Country: South Korea
Registered: August 15, 2022
Last post: May 20, 2024 at 1:47 PM
Posts: 369
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Banned, indian flag, sentinels flair, known for shit takes and used to be online 24x7(literally)

posted about a year ago

Hey everyone. I might look a newbie but I'm a veteran vlr observer with a record of 278 app opens in a day and 9 hrs avg of reading poor baits and shit opinions.

Let's play a game.
You write about a vlr user in one line so. And everyone tries to guess. Let's see who's the real vlr veteran :).
Rules :
no names or alt names
Flair and flags are allowed.
Banned users are allowed.

P.S. Upvote post UwU

posted about a year ago

I am that one guy who followed vlr since 2020. But never went ahead and made an account.
Today was the day I broke the chains. Now I feel so good being able to express opinion. (I'll try to make better baits).

posted about a year ago

W suggestion.
But I don't think org will leave region when they set out to ignite the very eSports flame.

posted about a year ago

Legend says that Hiko flew out to the AT&T Valorant Team House and gave Derrek a kiss and said "The Clutch is now yours" and Hiko vanished out of thin air. Derrek now has the Hiko Clutch.

posted about a year ago
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