Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 14, 2021
Last post: December 15, 2024 at 7:50 PM
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Pedem tanta igualdade entre cenários. Mas mano, homem é homem, mulher é mulher, tem coisas que mulheres fazem que homens não fazem, e tem o inverso também. Acho meio paia elas jogarem contra homens, se pareceu machista, foda-se, mas acho que se pegar a TL feminina com um time do mesmo nível masculino, mesmo os caras não tendo talvez a noção de jogo delas, eles ganhariam por algum motivo, talvez biótipo, talvez pensamento, sei lá. É uma coisa a ser pensada... gosto demais das meninas, mas elas não iriam mais pra frente contra times masculinos fortes, porque é outra mecânica de jogo, saca? Deveria ter uma liga separada. Não sei explicar.

posted about 2 years ago

Sacy top 1 for sure, not even trolling. I think he is better then chronicle and crashies... Less is amazing, i played with him sometimes in ranked and he is so smart and calm... but cant compare with Saad, cause Saad has waaay more experience, and is one of the bests. Pancada is great aswell. In papper, looks awesome, but we need to se as a team.

posted about 3 years ago

yeah, and my mother is virgin.

posted about 3 years ago

Já. Na época que ele fazia jett. Mas dai é foda ser igl e entry né kkk.

posted about 3 years ago

Mw (Trader - Flex)
Heat (Entry - Jett?) ***but he need to stop beeing stubborn and not play only Jett.
Sutecas (Support - Any smoke, plus he can play sentinel aswell)
Less (Support - Sentinel) So much potential, idk if he will be great in lan, but i was able to play with him in rankeds, he is so smart, calm, young, and he always think on the team first.


posted about 3 years ago

well, i was right.

posted about 3 years ago

não sei oque é pior, discutir isso ainda, ou dois brasileiros tretar em inglês kkkkkkkk.

posted about 3 years ago

as i said in another post, gambit the only champion thing they have is the lucky haha, they should lost for vks, and secret. But they managed aswell to recompose, thats super impressive tbh. I think that KRU is favorite cause they are playing better then Gambit right now, BUT, Gambit is a better team, who makes more teamplays... will be a close match i guess. Or two crazy maps by some squad owning.

posted about 3 years ago

yeah, could be

posted about 3 years ago

To me and why about some teams.
1) Liquid, bcause they are really solid and they are so constant.
2) KRU, cause they fight like hell and never give up, and they have so much passion about the game
3) Acend, little bit inconsistent, but they have amazing fire power and teamplays.
4) Gambit, idk why u guys put gambit at 2, cause i saw they matches against secret, viking and they just won by a miracle. A lot of nervous and noting creative since Masters. But they are good as hell ofc
5) Fnatic
6) x10
8)Vivo Keyd - That trouble against acend, really mess with them, and they should win in my ideia against acend, they played so much better in general.
9)Secret - Great firepower and sinerge.
10) any n/a team.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

yeah. we dont like ppl saying bad about us... and no one is trash for brazilians, just weakers... if someone say that brazilian region is weaker, we can agreed, but if u say that u suck... them ppl will be mad, u know?

posted about 3 years ago

depends bro, u can argu, but we are a ppl like a family u know? we can say bad about ourselvs, but we hate ppl saying... and when brazillians get angry, they always pass the education point... so, i agreed with u. I have friends in norway and they say that norway is a country with ppl very cold, that dont get much in act, like we do... so, that difference could be why u have troubles with some brazilians. But yeah, we can be pretty dark sometimes

posted about 3 years ago

depends bro, u can argu, but we are a ppl like a family u know? we can say bad about ourselvs, but we hate ppl saying... and when brazillians get angry, they always pass the education point... so, i agreed with u. I have friends in norway and they say that norway is a country with ppl very cold, that dont get much in act, like we do... so, that difference could be why u have troubles with some brazilians. But yeah, we can be pretty dark sometimes

posted about 3 years ago

yeah. i agreed

posted about 3 years ago

could be, but delusional ppl have in every place. I will not be toxic, but ppl can understand your comment in a wrond idea...

posted about 3 years ago

dont generalize

posted about 3 years ago

Why do you guys hate BR or brazilians? I know that right now have a tension in the air, bcause of everything... but apart of that, WHY? We have kind ppl, beautiful places, problably the most rich earth in the entire world, beautiful girls, awesome athletes. best players of all time in different sports... i really dont understand, cause im a nice guy, i try help ppl, i prefere donate my own and stay with nothing just for make someone happy... but then i open twitter and i see americans saying they would never step here, that we are the scum, that there is only thieves and robbery and that we are a third world country and etc... it really hurts me because people tend to channel hate and generalize everything. Obviously there are robberies and bandits, but this is more in states like sp or rio, you don't know Santa Catarina, Manaus, Sergipe, regions outside the rio-sp axis... and obviously rio and sp are wonderful cities, but pllease, I ask you not to be like that... try to understand us and how much u suffer and try to do everything with a smile on our faces. Cheers and have a great december.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Choke? this dude won 7 lan in a row. hahaha, he played in ZULA international aswell, he will not choke. The only thing that can make he nervous is himself, if he dont start well in pistol round or firsts rounds... But im excited tho. Lets see...

posted about 3 years ago

Why u guys mess so much with GTN? hahaha he is a very good player, but that Yoru pick screwed him internacionaly. And to be fair that was a serious mistake. Eveen them realised that later.

posted about 3 years ago

Petroleum engineer and soccer player. But soccer dont pay me well =/

posted about 3 years ago

bronzil your ass. But to be honest, we are playing like bots in international tournments, jeeez. WHERE ARE WE. Hope furia, vk and vks can raise we again.

posted about 3 years ago

mano, nas ranked ele pegou mvp na maioria das partidas, oq tu ta falando? ta certo q nos camps ele não tá jogando bem, tbm fico com um pé atrás, mas ele evoluiu, é notório

posted about 3 years ago

my granma

posted about 3 years ago

skins really can boost? interesting...

posted about 3 years ago

my english is not good bro, so i dont understood, sorry

posted about 3 years ago

gtn? are u crazy? not at all. Smooth aimers in Br are Sutecas/ Mazin / Murizz... but the best aimers are Mw, Jonn, Heat, Gaabx from sharks. And thats the only true.

posted about 3 years ago

But the thing is Furiku, they dont play as duelists, Khalil play as sentinel, and Mazin as controller. So, imagine the level they have. U did a nice job m8. Happy for u!!!

posted about 3 years ago trust me, is not that obvious like u guys think it is.

posted about 3 years ago

Fortunate Son (Creedence)
PUBG M/ Tibia
6h a day.

posted about 3 years ago

u mean, a good player that dont have a good team? Russ from Tenstar... But i dont like that, cause if youre in a team, you need to trust in your teammates, but i feel like he is higher than his teammates are right now.

posted about 3 years ago

oooh, now its clear. Thank you bro

posted about 3 years ago

Bro, can someone explain to me, why they benched Drone??? that guy is sick, especially with Phoenix... however, maybe TSM should look for another regions, idk, maybe Europeans, brittish players like Russ from Tenstar... But theres players with contract that could be option, like Nature, Aproto, Critical trial in Pioneers. Idk...

posted about 3 years ago

Yay, Shahz, Cned, Leaf, Heat. TenZ. not in order...

posted about 3 years ago

Just for remind u guys that TenZ told SACY, from Vikings the best player he ever played against, and he told good about Scream too. So... that counts i guess.

posted about 3 years ago

Since im the only brazilian here and im reasonable, let me explain. Brazil is known as e-sports center, a lot of talents in here like the gentleman sayd here above. But we are not performing, sometimes the teams are braindeads, and ofc right now we are overhyped, we should not have those spots. Maybe Corea one more spot, or NA/EU. I can tell u guys that some players in here have mechanis that none of u guys could saw yet, but dsnt matter cause we are playing like bots, FOR REAL. And i hate when ppl say "bronzil", is disrespectfull, im not toxic and stupid to say bad about Arab region, or whatever. We still need to prove ourselvs, cause right now is not fair with other regions. but anyways... riot beeing riot.

posted about 3 years ago

yes, ofc, put the blame only in one player, THATS REALLY FAIR. I guess u is just the tipe of guy who looks for kills in leaderboards and dont understand the context.

posted about 3 years ago

dont listen to the german friend here. MW won 7 lan tourments, Gamelanders was before masters probably the best team, but they didnt qualify. MW is maybe in not his best shape, but he has a godlike aim and moves aswell. We need to see what can happen, but Keyd lineup is so strong right now... Only problem can be mindset, bcause us brazilians we are not that good at this like americans or europeans. We need trust in our skills for hype ourselvs, u know.... But im excited, ngl.

posted about 3 years ago

porra man, fudeu kkkkkkk

posted about 3 years ago

Heat (Sick)

Scream can do it all, Heat is young, talented and fresh, Sick is to me one of the best players in the world, EASILy. Nats is the lurker king, Avova can win clutches and he is so smart with smokes and controlelrs in general, and Crashies is probably the best sova in the world. I know i put 06 players, but i couldnt let anyone out =/

posted about 3 years ago

I just cant understand how ppl can put FURIA qualified... theyre are playing like kids, same setups and same mentality since 1 year ago. Maybe u guys are fanboys, and believers, but anyway...

Não consigo entender como podem por a FURIA classificada... eles tão jogando igual crianças e com os mesmos setups e mentalidade à mais de 1 ano.
Talvez vocês sejam fãs deles, mas enfim.

posted about 3 years ago

SHK 2x0. Furia parece que não evoluiu nada dentro do game, mesmos setups e etc, muita marra pra xingar os oponentes e pouco foco pra dar bala dentro do lobby. Sharks é uma equipe que evoluiu muito e tem muita teamplay. Ansioso dmais. Mas tudo pode acontecer nessa md3

posted about 3 years ago

The comeback from G2, or the expected Sentinels victory? U guys thoughts!!!

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

they are not worse, they have a different aproache, HL is much more a team who plays for retake, they did some bad decisions against 100T, but if they didnt, probably they could win from 100T, if they fix that, definitly CrazyR dont have much chances

posted about 3 years ago

Bro, why ppl want create arguments of hate? whats the purpose? We know that NA is probably the best server and EU have different teams and different valorant aproaches, wich make them unpredictable... but u cant say that one is better then the other, and u cannot say that BR are trash or SEA, or KR just bcause u are from other region or want to be stupid. Please, respect all the regions, u can have your opinion, but we will see that just in the end. To me personaly i think VS is the team who will win, but im not saying that they will clap every region, bcause that is disrespectfull and hunt ppls pride. So, please, just shut up and root for the team u want. Hope u have a brain and dont start beeing stupid down below. <3 Cheers from BR

posted about 3 years ago

damn, that was hurtfull, but argentina was not wining any title since 1980 i guess, something like that. but anyway, it happens

posted about 3 years ago

we call it futebol, or football, but for ppl outside BR ppl say soccer, thats why i told.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago
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