Flag: Central African Republic
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 10:22 AM
Posts: 9326
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Pearl: Most likely as it's a big map and she was meta before the buff.

Abyss: Another big map and I think her util is easier to get value with on this map. I find her in ranked quite easy to play. I just stun + suck when I hear or see Jett dash out and then suck and stun and peek and kill or tell my team to peek and kill. Getting onto site I would stun + sometimes suck the box and the other sides.

Ascent: Her + Sova finna go crazy. Also don't think one was that good on Ascent imo. I think this map Astra gets more value usually than an omen blind

Haven: This map is definitely gonna be a 50/50 pick. Omen is very good on this map but maybe some teams will opt for Astra instead.

Split: Another 50/50 map. I really like Omen on split as it provides great aggressiveness and his blind is really good but Astra can also be pretty good for some teams.

Rest of the maps I think Viper/Omen just clear.
Icebox = Viper
Sunset = Omen
Bind = Brim + Viper

I think Astra depends more on the playstyle of the team.
Teams like FNC like to play slow and gain map control with minimal util to make crazy execs with Astra is better at.

Teams like SEN love fast map control and love to hold it which Omen is better at doing but less strong execs.

posted 1 week ago

Only Top 4s were good. Rest of Champs imo was the worst one in terms of production.

posted 1 week ago

I mean surely this year the year they decide to spend some money.

posted 1 week ago

Dude I was right kinda. rgl was on MIBR and kalil was on FUR. I thought both were on mibr tho.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

The first year MIBR spends money and they get
Sacy (if he leaves SEN)
I forgot their controllers name but ik he's good (rgl or kalil one of those 2 is their controllers i think)

Same could go with FUR but less likely since they weren't too bad during Stage 2.

posted 1 week ago

Some people know me

posted 1 week ago

allat + you're not trembo

posted 1 week ago

brazilians really don't like their teams lmao

posted 1 week ago

Idk why everyone thought they were the shit. Got shit on by YFP and M80.

posted 1 week ago

If they make champs the other Ascension team goes back to T2 and Ascension winner goes to T1.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

They would've lost to NV.

posted 1 week ago

Hi mid I'm mid!

posted 1 week ago

??? Champs production was complete shit. The worst one of all. Just cuz I like SEN doesn't mean I like champs. I don't even remember Madrid production either. Think it was mid and it's forgetful.

posted 1 week ago

in terms of production. Ascension shit. Champs shit. Most events were shit. This year riot has stepped down from 2023 and 2022.

posted 1 week ago

B1sk is the GOAT.

Idk who kyria is.

posted 1 week ago

Both are shit.

posted 1 week ago

I don't like that title.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Brazil is shit.

posted 1 week ago

who da hell is kyria?

posted 1 week ago

But if they can't sell the spot then what's the point of even buying an academy team?

posted 1 week ago

It's what I'm saying. I'm mad embarrassed for rocking this shit. If there was a VLR locker I would get shoved in that bitch

posted 1 week ago

This makes sense actually wtf.

Astronomically insanely rare W Aayan take

posted 1 week ago

Losing 5 rounds to g0ll0rys. Embarrassing ass performance and team. Very fucking bad team. Robbed MxS and OXG of a spot.

posted 1 week ago

TenZ would still own him.

posted 1 week ago

He was not sens back up plan tf

posted 1 week ago

Derrekow LCQ performance >

posted 1 week ago

Haven she's good? Better than Omen? I think her util is harder to get value with than other maps but when you do get value it goes crazy. Omen on the other hand you get value basically no matter what.

posted 1 week ago

Not even that. She's gonna have 3 maps she's good on
Abyss, Pearl, Ascent with split and haven with omen being better but her still being viable.

posted 1 week ago

Imagine NRG pick him up this time. This only happens if Verno goes to SEN though.

Unrelated but is the area the same as when it first got buffed back at the start of 2022? Same patch where they ended Astra meta.

posted 1 week ago

wtf is that?

posted 1 week ago

FUR or MIBR Sacy (if he leaves SEN) and aspas?

FUR will have to either drop nzr or move him to another role tho

posted 1 week ago

FPX living the dream

posted 1 week ago

Real nice when pearl comes back.

posted 1 week ago

Mediocre. MxS clears if they weren't lagging.

posted 1 week ago

Thankfully you're not one of the people in charge of rosters.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Look at your flairs last 2 games.

posted 1 week ago

Honestly not that bad. Much more flexible than y0y.

posted 1 week ago

AND NUT1BLE 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

posted 1 week ago

Sorry I'll turn it off.

posted 1 week ago

Exactly why NA is winning this for free.

posted 1 week ago

That's a failure on the coaching staff for building a dogshit team 🀣

posted 1 week ago

You would've put your signature like this

Sincerely, KIRYA INC

posted 1 week ago

Playing in LATAM makes you seem good against these teams.

posted 1 week ago

Zander would be a good fit for this team.

posted 1 week ago
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