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Registered: May 3, 2024
Last post: July 5, 2024 at 3:53 AM
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reduxx isn't 18 until april
maybe a w0ot situation

posted 1 week ago

bro I play operator half the time on defense
I hear iso shield hitting my site, and I decide to fcking save

posted 1 week ago

its good news, if lev 100t and loud all shit the bed then we have a good chance if we win all of our games

posted 1 week ago

5 odins every round
fck rifles

posted 1 week ago

wait what will you do if KPI runs iso
worse, what will you do if B1SK plays iso in an official

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

furia 2-1
EG no time to counterstrat

posted 1 week ago

also this is a thing: Mysophilia
if you want to maintain sanity don't click

posted 1 week ago

correct score and he predicted OT on at least one map

posted 1 week ago

NA just too good
sadly c9 kru lev all have a good record from split 1 so at least one of them makes it

posted 1 week ago

"virus link" or something like that

posted 1 week ago

don't doubt my king he's NOTGONEYET

posted 1 week ago

nope, he wasn't happy about being benched and didn't want to be, he said it on stream and he was fully serious

posted 1 week ago

as much as I dislike rit0's formatting of vct, they are in no way as corrupt as fif0

posted 1 week ago

fair enough
-something +demon1 is a parallel upgrade though
the only thing you're changing is the fking mouse sensitivity

posted 1 week ago

matchup of masters top 3 and regular season merchants
guaranteed to be a banger

posted 1 week ago

none of them are doing that after yay

posted 1 week ago

all good it happens
I had to double check that arcade = gaming room

posted 1 week ago

fake news, no piggies

posted 1 week ago

wait there's a reason they're called left titty and right titty...

posted 1 week ago

how did #1 pass over bro's head

posted 1 week ago

3d slot goes to whichever team with the highest points that didn't place top 3

posted 1 week ago

i need tec to win again and tyloo to win this time

edit: shit i'm acoustic they aren't playing again

posted 1 week ago

also another one is abyss on the rope in mid, high stakes = more adrenaline = better experience
also lots of sweat, making it steamier

posted 1 week ago

steamier is good
i'm just saying it should be higher up on the list

posted 1 week ago

all I need is these teams to show up against billy billy

posted 1 week ago

Also haven heaven should be higher, there's some burning happening on top of the roof so the heat would be higher and more steamier environment as a result

posted 1 week ago

can do on the ropes
hmm smell could be a problem

posted 1 week ago

+monyet between split 1 and split 2
also beat GenG (before monyet was added)

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

yo he might be mad that you forgot split sewers
max privacy 100% from personal experience

posted 1 week ago

nah its an original post, 10/10

posted 1 week ago

kick #1 flashes in the world for some guy who isn't #1
yeah man

posted 1 week ago

yo lotus should be top 1 here just imagine good scenery, good smells, water to wash off, privacy is good you can just swim away from the map... or stay in t/ct spawn if you're an exhibitionist...

posted 1 week ago

spit your facts king yay will be back in 2025

posted 1 week ago

NRG will win all three easily mark my words

posted 1 week ago

also makes valorant worse

posted 1 week ago

only 0 bad NA teams

posted 1 week ago

nzr changed everything

posted 1 week ago

facts iso ruins the operator

posted 1 week ago

if we go 6-4 we have a good chance

posted 1 week ago

bro has personal beef with iso

posted 1 week ago

sen majors: 2
100t majors: 0

i’d say 100chokers best chokers lmao
other than prx

posted 1 week ago

you ain’t getting your stars back with this lil bro

posted 1 week ago

🐖 🐷🐽🐖🐷🐷🐽🐖🐽🐷🐽🐽🐷🐖🐷🐷🐖🐖🐽

posted 1 week ago

lev: nzr fking aces every round to clown on lev for dropping him furia 2-1
loud: saadhak still the top of brazil loud 2-0
eg: potter got no counterstrats, only natures mid igling, furia 2-1
mibr: struggled against cUm, furia 2-0

posted 1 week ago

i’ll give him that his phoenix was good

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

name checks out 🐽

posted 1 week ago

no longer just loud
happy to see boosted0 sit down
2025 is gonna be a gigabanger if le0 f0ri0 makes a good format

posted 1 week ago
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