. Same kayo sova kj comps, whoever tried to improvise failed steeply. And setups and strats are kinda repeated. Kinda boring in pro play.
keeping players in contract jail - f this org.
brother talking to a mirror here
fracture in pro play is mid
uwukitten alone clears sen o7
His English is so good that's why his ranked teammates asks him again what are you saying. Lmao
bro if drx plays with full line up they are the clear favorite over prx . prx just got jingg replaced by monyet. these are two different type of player with different play style. also jingg was the entry fragger who always pops off. and prx is completely different playing style than ge,so monyet needs some time. I think prx will need some time to get the car running.
sentinels winning. remember me darlings
please take pancada. I wanna see language barrier in liquid
take pancada to loud 👋
can't find your logic here
you are delusional if you think pancada got better English than alfa.
brother forgot about 2021 2022 fnatic.
mystic was the problem
first time playing lan
first time playing on stage
no enzo was the problem
derke got covid
mini got cold
who is hiber
king of excuses
yes any team from last year cleared sen as far as they were not playing ascension.
You all just don't get how much Comms matters. Ask any pro player how much it matters. I am a huge fan of pancada the goat. but his English is really poor, just watch his stream, I can't fathom what he is saying. It will be more difficult to understand during matches which are comparatively more intense situation than show match or scrim. I didn't find any "Uncensored" comms video of sen where pancada actively suggesting an idea or coordinating. Only when he and sacy are in 2vX situation he comms a lot but they speak Portuguese then. Just want pancada in Brazilian roaster dude. He will be activated again.
how they will scrim with other teams from AVL? they are still in NA
i wonder who at zeta keeps making these dogshit calls. zeta doesnt disapoint at making stupid decisions
If you're a sentinels fan just be respectful of their decision and trust the process. If they eventually fk up again, call the police.
if you are a pancada's fan, just accept that he is not starting right now. Stop comparing him with other players. You can support him through watching stream.
if you are neither sentinels nor pancada's fan, why are you even here?
I will personally convey this message to sentinels so that they can bankrupt themselves and sell the "partnership" spot to gWho.
not upgraded prime classic, glitch pop odin
who invited "guest partnered" member here? 😂
"break" doesn't mean they stop practicing. they still have to keep on scriming and give server time which is a tiresome work. Definitely there was burnout from fnatic players, plus their idea and playstyle were getting more countered in champs as there was lot of vods playing same maps and same comps
sentinels thread created by someone with 100t banner- most common in vlr