Flag: Slovenia
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 9:58 PM
Posts: 9353
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vo0kashu carries them as the best Sentinel itw.

posted 3 weeks ago

omg why did they do this ☹️ I hate OXG. Ruining my favorite players careers 😡 SEN save these players 😁

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

How you can you openly admit you PI in Pro games and consistently throw Pro matches.

posted 3 weeks ago

edward owns us.

posted 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately this dream will be crushed as their first game ends in a brutal devastating loss of a 26-2. Going to feel sorry for you guys supporting Revenant.

posted 3 weeks ago

DSG, RIDDLE, idk any one else tbh


posted 3 weeks ago

I think you're chet.

posted 3 weeks ago

Hopefully he's gone. He wasn't anything special this whole year and was consistently outshined by other and better duelists and even wo0t who doesn't even like duelist did it better than him.

posted 3 weeks ago

NRG or G2.

posted 3 weeks ago

We already know 2/5 players for KOI that being Demon1 and Derke

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

They should all buy the SEN bundle. It gives built aimbot.

posted 3 weeks ago

1 player is the number 1 Demon.

posted 3 weeks ago

Great decision. Now they finally pick up some real talented duelist like nihso, b1sk, kaajak

posted 3 weeks ago

Gib clip

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Maybe if they were actually good they're match ups would be easy for them. Kinda exposing them and you realized they're fraudulent.

posted 3 weeks ago

bro talking to himself

posted 3 weeks ago

I prefer johnqts movies but this is still good.

posted 3 weeks ago

Gonna be real hard for Leo not to take the 5 mil offer from SEN. Better team and more competitive region.

posted 3 weeks ago

Unless we give him 5mil 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

posted 3 weeks ago

No vibes. Only kill.

posted 3 weeks ago

You can have him but he won't win you another international. He needs some actual players and can't 1v5.

posted 3 weeks ago

Obviously he won't and will never go back to his 2022 form. Even if Chamber goes to his 2022 form. The setup on OPTIC was perfect. He will be good on Sentinel but not best itw like less or Alfajer imo. Think of it more like TenZ 2021 to 2024. He was insane in 2021 and he will never reach it again. TenZ is still insane in 2024 but still nowhere near his 2021 form.

posted 3 weeks ago

🤨 📷 🍑 🤏

posted 3 weeks ago

Tracker. I'm 99.9% sure the 1 game rank reset doesn't actually change your rank or rr. I've had the same rank and rr every act for the last 3 years

posted 3 weeks ago

Cancer to the brain.

posted 3 weeks ago

Has more trophies than 99% of Valorant Pros.

posted 3 weeks ago

At losing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

posted 3 weeks ago

Hoping I die soon so I don't have to remember this 🙏

posted 3 weeks ago

zombs not live

posted 3 weeks ago

LeoFaria is good

posted 3 weeks ago

All going 0-10 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

posted 3 weeks ago

no names why would they add chet 🐍 ? The snake rattled into C9 and snakes immi wow

posted 3 weeks ago

Not three words

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

What the fuck am I wrong about? Yeah I know I'm right. Don't EVER disrespect me or myself ever again you hear. Putrid filthy specimen. Disgusting vile creature.

posted 3 weeks ago

Hey, 👋 Admin here. After taking your request into heavy consideration we the Admin/Mod team have decided to not go through with your request. This is devastating for us and you but after thinking long and hard we have to deny it. Sorry again but I hope this doesn't deter you from becoming a Master.

Sincerely, The Admin/Mod Team

posted 3 weeks ago

Dude why do you care about 1 minor detail so much?

posted 3 weeks ago

I swear I see you on here 24/7. I'm barely here. Usually I'm making money n shit.

posted 3 weeks ago

Acabo de fragmentar tu publicación. Preguntas frecuentes ¿Qué quiere decir esto? La cantidad de tiempo para alcanzar las 4 estrellas ha aumentado. ¿Por qué hiciste esto? Hay varias razones por las que puedo considerar que una publicación no es digna de mis upfrags. Estos incluyen, entre otros: Descortesía hacia otros usuarios de VLR, Difundir scrimbux incorrectos, Cebo de baja calidad ¿Estoy excluido del VLR? No... todavía no. Pero deberías abstenerte de realizar publicaciones como esta en el futuro. De lo contrario, me veré obligado a emitir una descarga adicional, lo que puede poner en peligro sus privilegios de publicación y respuesta. No creo que mi publicación mereciera una degradación. ¿Puedes desfragmentarlo? Claro, los errores ocurren. Pero sólo en circunstancias extremadamente raras desharé una degradación. Si desea presentar una apelación, envíeme un mensaje privado explicando en qué me equivoqué. Tiendo a responder a los PM de VLR en varios minutos. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que más del 99,9 % de las apelaciones de downfrag son rechazadas y la suya probablemente no sea una excepción. ¿Cómo puedo evitar que esto suceda en el futuro? Acepta la desventaja y sigue adelante. Pero aprende de este error: tu comportamiento no será tolerado en Continuaré emitiendo downfrag hasta que mejore su conducta. Recuerde: es un privilegio, no un derecho.

posted 3 weeks ago

I just downfragged your post.

What does this mean?
The amount of time for you to reach 4 stars has increased.

Why did you do this?
There are several reasons I may deem a post to be unworthy of my upfrags. These include, but are not limited to:

Rudeness towards other VLR users,

Spreading incorrect scrimbux,

Low quality bait

Am I banned from the VLR?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making posts like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downfrag, which may put your posting and replying privileges in jeopardy.

I don't believe my post deserved a downfrag. Can you un-downfrag it?
Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downfrag. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to VLR PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downfrag appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the downfragand move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on I will continue to issue downfrag until you improve your conduct. Remember: is privilege, not a right.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

He's Brazilian.

posted 3 weeks ago

Pussy. Prerolls hit less and the ones you roll with authentic THC are way stronger

posted 3 weeks ago

You're either baiting 24/7 or just one of the most lowest IQ individuals oat.

posted 3 weeks ago

They don't lmao. Remember when LOCK IN finals happened and everyone was talking about 2nd masters win for either Chron or loud core. They wouldn't have said this if they counted it. Both chron and Saadhak won the regionals.

posted 3 weeks ago
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