Flag: Namibia
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 21, 2024 at 12:19 AM
Posts: 9358
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how are you plat? you like sentinels

posted 1 month ago

bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you. bro nexusnomad shut the fuck up bro. no one cares about you.

posted 1 month ago

m80 2-0

posted 1 month ago

Unfortunately they are going against Sentinels. Their kryptonite.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Yeah, 100% knowing Liquid and ScreaM relations

posted 1 month ago

Isn't trembo like 6'7 ripped asf and rich? Just quite unfortunate that he is so deluded into thinking mwzera is the best

posted 1 month ago

Where he will inevitably drop and astounding 2-16 vs dsg?

posted 1 month ago

And they won't ever be one bc they won't win Ascension.

posted 1 month ago

16 teams and yet JFT isn't one of them. Quite saddening isn't it?

posted 1 month ago

I guarantee you if you go to any pro stream at a lan and ask them if they prac or stage PCs are bad they will say yes. Mindfreak once said it in stream during madrid pretty sure.

posted 1 month ago

they just so retarded bro. some pros always say the pcs are ass but people still think since tenz is always saying it he makes excuses but they don't see others saying it. the fact that tenz could buy all the pcs needed but riot won't us mind boggling.

posted 1 month ago

How is every lan just complete shit pcs??? champions should always have the best pcs bc you promote it so much. use some of the champ bundle money and buy some actual PCs for lans. Every pro that goes to these lans and experience these fps issues should be more vocal about it. Shameless

TenZ can also go band4band with riot

posted 1 month ago

she would feel nothing as she doesnt speak english

posted 1 month ago

do you guys think yay is packin?

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

thanatos11 conspiracy theory

he is braindead

posted 1 month ago

step 1: take off the flair
step 2: log off vlr
step 3: play valorant
step 4: get pro

posted 1 month ago

schedule for what?

posted 1 month ago

idk bruh just listen to ur mom or sumshit

posted 1 month ago

get help ASAP

posted 1 month ago

get help ASAP

posted 1 month ago

zombs not live

posted 1 month ago

bro say a random indian and said its prob chet

posted 1 month ago

sen 2023 werent that bad. they beat mibr 100T kru and furia. went 3 maps with loud.

posted 1 month ago

how tf did u find this so fast?

posted 1 month ago

he pulls many bitches.

posted 1 month ago

so maybe get good and then see how ranked is?

posted 1 month ago

the fact that he replied to psion is cwazy

posted 1 month ago

maybe ur just bad

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

0.99 kd ratio?
wait i just realized he edited himself going 26-10.
the game was just a team diff wasnt him doing bad everyone did bad

posted 1 month ago

nivera isnt coming back bruh
scream is going to TL
magnum is quite shit imo

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

why isnt tenz here?

posted 1 month ago

i thought this list would be for vlr users and not players

posted 1 month ago

ur forgetting everyone had to bait aspas for the kills.

posted 1 month ago

nrg drop crashits and pick up sinatraa and verno

posted 1 month ago

delete the game

posted 1 month ago

i wonder how many scrims 2022 sen during split 1 ran. mustve been like 20 max

posted 1 month ago

Most likely sentinels

posted 1 month ago

this is so fake. we all know 2021 and 2022 sen didnt scrim. #ZOMBSNATION

posted 1 month ago

not 100% sure just when i was bronze and hardstuck i quit ranked for a bit and played unrated for fun and got better and after like 3 months i went back and i was in silver/gold elo

posted 1 month ago

look at how many trophies they have this year

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

i cant understand it unfortunetly

posted 1 month ago
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