Flag: Namibia
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 21, 2024 at 12:19 AM
Posts: 9358
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So when sentinels say they sick people say excuses but when Derek says he's sick he goes scotch free? Cool

posted 1 month ago

Maybe try fixing ur coach and ur role issues before talking about our reasons. Your whole team is an issue especially this s0m kid. Lurks are horrible with his aim carrying him. You can tell his util is bad from the fact he couldn't close out a 12-5 lead bc he couldn't support Victor and don't get me started on crashies. Guy can't do shit this year and with pioolchan going 1-59 every map how are you guys even gonna win? sorry just ignore me

posted 1 month ago

It was close during the first half of the first half on haven. Coming down to the wire each round. But after it seemed like geng just got a foot hold on sen and abused them. Ascent defense was a disaster bc they just ran them down with splits every round and raw dogging us in the ass hella hard until we almost got pregnant. Ascent attack was alright but it was over with the lead they had and ascent defense is op.

posted 1 month ago

Those "sen fans" obviously don't watch valorant. They come here just to look at stats and troll around. They didn't burn out. They said themselves they didn't burn out. Burn out never has happened in the history of val. Even for optic they didn't burn out. Stop falling into the inescapable trap set by these aliens from a different galactic planet sent here to sabotage humanity beginning with us. Don't feed in.

posted 1 month ago

Maybe s0m was burnt out from ranked so he threw 12-5 lead to not qualify to playoffs and not make champs like the dogshit ass crack player he is. Maybe he needs to stream less and ranked less to not burn out cuz clearly he did not know what he was doing during the 12-5.

posted 1 month ago

90 out of the map and go back to chapter 1 season 1 2017

posted 1 month ago

How can you jinx if you don't like them?

posted 1 month ago

FPX will soon also be a finished team.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

The Unknown

posted 1 month ago

Your starting to realize how little they have and how little you have with them. Soon you will come to your consensus and realize how deluded you were.

posted 1 month ago

Your losing hope in fpx. You want them to win but you can't accept that they won't. You don't believe they will win champs and you keep going a downward spiral.

posted 1 month ago

ur starting to lose hope in fpx and in urself

posted 1 month ago

nice backtracking

posted 1 month ago

not enough mwzera

posted 1 month ago

so close to 5k we can do it!

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

But how so? A nobody doesn't not have anything. A somebody has something. How can it be possible.

Miniboo and boo was an observation I made from their parents and genius like nature.

posted 1 month ago

than0s clears all 8

posted 1 month ago

He wasn't bitter from the trash talk. He was mad that he lost 0-4 to an unknown team to him.

posted 1 month ago

How can a somebody tell a nobody? If its without heart it can't be real. You have lied.

posted 1 month ago

b0gha clears all 6

posted 1 month ago

We will never know unless pioolchan comes forth and faces his fear of answering if he's ok.

posted 1 month ago

How will we ever know? He streamed after champs and seemed ok. This question can no longer be unanswered.

posted 1 month ago

Are you pretending to be manic?

posted 1 month ago

The question in question is when Knight screamed across the stage saying "FNS are you ok?" in Valorant Champions 2023 in the opening match of Group C. This question to this day has not been answered by FNS. Consistently FNS has dodged it and talks about the disaster that was BLG vs NRG.

FNS come forth and face your fears and answer once and for all.

Are you ok?

posted 1 month ago

michael jordan knocking out shaq is a shout too ngl

posted 1 month ago

a script is the manifestation of a simulation

posted 1 month ago

when do we give up the -200 iq and go 200iq

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

why do soulki talk so fast and is in a rush?

posted 1 month ago

so sad its the 2nd match and not the first bc ima be sleep for all the 2nd matches

posted 1 month ago

and then fpx is gonna shit on by riens and benjyfishy again keke

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

so basically you quit being a pot pvper to become a builder

posted 1 month ago

no ive been like this no?

posted 1 month ago

no i was looking through a window from far away observing as i saw their future like the shadow man

posted 1 month ago

what? what does tsmc being here with me being retarded? how am i retarded though?

posted 1 month ago

Were you guys there when benjyfishy was an upcoming star in fortnite and qualed to world cup?
Were you guys there when riens was an upcoming turkish talent in t2?
Were you guys there when miniboo and boo became brothers?
Im the real og fan.
Bow Down To Me

posted 1 month ago

it was first game for both the squads on lan. you acting like team heretics didnt just go to shanghai grand final so obviously they had the skill to beat us but didnt

posted 1 month ago

bro said lucky. it was all skill lil pig

posted 1 month ago

Yeah true tbh

posted 1 month ago

Spectre Divide is an interesting concept on the tac fps genre. Being able to control 2 characters is a mechanic that it seems is probably gonna be insanely hard to master but also fun. I can just imagine the plays people are gonna be able to do. Thoughts on it?

posted 1 month ago

Ah I see. Next time mind reading it? It might help you out.

posted 1 month ago

I put a trigger warning for you man 🥲

posted 1 month ago


I think the world has devolved into a simulation like society with the same things happening every day over and over with people not changing anything. Breaking the simulation is possible but also requires a lot of teamwork which people are gonna be able to do like defaulting in valorant ranked. It's simply not possible. The only solution is to escape the simulation by your own means whether that means going to a remote location all by your self or with 2 max other people (can't have more than 3 people with you because then sabotagers will be there) and the start working to the perfect life of having fun. This is the solution to escaping everything.
Another possibility is interplanetary space travel which requires a lot more thinking and more time but can pay off with escaping society and it's simulation world. Once you get off this hell esque planet you will then need to figure out which planet you would want to live at. This can be an easy choice as people would naturally lean towards an Earth like planet but it's not that simple. If you wanna leave everything behind you can't just go back to another Earth because then the simulation is back. You have to go to a whole different place. I would suggest Neptune as it seems nice with it being cold and windy (favorite weather) with some rain here and there. Another suggestion would be Saturn as it is a vastly different world compared to Earth. Once you have decided on a different planet you would then start the travel there. This is also a part of the plan to working towards the your perfected personalized life. You need your space craft to be big and spacious kinda like the Axiom ship from Wall-E but can be smaller as that ship would be too big and considered to me as a continent which a continent to one man is bit much. This space craft would then provide the necessary life equipment for travel while providing entertainment. After some time has past (not sure how long as it depends how fast your ship is going) you will eventually land on your desired planet you would want to live in. We are going with Neptune as that's my personal pick but I might also choose J1407b.
Neptune is easy to setup as you don't have to do much as Neptune is already prepared for you. All you have to do is take the resources from your space craft and design a base. A nice base would be a something you would make from Subnautica as that's an pretty easy low effort minimal maintenance type base. Eventually you can add adjustments or even completely make a while new base.
After the base is completed working towards a "real" life is simple really. Making sure you have something to start life you can work towards having you civilization come to life and have it to your liking. You may think this is another simulation but I will quickly explain why it's different to Earth. The life you create has its own conscious and chooses what to do and you cannot control it like here in Earth. The life can choose whether it wants to be on Neptune or leave and make another life like what you have done. Being on Neptune is the ideal scenario here as you will have made Neptune a world of infinite possibilities. The life deciding to live on Neptune will then also create their perfect life while aiding yours. They will not work for it instead they shall be granted it from the resources harvested on Neptune.

I have explained how to escape reality and traverse the bounds of life with living on remote land or using the means of interplanetary space travel. If you read this far and I doubt anyone has fuck you sentinels is winning champions and riens is the goat.

Sincerely, Stormm

posted 1 month ago

discrediting their masters win by saying "barely scaped by" is delusional and you know it. you can say they fell off but back then they were on.

posted 1 month ago
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