Flag: Indonesia
Registered: February 13, 2023
Last post: May 18, 2023 at 2:22 AM
Posts: 670
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No Now war has begun sir

posted about a year ago

10 people outside Aus and China watching

posted about a year ago

Moto GP solos this car fraud

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bronze in heartstone as well

posted about a year ago

I dont understand why does not he demands for a proper coach. Lets be honest, doctor is barely a coach he literally played for enigma a week before his joining to OG as coach. How can a pro player(not so big level) be better than an actual coach who devoted full time to this (even Indian like vandelak,godspeed,hbk and hacker). If they were going on International Coach why not get someone far better as Coach does not necessarily travel to lans.
As for yb, he was simply no better, Man barely coached or played EU to bring some real EU exp in Valo he was mere foreigner with Indian coaching knowledge. Even coaches like blu,godspeed and hbk had coached multiple teams in NA/Aus/eu and mena .
Og relies heavily on individual brilliance and Rawfiul is still the same level as of scs with same sort of plays that are getting heavy exposed.It was evident why prime xerxia wanted godspeed and talon&ts wanted him as assis coach

Og will lose against gods and vlt for sure
Will also lose to RGE if Mast3r does prove out to be good.
Gods and VLT is a possible final and all because of lack of proper Coach

posted about a year ago

But you said now! That means no enerii bro. In future anything can be there. But enerii is not joining RRQ and smg are Real good they will achieve same results which rrq would with eneri

posted about a year ago

How RRQ kaguya? SMG gc just 13-2 them, Indian Org Orangutan defeated them to qualify for recent finals. Put SMG gc there

posted about a year ago

Thing is KC actually played well vs BBL. Some of their rounds especially the Split last round where the util timings were great. They will give these types of rounds and then they will throw another round hard. But their main prob is

Econ management: Seriously if these guys wanna save in pistols then why not buy stingers or specters why tf would you buy Sheriffs. And in the end what happens the next round they buy Vandals and Phantoms but they won't have utils for example Scream not having flashes or mollies in 1 round and Nivera no shield no nanos no alarmbot OPing(Although they win the round)

No adaptaptability I think that's self explanatory.

Icebox comp: Gekko seemed ok good there but instead of Kay/o any other recon initiator like Sova or someone of a Skye can help as these 2 agents provide quite a lot of info and help in clearing more than Kay/O would. That comp is kinda troll imo.

Idk about other reasons you can share it too it would be a good discussion

posted about a year ago

Ok sir

posted about a year ago

I am trying to have some viewers into the match :(

posted about a year ago

It is good sir

posted about a year ago

Not reading all this Tenz is a bot

posted about a year ago

Italy owns you

posted about a year ago

Stop watching Sen vs 100T everyone knows 100T 2-0
Watch the real deal instead

Lul people took it serious

posted about a year ago

I dislike igling too one dimensional and his inability to read opponents in international makes me question him. Eg EG vs rrq, EG vs multiple Indian teams in finals and semis, EG vs Mith and celebrus

posted about a year ago

Toh bhai lilboi goblin attacker ka young player hi toh hai

posted about a year ago

All Indian team beats these frauds

Forsaken (primary hac-)
Xhade (secondary hac-)

posted about a year ago

He was in paper rex bro he and huntrr were Talents made to compete with tier 1 Asia, sadly forsaken fuckery putt dm into depression and lack of system killed huntrr

posted about a year ago

2 imports saar

posted about a year ago

Kick Hikka fr Man is a pure bot
Get a better flex even Ghost is better than hikka
Rexy IGLing is L kick him too
Get -
Lilboi to learn flex ( very young and talented i personally think that guy is not made for duelists so better he learns a good role)
Buyout Psy for Igling+ sova as he is warming bench at gods reign

posted about a year ago

English casters? Whats wrong with saying respect as they made it close after haven disaster ?

posted about a year ago

Mechanically Yes, but another Indian with 0 brain

posted about a year ago

Pc gaming watching so low

posted about a year ago

L Rrq will expose them

posted about a year ago

Did i pretend well ?xd

posted about a year ago

? 6th man rotation lineup Ms. Hana lightning fast is benched, T1 also subbing intro. Ge same plans πŸ’ͺ

posted about a year ago

Sample size too small

posted about a year ago

Ms.Hana 5th is DFM prx 6th ts talon and zera 7th 8th and 9th. This is based on number of Koreans on roster Ms Hana

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Except buzz, all frauds needs to perform international to be titled best

posted about a year ago

More the koreans the better 😊 1.Drx 2.GENG 3.GENG 4GE

posted about a year ago

Saving strats if they loose against ge and zeta they done bro

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Hellranger watchparty
Rossi and golu both still in India
Even if they fly today it will be too hectic

posted about a year ago

Bruh xeta doesn't hi5 five with Crws why he so arrogant like discord mod or vlr user

posted about a year ago

From Recent Games

Winner- Drx
S - T1 Geng
B Talon GE Zeta

posted about a year ago

Very funny laugh laugh laugh🀑

posted about a year ago

Mwzera respect from India

posted about a year ago

Wtf is wrong with indo? Literally having best talents of Indo still made this fraud lineup

Lmemore/ some non chamber abuser
Tehobotl (controller)

posted about a year ago

He just does enough to get a team to pay him, easy life no stress

posted about a year ago

Defence is their giga weakness

posted about a year ago

Imagine watching that shit

posted about a year ago

Ok so other example - now clown 9 will go gutter because of players, is the coach fraud ?
Ewok is not a fraud

posted about a year ago

Lulz coach is not a fraud, now bazooka is coaching mibr and if they lose almost all games is bazooka fraud ?

posted about a year ago

Can you belive that same zeta defeated same drx

posted about a year ago

Teri ma ki chut ok?

posted about a year ago

He never left hope at the region but the team, Sometimes changes are necessary

posted about a year ago
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