Flag: India
Registered: January 12, 2022
Last post: May 31, 2023 at 10:54 PM
Posts: 594
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which state? Northeast India has 8 states. For Guwahati and Assam as whole, I can the scene is pretty booming when you see media outlets are hosting Valorant tourneys.

posted about a year ago

cuz the region historically was always neglected, faced discrimination and I don't want to see that again even if it's a joke.

posted about a year ago

Ubisoft logo vs Pacific League logo

posted about a year ago

farming impressions from tier 2/tier 3 city audience.

posted about a year ago

typical "Delhi se hu BC" attitude.

posted about a year ago

wanna be cool by being a jerk who doesn't know about the biggest city of Northeast India.

posted about a year ago

Ubisoft should better file a dispute against Riot for this.

posted about a year ago

Wdym, Guwahati is the biggest city of Northeast India.
Also it's the biggest city of Assam, the state from where LightningFast and Deathmaker come.

posted about a year ago

Vote for your City for GE Watchparty.

posted about a year ago

sorry mb

posted about a year ago

GE's first match is with T1 (March 25th)

posted about a year ago

as PROD said, Untamable Beasts will make it into Challengers and then to Masters and then finally to Champions once Premier mode is introduced into the game.

#UBFighting 😈

posted about a year ago

*xQc × TT

posted about a year ago

that's not a flash, that's like someone sprayed something on your face 😏

posted about a year ago

bud has 💀 spamming OCD.

posted about a year ago

Bro thinks every Indian is bound to support GE and SkRossi.

I like Toast and his team more than GE and SkRossi. It's my choice whome to support whome not to.

And btw that tier 2 NA org's owner has more fans than whole of Brussels.

posted about a year ago

except for chocolates, waffles, buy 1 get 1 free Moroccan brother duo, what else does Belgium got? 💀

posted about a year ago

he left WC winning Argentina for Bra7-1il who last won it 21 years ago?

posted about a year ago

Why some Chinese teams have the weirdest names?

posted about a year ago

Owner of Salty Brazillians.

posted about a year ago

Now only EMEA league remains with the worst logo after Pacific and Americas revealed their new revamped logos.

Best to Worst Logo: Pacific>Americas>EMEA

posted about a year ago

ubisoft only cares for AC and TC, it doesn't know how to promote it's competitive games. R6S is literally dying.

posted about a year ago

peak HLTV>>>current VLR. bud doesn't know anything.

posted about a year ago

What do you all think about the game? For me it looks like a mix of Warzone, Overwatch and Apex with Warzone graphics and the mechanics a mix of OW and Apex. Do you think it'll have a huge player base and have a good esports ecosystem?

posted about a year ago

why are you getting downvoted? VLR indeed got inspired from HLTV and other similar forum platforms.

posted about a year ago

don't take platchat seriously, at this point they're just a bunch of clout chasers.

posted about a year ago

some brazillians are so salty.

posted about a year ago

worst management of all three leagues. disappointed as a fan.

posted about a year ago

good insight.

posted about a year ago

the so called community managers are just stalkers.

posted about a year ago

riot employees are basically stalkers on that subreddit.

posted about a year ago

being less cringe and not sugarcoating things is different from being toxic. 😄

posted about a year ago

sorry daddy 😔

posted about a year ago

bud has imgur.io OCD

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

After spending few days, making few posts and commenting on some of them at the r/ValorantCompetitive subreddit, I've come to a conclusion that

  • The subreddit is full of snowflakes.
    You can't constructively criticise any player/org/riot etc. or you'll be downvoted to hell
  • You've to make comments and posts by sugarcoating them. They don't like true and bitter statements.
  • Most of the members don't even have proper knowledge about the game, the VCT circuit as well as how Esports in general works so the comments most of them make are pretty brain-dead.

So I find VLR much better than that shitty subreddit as people here are not cringe, don't sugarcoat things and are not snowflakes.

Except for few basement dwelling lifeless creatures here, I heckin love VLR community as whole.

posted about a year ago

I mean for DRX's case, DRXGlobal's Twitter is verified with yellow badge but ig they can't verify DRX VS seperately as a business (yellow badge) as they come under DRXGlobal. (cuz DRX acquired Vision Strikers)

I don't have an explanation for RRQ's case they're in a different league altogether (both in game and out of the game) 💀

posted about a year ago

wtf? Your're such a hypocrite!! You flame GE and Riot for clout chasing but won't flame Riot's decision to introduce an entire league for China for farming viewership.

Flame both if you do, don't be a one sided jerk.

posted about a year ago

Bro is behind GE and Riot for being desperate for viewers, but forgot that Riot is planning to introduce an entire league for China to chase viewership.

posted about a year ago

I mean their YouTube game is pretty weak too, considering YT is very big in whole of Asia. They released "Meet the Pacific Teams" teaser, made it private after 2 days then released it again after few weeks.

Their handles are not verified too. They seriously messed up in hiring a good media and marketing agency ig.

posted about a year ago

Is it just me or does anyone else also feels the same way?

  • I mean their social media presence as well as engagement is the worst among the three leagues
  • They had a lackluster approach on promoting the Pacific team's matches at LOCK//IN
  • Moreover they haven't even released the schedule for the League matches even though the Pacific League commences the earliest among all three leagues.(March 26th)
posted about a year ago

Read Dead Redemption 2 is miles ahead of any game.
Closest contender is obviously God of War 4 (I personally didn't like Ragnarok)

posted about a year ago

wait.. Americas League logo changed?

posted about a year ago

understandable, best of luck to her ig

posted about a year ago

lmao, who leaves the scene after becoming world champion?

posted about a year ago

huh? when and why did she leave valorant?

posted about a year ago
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