Flag: New Zealand
Registered: May 30, 2022
Last post: July 7, 2022 at 3:51 PM
Posts: 486
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GE stans underground lmao

posted about a year ago

Nah one sided AE victory on the way.

posted about a year ago

first 5 seasons (till the show is somewhat consistent with the books ) are the best seasons ever made for any tv show.
Season 6, although having a lot of loopholes, is watchable.
Season 7 and 8 dont exist for me.
Also , the books ( A song of ice and fire ) are the greatest of modern times.

posted about a year ago

lmao ill be having a watchparty with my GE fan friend just to see him mald

posted about a year ago

lmao interesting choices of favourite players you got with that faze logo and skrossi

posted about a year ago

atleast he won a match and not got 0-4 against hk-tw kek.

posted about a year ago

and all that changing orgs and shit just to get fucked in challengers, atleast VLT won a match kekw.
wasted carriers.

posted about a year ago

lmao I am also waiting for the fat fuck to get fucked in a few hours hahahahahah

posted about a year ago

GE loses to AE and justifies their name as global embarrassment.

posted about a year ago

Well good thing those bottom fraggers antidote and excali snakes are gone then?

posted about a year ago

Well its still VLT 6-3 GE in VCC so go simp your fat fuck and hope GE doesn't gets 13-0d again

posted about a year ago

Crypto and NFT are not the same but I agree with you

posted about a year ago

No cap

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No making sense of what brainded kids say, specially someone who admits to being a bot

posted about a year ago

Yay tenz so great he won a qualifier to champions 😃

posted about a year ago

Life is meaningless

posted about a year ago

When did I say no?
SA kids just start mumbling random shit when someone supports any other team (like he that only GE supporters have a developed brain)

posted about a year ago

Adult rossi retired you mean

posted about a year ago

Wierd coz average age of GE fanbase is around 10

posted about a year ago

Because there isn't any other possible outcome.

posted about a year ago

GE fans be wetting their beds 2 days in a row
Today while having wet dreams about GE winning
Tomorrow while crying buckets after GE's loss.

posted about a year ago

Global eSports winning has about the same chances as the existence of a unipolar magnet

posted about a year ago
  1. Im not cosplaying anyone.
  2. "Mah lief mah rulez" confirmed basement dwelling creep
  3. So an apology is enough to get out of a rape case? Is your brain in your knee kid? Also, I apologise for your mom.
posted about a year ago

Bro so salty his fat fuck of an igl got trashed by lowest seeds of hk-tw and got 13-0d by prx

posted about a year ago

Alter ego trashes GE so bad that SA valorant dies once and for all.

posted about a year ago
  1. what's the point of replying about VLT when the my comment was about GE?
  2. Cosplaying someone else? Doesnt have own identity?ok
  3. Rapist who? And if he did so then why isn't he in jail?
    Fake news peddler like the rest of gobar's toxic fanbase? Check ✅
posted about a year ago


  1. I never said you are a gobar fan, are you?
  2. Teen edgelord has a '3' instead of an 'e' and has 'bro' in his name and thinks mine is cringe.
  3. I am sorry about your mom.
posted about a year ago

Cmon , we dont need to pay attention to streamer region on eSports forum.

posted about a year ago

Which flag?

posted about a year ago

POV : cant see flair
Also GE won 0 maps last time and this time will lose all 4 too
Global embarrassment.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

SkillZ 💀

posted about a year ago

Funniest twitter account is of global esports.
They hype up kids so bad just to troll them by losing every international match.
And even then hilariously say "we will come back stronger" and kids believe that just to be trolled again.

posted about a year ago

Wake up bro sea levels rising , you need to relocate.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

wrong link

posted about a year ago

Elon musk fangirl calling for hate just like his overlord .

posted about a year ago

This has been common knowledge

posted about a year ago

Didn't knew dogs kill snakes

posted about a year ago

There are a lot of lose ends in volume 1 so I think here's what will happen in volume 2 :

vecna's arc will be ended by el .
Either one of hopper and mrs buyers die or they both make it back to usa.
Either the basketball team captain dies or teams up with the protagonists.
Mind flayer's motive will be revealed as the season ends.

posted about a year ago

You know that GUILD would probably 2-0 every NA team rn?

posted about a year ago

Dude tried to sneak in tenz like we wouldn't notice .

posted about a year ago

"hey guys being an American, I obviously enjoy NA games more than I do EMEA games, so I am gonna declare NA > EMEA just because of that, regardless of who has the champions trophy or any other logical criteria "

posted about a year ago
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