Flag: Kazakhstan
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 16, 2024 at 3:48 PM
Posts: 9319
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I've walked across a mountain to discover what the true meaning of life is.

posted 4 days ago

What is Throw city?

posted 4 days ago

No one can comm and everyone plays with a vibrator in them. Sounds fun no? Only using vibrations to comm.

posted 4 days ago

Thanks for sharing with the world amazing songs!

posted 4 days ago

What the fuck are we supposed to talk about then? There's nothing happening.

posted 4 days ago

EG also only had months but yet did way better than them.

posted 4 days ago

For SEN. N4RRATE and Dani are much better options.

posted 4 days ago

Verno was ass anyways.

posted 4 days ago

Nice cock

posted 4 days ago

If it happens I'll do something.

posted 4 days ago

Flag + flair = 🤮

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

This never happened to me in over 2k hours so I think it's a you problem.

posted 4 days ago

I'm nihso! :D

posted 4 days ago

Sorry man

posted 4 days ago

Fuck your case.

posted 4 days ago

Title: hehehehe
User: CanadaMan
Contents: balls. o( ̄▽ ̄)o
Category: Engagement Bait
Rating: 1/8
Very mediocre. Didn't really do much. Honestly very pathetic.

posted 4 days ago

I literally watched a 4hr vid on the evolution and how we got to the monkeys and humans and there was only like a group of monkeys on sum shit. Even if there was like 500 there would be still hella incest

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

Thanks man at least someone knows.

posted 4 days ago

Bro I just said even if there was multiple we would all be related. It's not even about the adam and eve shit either.

posted 4 days ago

SEN dani

posted 4 days ago

I just made a theory and it's crazy. I think we're all brothers/sisters. Like when the first humans were born there had to been only 2 right? Even if there was 4 we would still all be related. Let's just say there was 2 humans in the beginning and like they reproduced but the kids who are they reproducing with? It has to been incest so this means we're all brothers/sisters. If there was 4 humans it would be less incest maybe but we would still all be related.

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

I'm not paying attention to this fraud ass class bruv.

posted 4 days ago

Who's that?

posted 4 days ago

NRG is the team where insane players go to get absorbed fucked over. And when a player leaves their career gets 10x better.

Ethan leaves and becomes world champ
eeiu top 4 Shanghai
tex top 3 champs
Shanks world Champion

And when a player joins
ardiis on KJ
Victor on KJ too
FNS horrible
Crashies decent during 2023 ass 2023
Demon1 500 first engagements
Marved 🍦🔥

Only exception is s0m who actually is good. Wonder if Verno can live up to the expectations or just be another player getting drowned out by NRG.

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

2022 and 2023 he has 0 support as a duelist and if you try to argue you're dumb. As soon as he gets some teammates he starts going crazy. Davai on the other hand as been having great teammates since 2022 but still hasn't won anything. I would honestly not count 2024 good for PRX. Also 2023 LCQ he was SEN best player.

posted 4 days ago

Already woke up

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

Learning the true purpose of life in the Mountains of Kazakhstan.

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

wtf has davai shown? That he can throw 2 Grand Finals while TenZ everytime he reached a gf he wins.

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

but also
Friday the 13th 😵😵😵😵😵😵
Super spooky ooooooooo

posted 4 days ago

TenZ controller/flex

posted 4 days ago

Return of peak is when humanity goes extinct.

posted 4 days ago

Can't watch rn. In class.

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago


SEN wins it all btw. Just a lil spoiler.

posted 4 days ago

There's so many great smokes in NA right now so unless M80 wins he can go to EMEA.

posted 4 days ago

I've never seen a game of Dota in my life. Not even a ra med game of it.

posted 4 days ago

Mr. Yap

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago
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