Flag: Central African Republic
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 12:38 PM
Posts: 9338
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Hypothetical sen roster that will dominate all of existence.

TenZ - smokes/flex
Zekken - duelist
Sacy - info initiator
Zellsis - flex
Johnqt - senti igl
Kaplan - coach
Drewspark - assistant coach

posted 2 months ago

Ur whole life is a bait acc

posted 2 months ago

Dog I don't have 32k posts or 1.3k posts a minute. I only have 1.8k

posted 2 months ago

You gotta be braindead

posted 2 months ago

bc Americas is for Americans to watch?

posted 2 months ago

What are you even saying???

posted 2 months ago

Sooooo does this mean G2 is winning?

posted 2 months ago

Just say you want to see his ass.

posted 2 months ago

Bc fnc haven't auto qualified? Do some math im too lazy to do if for you.

posted 2 months ago

Bro we get it. You hate all of valorant. Just go back to cs

posted 2 months ago

Even Americans education isn't this bad.

posted 2 months ago


Guy has eu in his name and how can't he not be a hater

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Hate is very byad. We need very nice peepole in this worl

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Why so many haters on this site? Haters for me. Haters for sen. Haters for every team and every region. We need to spread positivity around. We need to change the world. One by one we can make a difference. I'll start first. I love NRG, and boaster, and Termi.

Edit: I've changed my mind. FUCK TERMI. RUINED MY PERFECT DRX :(

posted 2 months ago

Brother is fabricating numbers

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Who are you? Are you from here? Where did you come from? I don't understand how you got here. Enlightened me on how you got here. How far away is the planet you come from? Why did you choose to come here? How did you choose to come here? Please. I don't understand why you're here. Go away please. Just go away.

posted 2 months ago

Flag: Sweden
Registered: June 13, 2024
Last post: July 1, 2024 at 1:47 PM
Posts: 85

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Thanks for appreciating Zellsis sir.

posted 2 months ago

Game so shit bruh. Straight ass. Shit from dog ass. Piss. Garbage trash game should've stayed in development forever to never release. Pussy.

posted 2 months ago

Can we just appreciate Zellsis and the work he has done for sen. Before Zellsis the team wasn't coming like crazy on even having no that much fun it seemed and the chem was just so off. Then Zellsis comes in and starts having fun and making everything a good time for everyone. The chem is just perfect. Sacy and Zellsis hyper comming. Everyone having fun. We love Zellsis.

posted 2 months ago

ur dream team wants to be a losing team?

posted 2 months ago

It's not that for me. it's how he thinks about the game nowadays. Like I remember one time I think on Tokyo drx got shit on and he said on an interview that the "post plants" weren't good enough even they couldn't even get on site and play post plant before dying and losing.

Still that map veto vs EG was prob the most troll map veto of all time

posted 2 months ago

Can we move Shanks to Ultra Mega King Super Star Please?

posted 2 months ago

Nah bang is not it fam bc he too inconsistent to be on the team. Marved would be better and I doubt C9 would let go of oxy also demon1 is on the market so they have him. Everything else I like

posted 2 months ago

Get a plunger and unclog urself

posted 2 months ago

I mean we have glow and argency maybe they can get a shot at head coach. Really like valanalysis so he would be good for drx.

posted 2 months ago

Nice one bro. When you hit immortal in a couple days with it make sure to thank me.

posted 2 months ago

that goes for basically every team. if they team is bad they will be bad and the other team will capitalize on it.

posted 2 months ago

I agree with this. Maybe -termi too.

posted 2 months ago

Artisan zero is a very solid choice as I'm using it has made me improve aim wise significantly. Will be pushing tier 1 pro with it. I would recommend

posted 2 months ago

less fans than eg is crazy. truly a disappointment to NA

posted 2 months ago

Maybe the problem relies in the coach?

posted 2 months ago

potter goes with him 100% like cocktor and crashits. Jaw potter duo go crazy

posted 2 months ago

Also can we get rid of NRG flairs pls. Pretty annoying seeing them around with the delulu virus

posted 2 months ago

tenz didn't play last year bc "my fingie hurt" fuckin dweeb

posted 2 months ago

ain't no hate only one hating is speed on messi

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

wake up ur just shit (jdg too)

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

ur team is only good when FNS is playing. When he gets sent back into retirement again they will be complete shit.

posted 2 months ago

This shit seems broken asf tbh. Like a sage on crack but with info. Maybe stop making agents and try making maps?

posted 2 months ago

like u no?

posted 2 months ago

I'm the best player itw. Better than demon1 yay tenz t3xture combined. They can't match my freak. I need to swing. I need to hold. I need to ace. I need to clutch. I will ace. I will hold. I will clutch. I WILL BECOME VALORANT WORLD CHAMPION OF 2026!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

I don't understand what is spreading. Care to explain?


posted 2 months ago

and getting one tapped over and over untill u cry and cry and cry and start begging for mercy for the man that shit on ur team

posted 2 months ago
1 •• 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 •• 182