Im gonna pray everyday just for ts to sign ja and papichulo
Flag: | Philippines |
Registered: | December 1, 2021 |
Last post: | August 4, 2024 at 2:55 AM |
Posts: | 131 |
Im gonna pray everyday just for ts to sign ja and papichulo
that team doesn't have an initiator, maybe - witz +jessievash or invy
ohh yeah ja only plays astra and omen forgot about that but since papichulo plays viper as well i'd still rather have ja over 2ge
So just sbe but built around ja and papichulo?
What do you guys think about these teams?
team 1
Duelist- Georggyyy
Flex- xavi
Initiator- Jessievash
Smokes- NDG/Borkum
Sentinel- Nexi
team 2
Duelist- KellyS/Jremy/Giansanity(if he is still competing)
Flex- Witz
Initiator- invy
Smokes- Ja(he can also play as the chamber)
Sentinel- Papichulo
Sbe 2-1 Naos
ts this is your sign to sign ja
Jremy as the main duelist then sign xavi as their flex
isn't sheydos a better option than nukkye?
Jessievash and invy are better than tesseract tho
I think they should just stick to a 5 man roster and - dispenser cause he has been hella underperforming
TS: -witz + xavi8k -borkum/dispenser +ja/nexi
Dia 2 90-120 fps but I often have fps drops cause I use a laptop ;( and 60hz
They know me for my 3v1s
Flex: Xavi8k or Jremy
Smoke: Keep Borkum or get JA since JA can play duelists, smokes and Chamber
Sentinel: Nexi or Papichulo
Initiator: Keep Jessivash since he is a good igl
Duelist: Giansanity, Georggyyy or Jremy
Papichulo and Nexi are both sentinel players tho
Ts can also put Jremy on Duelist and get Xavi for the flex role, as for smokes JA is definitely better than Aryu while for sentinels Nexi or PapiChulo would be a better pick up
There are so many cracked players in PH but they still lack the fundamentals
This series is literally giving me heart attacks
I think Xavi is a better Raze tho but I think if they are in one team they would put Jremy on Raze and Xavi on Neon if the map is fracture
They should let him play in bind instead of dispenser
Honestly they should just make him their duelist player and put dubstep on chamber
TS 2-0 Order
Im still rooting for them to win lcq but they need roster changes to be able to keep up with top teams
Probably because other teams choke most of the time and the teams are kinda even in talent
It's just that this roster is not good for the long run since most of the players are old
Drop all of the players maybe except for Jremy and get Georggyyy, invy, JA and PapiChulo/Nexi.
Georggyyy = Main duelist
Jremy = Flex
invy = Initiator
JA = Smokes
PapiChulo/Nexi = Sentinel
If they drop Jremy as well maybe get Xavi or Firesaiyajin